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7 Tips to Lose Weight Fast in the Summer

lose up to 14 pounds in 30 days!

By Happy Life OfficialPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Losing weight in the Summer can be extremely difficult, especially if you're trying to lose fat, not just water weight. If you want to shed pounds fast, it's essential to keep these seven tips in mind throughout your weight loss journey. By using these tips in combination with a high-quality diet pill like Liporidex MAX, which uses natural ingredients, you'll be able to lose up to 14 pounds in 30 days!

1) Eat Breakfast

Skipping Breakfast might seem like a surefire way to shed pounds, but it does more harm than good.

It impacts your energy levels and glucose metabolism for hours after eating, but it also affects your ability to lose weight.

A study published in Obesity found that people who ate Breakfast lost 15.25 pounds over two years.

While you might not want to rush out and eat eggs and bacon every morning, don't overlook one of nature's most important meals—it can help you lose weight fast while improving circulation and reducing stress hormones that cause belly fat storage.

2) Carb Cycling

While it's not possible (or advisable) to lose weight fast, some people can increase their daily calorie burn by cycling between low-carb and high-carb days.

If you're overweight or obese, eat a healthy diet that doesn't deprive you of any nutrients—this is one time when counting calories does make sense.

(See also: How many calories should I eat?) While on your low-carb days, stick with lean proteins like fish, chicken breast, tofu, and plenty of vegetables.

On your high-carb days, go for whole grains such as oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice, and fruits and vegetables.

3) Drink Water (a lot of it!)

Drinking water helps you stay hydrated, which is essential when losing weight.

Avoid drinks that contain calories or artificial sweeteners, such as soda, lemonade, and sweetened coffee.

Also, avoid alcohol because it's full of empty calories and tends to interfere with your weight-loss efforts.

If you must drink a sugar-sweetened beverage, use equal parts water or unsweetened iced tea; reduce your intake over time if possible.

Avoid drinking more than one sugary drink a day for women or two for men -- watch out for fruit juices, soda, and sports drinks. Watch out for hidden sugar in drinks by reading labels carefully!

4) Exercise!

If you're trying to lose weight fast, you must stick with an exercise routine.

Even if it's just a 20-minute daily walk around your neighborhood or a visit to your local gym—do it!

You may think that doing exercises that don't burn many calories is pointless and only slows down weight loss.

However, regular physical activity will speed up your metabolism so you can burn calories at a faster rate!

If that wasn't enough incentive for you, physical activity can help fight depression, too.

So be sure to prioritize exercise when aiming for rapid weight loss during summertime.

5) Cut out sugar/salt

Swapping out your regular table salt for sea salt can help you lose weight fast and reduce your risk of heart disease.

Not only that, but it tastes better and provides more trace minerals than its purer counterpart.

Try adding a pinch to a glass of Water first thing when you wake up—it's a tasty way to kick-start your day and may help boost your metabolism throughout it.

If nothing else, it will undoubtedly make staying hydrated much more pleasant!

6) Don't Stress About What You Eat

Enjoy summer foods without worrying about counting calories.

During warm weather, our appetites tend to change, and it's natural for us to crave lighter fare, like salads and fruits, which are low in calories.

Remind yourself that it's OK if you're hungry after a meal!

It's also OK to have snacks between meals, as long as they fit into your diet.

Just be sure not to overdo it—you don't want your daily calorie count getting out of control when you enjoy outside food during summertime!

Your goal is to have fun with delicious foods that won't break your weight loss goals.

7) Take Advantage of the Sun

It's not a coincidence that people are typically most active on warmer, sunnier days.

Exposure to sunlight helps boost your body temperature, increase feelings of energy and well-being, and boost your mood.

When you have an abundance of the sun, please take advantage of it by going for a run outside or taking a hike with friends.

The extra energy will keep you moving all day long! And if you're already getting regular exercise, having an excess of sunshine will help you feel more energetic and focused when it comes time to work out.

If there's no sun where you live (which seems crazy!), try squeezing a little vitamin D into your diet by eating foods like yogurt that contain added calcium and vitamin D3.

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About the Creator

Happy Life Official

I write about relationships, health, happiness, and much more to ease your life routine.

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