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5 Tips for a Restful Sleep

For a Healthy Life

By Chirila AdrianPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Quality sleep is as important for a healthy life as nutrition and physical activity. We need rest to restore our energy reserves. Vitality, efficiency in solving tasks at home and at work, physical and emotional health are influenced by how well we sleep.

A good and restful sleep also means more beautiful mornings. A sleep routine will help you feel excellent both physically and mentally. There will be no need to postpone the clock alarm until the last moment, waking up will no longer be a chore and mobilizing for the day that is just beginning will proceed simply and naturally.

How can you enjoy a light sleep? Apply the tips below to create your own necessary bedtime routine. From the diet to the level of physical activity and the environment in the home, they all influence how well we rest.

1.Create a sleep schedule

2.Controls exposure to light

3.Opt for a suitable diet


5.Prepare the bedroom for sleep

1.Create a sleep schedule

This is one of the most important things when you want to benefit from quality sleep. It is necessary to observe a bedtime and wake-up time. Try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. Establish your bedtime, so that it is included in the time interval when you usually feel tired, so that sleep intervenes naturally, without the need to stay in bed turning from one side to the other. If the sleep is enough, you will wake up naturally, without an alarm. Your body will benefit from an internal clock, which, if you respect, you will feel rested and energized.

Try to respect this schedule on the weekend as well. If you sleep more than you normally do, you will feel this difference during the week, when it will be harder for you to wake up. When you are tired and want to recover a few hours of sleep, it is best to sleep in the afternoon, so as not to influence the rhythm of your body regarding the hours of waking up and going to bed.

2.Controls exposure to light

Our body is connected to the circadian rhythm. The body receives signals from the environment and reacts accordingly. The specific strong light of the day keeps us active, while darkness induces sleep. Given that we are exposed to many screens: television, computer, tablet, phone, it is very important to dose their use before bedtime.

In the morning, expose yourself to sunlight. Draw the curtains and let the light enter the room. Do the same in the kitchen. Drink your coffee and eat breakfast near a sunny window. Your body will receive the message that the time has come for a new day and will trigger all the processes associated with waking up. Also, try to spend time outside, exposed to sunlight, and on the course of the day to keep your vitality. Try to be as close as possible to sources of natural light and at the office to work hard.

In the evening, it is important to avoid screens 1-2 hours before going to bed. Stop watching TV until late at night. The light emitted by it inhibits the secretion of melatonin, the sleep hormone, and most of the time the effect of TV programs on the psyche is stimulation, not relaxation. An option would be to listen to music or audiobooks.

Before going to sleep, make sure that the room is dark, draw the curtains and try not to have electronic devices that emit light in the bedroom. One option is to use an eye mask to fall asleep easily.

3.Opt for a suitable diet

Eating habits also play an important role in terms of sleep quality. The amount and type of food consumed in the evening directly influences the way we rest.

Try to limit caffeine. Its stimulating effect can be felt in the body for a long time. Avoid eating a lot and consistently. Proteins are very difficult to digest, therefore, at dinner, it is best to opt for products of vegetable origin. Also, reduce as much as possible the amount of sugar and refined carbohydrates, such as those in sweets, white bread, rice or pasta, because they represent a quick source of energy.


Many times, although we feel tired, it is very difficult for us to fall asleep. The cause is the stress accumulated during the day, anxiety or anger. The more we are required during the day from a psycho-emotional point of view, the more difficult it is to slow down, detach and rest. If you face a demanding life, use some relaxation techniques designed to help you eliminate tension and rest as you need.

Breathe deeply. Before going to bed, focus on your breathing to relax. Close your eyes, inhale and exhale deeper and deeper.You can also practice yoga or do a little stretching. Read a book or a magazine, take a hot bath or use aromatherapy. Use essential oils with a calming effect such as lavender, bergamot or jasmine. Listen to relaxing music or practice guided meditation.

5.Prepare the bedroom for sleep

The atmosphere we create in the bedroom influences our sleep. We need a relaxing environment, which conveys to the brain that it's time to get rid of the stress of the day. The bedroom should be dark, with a temperature slightly lower than in the rest of the house and without noise sources.

For a good sleep, the temperature in the room should be between 16 and 20 °C. Make sure it's quiet. Eliminate the various sources of noise that could wake you up during the night. It is also good that the bedroom is completely dark. Use the curtains to prevent outside light from entering.

For a pleasant atmosphere conducive to sleep, use a humidifier. It improves the quality of the air in the room. Eliminates dust particles, unpleasant odors and allergens. Beko humidifiers have integrated an ionization function, which diffuses negative ions with the role of air purification. Activating the Sleep mode reduces the noise level to a minimum and decreases the brightness of the display.

The mattress and pillow are very important for a good quality sleep. Choose your mattress according to your height and weight, so that its level of hardness corresponds to your needs. You have to take into account if you have different diseases of the spine, which require certain characteristics for the product. Also, the lifestyle and the way you sleep are also important.

The pillow, like the mattress, is very important for the posture during sleep, which must be correct, especially since we cannot control it. Choose one specially created for your favorite sleeping position. There are models for those who sleep on their side, back or stomach. Take into account the material from which it is made and the one with which it is filled: down, memory foam, synthetic.

Give due importance to sleep and you will enjoy energy early in the morning. You will have the necessary resources to successfully complete all the tasks during the day, no matter how busy you are. Start by creating a routine for waking up and going to bed, which you must follow until the body adapts to the new schedule. Adopt an appropriate diet, relax and create an atmosphere conducive to rest. Sleep well!


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    CAWritten by Chirila Adrian

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