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10 Weight Loss Tips That Will Change Your Life

successful with weight loss

By Happy Life OfficialPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

10 Weight Loss Tips That Will Change Your Life

If you're serious about losing weight, it can be tempting to adopt extreme diet and exercise routines that promise rapid weight loss over the short term.

However, these strategies are generally unsustainable and don't teach you anything about healthy eating habits or lifestyle changes that will help you keep the weight off in the long run.

The trick to losing weight and keeping it off long-term is to choose safe and practical strategies that fit into your lifestyle to be successful with weight loss without feeling like you're giving up your freedom or health.

1) Make Small Changes

Forget about fad diets or finding that one miracle food that will make you lose weight.

The trick to losing weight and keeping it off is simply eating less and moving more—but doing so in a way that doesn't make you feel like crap.

People who drastically cut calories often end up feeling hungry and deprived, which makes sticking to their diet a real challenge.

Instead of drastically cutting calories, aim for slow but steady changes to help you lose weight while still feeling satisfied.

If you eat smaller portions, choose low-calorie foods, cut out some unhealthy fats, add some healthy carbs into your diet (including whole grains), eat more plant-based foods, etc., these small changes can have a massive impact on your waistline over time.

2) Cut Out Sugary Drinks

Sugary drinks add unnecessary sugar to your diet, leading to weight gain and health problems.

If you're trying to lose weight, opt for a low in sugar diet. This doesn't mean you have to cut out all sweet things, but keep in mind that drinking one or two sugary beverages per day adds up to more than 400 calories per week! Instead of drinking soda and juice, opt for water or unsweetened tea. It's a much healthier choice.

3) Drink More Water

Water helps make you feel full, so reach for a glass instead of calorie-laden drinks. But drinking too much water can also cause you to need to use the bathroom more frequently, which could mean it's time to cut back.

The Institute of Medicine says adult men need about 13 cups (3 liters) of total beverages a day, while women need about 9 cups (2.2 liters).

That includes caffeinated drinks—no coffee or soda—and non-caffeinated liquids like water and juice.

In addition to staving off hunger pangs, it will keep your body hydrated and flush out toxins faster than coffee or sugary beverages.

4) Get Active with Home Workouts

When it comes to weight loss, diet and exercise go hand in hand.

One won't work without the other.

To lose weight safely but quickly, you need to start exercising regularly at home.

Exercising at home doesn't mean you can sit on your couch while watching TV; instead, you have to get up and move around as much as possible throughout your day.

5) Eat Protein at Every Meal

Trying to eat healthily can be expensive, especially if you're buying organic produce and grass-fed meats. But it doesn't have to be.

Cutting costs is about making intelligent choices about where your money goes.

By avoiding processed foods and eating whole foods as much as possible, you can quickly get all of your nutritional needs for less money.

Try cutting out sodas and bottled juices and buying more water. Choose a healthier alternative (like skim milk instead of whole milk), buy in bulk from Costco, and save on packaged goods like crackers, beans, rice, olive oil, and peanut butter.

6) Snack on Greens and Fruits (not chips!)

Hunger is a powerful thing. Those late-afternoon munchies can turn into a binge before you know it if you're not careful. Instead of reaching for a salty snack, turn to vegetables and fruits.

A handful of almonds or edamame with some carrot sticks makes for an excellent protein/fiber combo and can help keep your calorie intake in check. If possible, avoid bringing junk food into your house at all – it will make it far less likely that you'll go back for seconds (or thirds).

7) Shop in the Fridge, Not at the Supermarket

Whether watching your waistline or your wallet, eating healthy food can be difficult.

Often, what seems like a good deal may not be so great after all; for example, you may choose a bag of chips for just $1—but if each chip contains 110 calories and about 10 grams of fat, that's more than 500 calories!

A small-sized blueberry muffin at Starbucks is 230 calories—that's almost half your daily allotment.

8) Add Good Fat to Every Meal

When you're trying to slim down, it's tempting to scrap fat and load up on carbs. But don't throw out your healthy fats just yet!

According to Harvard School of Public Health researchers, choosing monounsaturated fat over saturated fat may help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure while improving energy levels and mood.

Healthy choices include avocado, almonds, peanuts, peanut butter, flaxseed oil, salmon, and avocados (likewise with dark chocolate).

Talk to your doctor about getting a checkup if you have other health concerns like diabetes or heart disease.

And always check in with your doc if you start a new diet—especially if it's going to radically change how much of some nutrients are in your daily diet.

9) Plan your Meals For The Week Ahead (no excuses!)

It's no secret that most Americans eat out too much.

And when you do dine out, a proper meal can often be replaced by something far less healthy.

So what can you do? Make sure to plan your meals ahead of time so that when hunger strikes, it's the only food you need to eat.

10) Eat Healthy On A Budget

Eating healthy on a budget may seem like an impossible feat, but there are many ways to save money while still fueling your body with quality nutrition.

For example, if you're set on consuming meat as part of your diet, opt for cheaper cuts such as chicken breast, round steak, or ground beef.

By choosing these options, you can reduce your grocery bill and cut calories simultaneously.

You can also save money by purchasing produce in season; it's often less expensive than fresh-grown varieties that have been shipped across the country or overseas.

The same principle applies to frozen vegetables; they are often just as good as fresh and cost less at a fraction of their frozen counterparts.

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About the Creator

Happy Life Official

I write about relationships, health, happiness, and much more to ease your life routine.

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