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6 Simple Ways to Lose Weight Fast

f you’ve been struggling with your weight or looking to lose a few pounds, then you might be searching for quick ways to do so. Losing weight can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be difficult if you have the right strategies and tricks up your sleeve.

By Edwin MorleyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
6 Simple Ways to Lose Weight Fast
Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash

Image Source: FreeImages‍

By i yunmai on Unsplash

If you’ve been struggling with your weight or looking to lose a few pounds, then you might be searching for quick ways to do so. Losing weight can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be difficult if you have the right strategies and tricks up your sleeve. Even if you’re not quite ready to take on an intense lifestyle change, there are still some things that you can do right now in order to start shedding those pounds sooner rather than later. A lot of people find that losing weight is much easier once they break their diet and rid themselves of the added temptations around them. That also means that instead of restricting your food intake, it’s better to just eat healthy and nutritious foods as often as possible instead.

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Make lunch the biggest meal of the day

If you’re allowing yourself one indulgence per week, then you should make that the biggest meal of the day. When you’re in a rush in the morning, it’s so tempting to reach into the fridge and grab a quick snack, but that’s not a healthy habit. If you can take the time in the morning to sit down and have one meal that’s higher in calories and nutrients, then you’ll be better off for it and won’t be tempted to grab something unhealthy later on. There are so many healthy options for lunch too, so you don’t have to settle for the same old sandwich or PB&J every day either. Try packing a healthy salad, sandwiches with turkey or beef, a few fruits, and some low-fat yogurt. You can also try adding a few slices of cheese to make it even more filling and filling.

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Exercise regularly

Many people think that they have to go to the gym or do intense workouts in order to lose weight, but that’s not necessarily true. Even if you don’t feel like working out, you can still reap some of the benefits by just walking around the block or taking a few laps in the pool. Exercising regularly will help you drop a few pounds because it makes your metabolism run at a faster rate, which will help you burn more calories throughout the day. You can also burn off some of that excess blubber if you work out at a moderate level of intensity. If you do end up working out at a higher intensity, then you can reduce the amount of calories you’re burning by doing so. There are tons of different kinds of exercises that you can try as well.

Don’t skip breakfast

There are so many benefits to eating breakfast, from preventing you from gaining weight to improving your mood and mental clarity. If you’re not eating something in the morning, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Breakfast is usually the least appealing meal of the day, but it’s also the most important. If you don’t eat something in the morning, then you’re likely to overeat at lunch or dinner. Breakfast should be something easy and simple like a bowl of oatmeal or some toast with cereal or a banana. The best part is that you can mix up your breakfast options every week to make it more interesting. You can try adding a new flavour of yogurt, mixing up your cereals, or trying a different kind of bread.

Drink plenty of water

This might sound like common sense, but many people hold themselves back by not drinking enough water. If you’re not drinking enough water, then you’re depriving your body of important nutrients, which will result in cravings for more food. Not drinking enough water can make you feel lethargic and slow down your metabolism, which will make it more difficult for you to reach your weight loss goals. Make sure that you’re drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. There are tons of different ways to drink water. If you’re bored of drinking plain water, you can try adding fresh lemon or lime for an interesting twist.

Click here to discover the easiest way to lose weight today

Cut back on your carbs at dinner time

This might sound obvious, but so many people end up indulging in a large dessert or carb-rich meal after a long day at work. Instead of reaching for all of the treats around you, try to stick to a smaller plate of vegetables or a bowl of low-fat yogurt or protein shake. If you find yourself wanting something sweet after a long day, then you can try cutting back on the carbs at dinner time. There are tons of low-carb recipes and ingredients that you can use instead of reaching for a candy bar. You can try making low-sugar fruit smoothies, swapping out your usual dessert with a low-glycemic content ingredient, or using low-sugar fruit instead of sugar-sweetened icings and jams.

Snack on healthy foods

This is something that a lot of people forget about, but it’s so important. You should have small snacks throughout the day rather than just one large meal. That way, you’re not depriving yourself of food and you’re ensuring that you’re getting all of the nutrients that you need. You can snack on healthy foods like unsalted nuts, low-fat yogurt, low-fat cheese, low-sugar fruits, or low-calorie protein shakes. You don’t have to take all of your healthy snacks at once either. You can take one or two at a time, and then mix it up by taking an unhealthy snack a few days later. This will help you to remember to have some healthy options in your diet.

Don’t stress out too much

This might seem obvious, but a lot of people have a tendency to stress out about their weight and their diet. This can cause you to eat more because you’re feeling stressed about it, which will result in you gaining weight. Instead of stressing about your weight and your diet, try to focus more on what you can do to make it easier to live a healthy lifestyle. If you’re trying to eat healthier, then it will be much easier to stick with it if you don’t stress about it. You don’t have to go to extreme lengths to be healthier either. There are plenty of small changes that you can make to live a healthier lifestyle.


Losing weight can be difficult, but there are lots of ways that you can do it quickly and easily. These tips can help you lose weight quickly and easily, and they don’t require you to change much about your lifestyle. They are quick and easy ways to lose weight, so you don’t have to change much to start losing weight.

Click here to discover the easiest way to lose weight today

weight loss

About the Creator

Edwin Morley

Creative writing is my passion, my other is fitness and helping people lose weight. We only get one shot at life – there is no dress rehearsal, Live life to the Max everyday. Too many people sell them selves short, you are amazing.

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    EMWritten by Edwin Morley

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