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A powerful love spell

A step by step guide

By The Nordic WitchPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Materials & Ingredients needed:

- Red spell candle.

- Knife.

- Cauldron (or other fire safe container).

- Rose Quartz.

- Red string.

- Red rose petals.

- Rose Incense.

- Piece of paper, (preferably red).

- Rosemary essential oil.

Time to perform the spell:

- Friday, the day of Venus and Freya.

- Strongest around Litha.

Colour for this spell:


Deities for this spell

- Freya, Daughter of Njord, sister of Freyr.


"In the name of Freya, daughter of Njord, Goddess of love, I am binding the love of my dreams to me. I shall live with [Name] in love, understanding and peace. I give my gratitude to the gods for lending me their strength and our love shall be forever true.

These are my words, So it is, so it is happening, so mote it be”


Step 1.

Cast your circle. See my circle casting tutorial if you are unsure how to do it.

Step 2.

Now is the time to light the Rose incense.

Proceed to carve the name of your love into the candle using your knife. Picture the two of you happily together as you do this.

Rub Rosemary oil on the candle, place it in its holder and light it. Let it burn out as you continue on with the spell.

Step 3.

Stand in the centre of your circle with your eyes closed. Visualise your intentions and desired outcome whilst focusing on your breathing until you feel centred and present in the moment.

Channel the feelings you would feel after a successful outcome of your magic.

You need to hold the string in your hands during the visualisation and in the end, tie one knot in the middle of it.

Kiss the string once it’s charged with your intentions and you feel ready to proceed.

Once you feel ready and present, place the string in in the cauldron.

Step 4.

Take the Rose Quartz in your left hand, place the rose petals on top and cup your right hand over it.

Whisper their name into your hands as many times as there are letters in your first name. This charges the quartz with your love and magic.

Place the quartz and the petals in the cauldron.

Step 5.

Write both your first names (starting with your name) on your piece of paper using black ink. You don’t have to use red paper but the more red you incorporate into your ritual the better. I recommend red paper.

Kiss it, fold it twice and place it in the cauldron with the other ingredients.

Step 6.

Light the contents of the cauldron on fire and clearly speak the following incantation:

"In the name of Freya, daughter of Njord, Goddess of love, I am binding the love of my dreams to me. I shall live with [Name] in love, understanding and peace. I give my gratitude to the gods for lending me their strength and our love shall be forever true.

These are my words, So it is, so it is happening, so mote it be”

Step 7.

End your ritual by releasing your circle and giving thanks to the elements, your deities and Mother Earth.

Final step. After the ritual.

Bury the remains left in the cauldron after the ritual somewhere outside but keep the Quartz and leave it in your pocket until the next time you meet your love. You can then either keep it on you until you have your love, bury it or give it for him to keep. This will have the strongest magical effect.

Know in your heart that the magic will do it’s work. Now watch your magic unfold.

This spell is created by The Nordic Witch. For more inspiration and guidance, find me on Instagram @the_nordic_witch

Love. Light. Blessings.


About the Creator

The Nordic Witch

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