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7 Unusual Weight Loss Tips That Truly Worked For Me

Unusual Tips For Weight Loss

By Happy Life OfficialPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

We've all heard about the tried and true weight loss methods—diet, exercise, counting calories, watching the scale, etc.

These tips have been repeated so often that they almost feel cliche—but that doesn't mean they don't work!

Here are some unusual tips for weight loss that worked well for me personally, including the Keto diet, juicing, and using an app to track food choices. I hope they can help you achieve your goals as well!

Pay Attention to Hunger

One of my favorite tricks for helping people lose weight is to have them focus on their hunger.

Not their appetite, not a desire to eat something because it tastes good, but their need.

It's essential that they recognize when they are genuinely hungry and not just reach for food because it's there.

To do that, I usually recommend that people start journaling about how much time passed between each meal and how hungry they were during those periods.

By paying attention to what cues your body is giving you – rather than eating because you see food or hear your stomach growl – you can teach yourself how to feel satiated until your next scheduled mealtime.

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Control Portion Size

You can lose weight without giving up any of your favorite foods.

Portion control is a helpful way to help manage your weight.

You can quickly reduce how much you eat simply by cutting your portions in half.

The next time you go out to dinner, order an appetizer instead of an entree and save some room for dessert (or better yet, skip it altogether).

You can also learn better portion control by weighing and measuring your food at home and only eating what you've weighed.

You'll know exactly how many calories you're consuming, so there's no guesswork involved when eating out.

Use Coconut Oil

Replace other fats in your diet with coconut oil.

While it might sound a little crazy, switching from butter to coconut oil can help you burn more calories.

It's because it affects your metabolism, digestion, and thyroid function. One study found that supplementing with about two tablespoons of coconut oil daily increases energy expenditure by about 300 calories per day.

Coconut oil has also been shown to speed up metabolism by 6%, boost thyroid function and improve overall levels of good cholesterol.

Just make sure you're not using refined or bleached versions, which won't have all these benefits... while they may turn on your thyroid, they'll slow down every other aspect of your metabolism!

Eat Healthy Fats

You want to keep your fat intake somewhere between 20 and 35 percent of your total daily calories. (You can use our calorie calculator to figure out how many calories that means you should be eating).

Healthy fats can promote energy levels, reduce inflammation, regulate hormone levels, and provide essential vitamins and minerals.

By increasing your intake of healthy fats—like those found in nuts, seeds, and oily fish—your body will process them differently than eating them for lunch.

Log what you eat and drink

If you are not sure what you should eat or drink to lose weight, keeping a food journal may help.

A food journal is just a log of everything you eat and drink for several days. It will show you where your calories come from and whether or not they have nutrients in them.

You can find many websites that help keep track of your meals and snacks. Don't worry about writing down how much, just how much you had to eat and drink in one day, every day.

Once we get used to it, logging our meals and snacks becomes automatic, like brushing our teeth every morning before work!

Please don't wait until tomorrow to start logging in, do it today!

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Take Calcium Supplements

The research is mixed on whether calcium supplements can help with weight loss.

Some studies show that it can help with weight loss for those deficient in calcium.

Other studies, however, have shown that it does not matter how much calcium you get from your diet or supplements because most of it will not be absorbed by your body.

You need at least 1,000 mg per day to help prevent bone loss and keep your hormones balanced for optimal fat-burning and weight loss.

Try taking one or two servings of a calcium supplement daily. Supplementing should never replace a healthy diet, though—it's important to eat plenty of low-fat dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese to get enough natural dietary calcium!

Avoid Diuretics

Drink a lot of water and avoid diuretics like caffeine and alcohol.

When your body needs to get rid of excess water, it produces an antidiuretic hormone (ADH).

ADH is just a fancy term for I'm dehydrated.

As a result, your body will hold onto any fluid it can instead of releasing it through urination.

This causes you to gain weight.

Do everything you can to avoid things that cause dehydration or inhibit ADH release—it's crucial if you are trying to lose weight!

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About the Creator

Happy Life Official

I write about relationships, health, happiness, and much more to ease your life routine.

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