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6 Foods to Eat for Breast Growth and Tips on What to Avoid [Guide]

Natural Breast Growth With Food

By Shraddha SharmaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
6 Foods to Eat for Breast Growth and Tips on What to Avoid [Guide]
Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

“Can I grow my breast size?” is one question that is revolving around almost every woman's mind! But don't worry, the answer is YES WE CAN! You don't need to feel insecure about your body anymore!

We all know that almost every woman considers breasts as a very important aspect of their body. It is a symbol of femininity and sexuality. Also, who doesn't want to look attractive?

Therefore, Women are always looking for ways to increase breast size, be it naturally or by using supplements.

There are many ways for enhancing breast size. In this article we are going to talk about breast growth foods that you can eat to grow your bust naturally.

How You Can Promote Natural Breast Development with Healthy Foods?

Breasts develop when the hormones estrogen and progesterone stimulate cells in the breast tissue. Estrogen stimulates the production of milk, while progesterone stimulates the production of fat cells in the mammary glands.

So, it is quite obvious that if you are trying to enhance your breast size, you should opt for foods that boost the estrogen hormone levels in your body.

Also, healthy eating plays a vital role in breast growth and can also lead to a more developed bustline.

Let’s dig deep to find out what food one should consume to promote breast growth.

How to increase breast size with food?

There are many ways to increase breast size but the easiest way is to eat the right foods that will promote breast growth naturally. Some studies have shown that a diet containing a high amount of vegetables, fruits, and soy can help you get bigger breasts. This finding has been attributed to increased estrogen in humans. The higher the estrogen levels in the body, the more likely it is for one to experience breast growth.

What foods to eat to get bigger breasts

If you want to increase the size and shape of your breasts, there are plenty of foods, vegetables and fruits that can help. These include brown rice, chickpeas, carrots, soybeans, potatoes, oatmeal, spinach, kale, and broccoli etc. They contain phytoestrogens which should be eaten on a regular basis if you want them to play a role in breast enhancement.

Top 6 Breast Growth Foods

Here, we have listed down top six breast growth foods that promote healthy, natural breast growth:

1. Brown Rice:

Brown Rice for Breast Growth

Brown rice is not just good for your breast enhancement but your heart health as well. It is the only grain that contains significant amounts of both phytic acid and sulfur, which are believed to stimulate breast growth. So, consuming the right portions of brown rice can help you to see the positive growth in your breasts.

2. Chickpeas:

Chickpeas for Breast Growth

Chickpeas are estrogen-rich foods, well known for their protein content as well. Chickpeas themselves do not contain significant levels of estrogen but contain Mucuna Pruriens, which helps to boost your estrogen levels significantly. So, it is better to have them in your diet for the growth of breasts.

3. Carrots:

Carrots for Breast Growth

You might have surely heard about the health benefits of carrots, but did you know that they can also help in breast growth and enhancement?

Well, carrots are a natural source of phytoestrogens, which can help balance hormone levels and stimulate the production of estrogen.

4 Soybeans:

Soyabeans for Breast Growth

Breast enhancement is no longer an issue for women with the help of soybeans and soy milk. Soybeans contain estrogen which is a hormone that helps in breast growth and development. It also contains phytoestrogens, which are chemical compounds that can mimic the effects of estrogen by binding to estrogen receptors in various tissues through competitive inhibition.

So eating soybeans is the right choice if you want to improve bust size.

5. Potatoes:

Potatoes for Breast Growth

Potatoes are a natural source of vitamin C, potassium, and other nutrients that are important for optimal health. Potatoes are an important part of any healthy diet. The extraordinary thing about them is that they contain high levels of a chemical called indole-3-carbinol which is thought to be responsible for the increase in breast size and firmness.

They are also rich in vitamin B6 and copper, which are responsible for the production of estrogen. This hormone in turn helps to develop and grow breasts in females.

6. Oatmeal:

Oatmeal for breast growth

Oatmeal is a healthy food that is good for your heart. It is one of the most healthy food options for breast growth. The reason is that it is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. In addition to being rich in dietary fibers, oatmeal contains several hormones which can stimulate breast growth as well as enhance their shape and size.

What NOT to Eat If You Want More Bust Size

Many food choices can affect the development of a woman's breasts. So, it is equally important to have proper knowledge of what not to eat if you wish to increase bust size. The foods that are not good for breast growth are the ones that contain too much saturated fat and sugar.

Here are some of the foods that should be avoided in your daily diet to increase the size of your breasts:

  1. Red meat
  2. Whole milk
  3. Cheese
  4. Chocolate
  5. Doughnuts
  6. Flax seeds
  7. Ice cream

I know it may be difficult to avoid ice cream, chocolate, and sweets! But as we say every good thing comes with a price! So, buckle up and start adding the foods that we mentioned earlier and see the changes yourself!


We hope this article was helpful.

These foods are excellent for increasing breast size quickly! But, you should also be aware of the ill effects of excessive estrogen intake before you start including them in your diet. It is well-known that high estrogen levels in the body can increase the risk of breast cancer, and you should therefore use them with caution.

In addition, Breast growth is a process that may take time to show results. Also, some foods may yield faster results in some individuals, while in some others, there may be no results at all. The most important thing to remember is that all women are different, and everybody should search their own way to their own results. Therefore, keep this in mind and get started on your breast health journey!


About the Creator

Shraddha Sharma

Pro Blogger

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