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9 Types Of Tea That Can Help You Lose Weight

Drink tea and lose weight.

By Ryan MillerPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
9 Types Of Tea That Can Help You Lose Weight
Photo by Drew Jemmett on Unsplash

If you want to burn fat but do not have the needed time for a diet and sport, you could at least try to boost your metabolism with tea. While tea makes people relax, it also has a positive effect on metabolism. In this article, I will provide you with a list of 4 types of tea that help you lose weight.

Green tea is the enemy of the abdominal fat

Before physical training, you can help "melt" fat by sipping a cup of green tea. A recent three-month study suggests that participants who consumed daily between three and five cups of tea and have done about half an hour of intense exercise have shed daily to one kilogram. The effect was due to green tea compounds, catechins, which act especially on abdominal fat. Catechins increase the ability of the liver to turn fat into energy.

Oolong tea accelerates metabolism

The name of this tea comes from Chinese, the "black dragon," and has a light, floral taste. Like green tea, oolong has catechins, substances that promote metabolic activity, especially when it comes to fat metabolism. Research has revealed that only with this tea, without having a strict diet and following a well-established exercise program, you can reduce your body weight by about six pounds in six weeks.

Mint tea cuts appetite

Pour a cup of mint tea and cool it for a few minutes until it cools. Mint smell inhibits hunger. This is scientifically proven, and the findings of scientists are published in the Journal of Neurology and Medical Orthopedics. According to research, people who smell mint leaves once every two hours lose more than two pounds in a month. Trick: Put a container near you in which you have a few drops of essential mint oil.

White tea blocks the formation of adipose tissue

Leaves of white tea are naturally dry, usually in the sun. It is the least processed tea, so it also has a higher amount of antioxidants - three times more polyphenols than green tea!

Black tea helps you burn fat as well

Black tea is created from the same plant as green tea, with the exception that the leaves are allowed to ferment in the open air. 

One research revealed that people who drank three cups of black tea per day for three months gained less weight and had a smaller waist circumference than those who consumed a caffeinated beverage that lacked the flavonoids in tea. Any delectable black variation, like English breakfast or Earl Grey, should be tried.

Rooibos tea 

Rooibos is a South African plant that may be used to make a delightful, caffeine-free cup of tea. Animal studies have shown that rooibos tea may aid fat burning in humans, but additional study is needed to prove this. In any case, it's a bright and delightful addition to your tea caddy.

Herbal tea with fruits

There are several health benefits of drinking fruit-flavored herbal teas, but we like this one: Without the sweet, processed flavor of a bottled iced tea or soda, you may enjoy the flavor of mango, berry, or cherry.

Pu-erh tea

Pu-erh is a black tea from China's Yunnan region that has been aged and fermented and is available in either pressed cakes or loose leaves. According to one study, consuming a daily cup of pu-erh tea can result in a minor weight loss in overweight males.

Lemon tea

Lemon tea's d-limonene concentration can aid reduce bloat, whether it's caused by salty meals or alcohol. Since ancient times, the chemical present in citrus peel oil has been employed for its diuretic properties.

Bonus: Every cup of tea your drink keeps you from drinking a glass of soda.


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About the Creator

Ryan Miller

Yin & Yang | Happy. Positive. Half Graphics Enthusiast, Half Tech Savvy. Copy Writer. Leader. Magnetic Person. Living Human Being. Dreamer. Crazy 100%.

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