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5 Supplements to Add to Your Diet as You Get Older

Feel Your Best Later by Taking These Early

By Stephanie SnyderPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

As you age, you need to take care of yourself. It's the only way you can look forward to your golden years. Far too many adults lose their mobility and independence during the aging process. You can do your part to improve your health after the age of 50. Going to the doctor for your regular checkups, eating well, and staying active will help you to have a brighter future. In addition to a healthy diet, add 5 supplements to your diet as you get older to feel your best.

1. Make Sure You Get Your B Vitamins

Look for a vitamin B complex that will beef up your intake of crucial supplements, such as riboflavin, niacin, biotin, and folate. These helpful vitamins could give your brain and nervous system a boost. They have also been linked to keeping your heart healthy. If you are trying to keep your blood pressure at an optimal level, B vitamins could make a difference for you.

2. Vitamin D is a Dynamic Addition to Your Day

Vitamin D packs a punch when it comes to strong, healthy bones. Your body naturally produces this essential vitamin when you are out in the sun. However, many adults do not get adequate exposure to sunlight to get the recommended levels of vitamin D. Taking this vitamin can benefit more than your bones. It has also been recommended to improve your heart health and cognitive abilities. You may be able to ward off diabetes by including this supplement in your daily regimen. You can also add fish, eggs, and more dairy products to your diet. NMN supplements are also beneficial when you are trying to avoid additional pitfalls that come with the aging process.

3. Reap the Benefits of Boosting Your Calcium Levels

In addition to vitamin D, you should include calcium in your list of daily supplements. You want to do everything you can to avoid brittle bones. A calcium deficiency can also open the door to osteoporosis. You should get between 1000 and 1200 milligrams of calcium a day. Trying to reach that level with food alone may be difficult. Take your supplement in addition to enjoying foods that are rich in this vital mineral.

4. Take Your Vitamin C

You've already heard about the benefits of taking vitamin C. You've always taken it during cold and flu season because it can build up your immune system. It's also effective in helping you to see more clearly as you age. Vitamin C may play a role in preventing conditions such as macular degeneration or cataracts. You can drink orange juice and eat broccoli to increase your vitamin C levels naturally, but take supplements as well.

5. Experience the Rewards that Come with Omega Fatty Acids

Omega fatty acids are naturally found in soybeans, fish, and nuts. Increasing your intake of omega fatty acids can improve your joint health. It may also ease symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Take the supplements and add them to your diet to ease movement as you age.

6. Try Collagen for Healthier Skin

There are many factors that come into play for healthy skin. You need to use a moisturizer and protect it from the sun throughout your lifetime. You can also take collagen supplements. Collagen is naturally produced in your body to keep your skin smooth and firm. You can reduce your wrinkles if you start taking collagen before they become pronounced. Add it to your daily skincare regimen to look your best.

Supplements are not a magic fix when it comes to feeling youthful as you age. You need to look at the big picture. Making wise choices throughout your lifetime will help you to enjoy those golden years. Talk to your primary care physician to get tips that will benefit your health. Make your well-being a priority as you embrace a lifestyle that is good for you. Rest well each night, drink plenty of water, eat foods that are good for you, and get your body moving. Including recommended supplements are a plus. You can also take a good multivitamin. If you make good health your mission, you might avoid prescription medications for health conditions related to aging.


About the Creator

Stephanie Snyder

Stephanie Caroline Snyder graduated from The University of Florida in 2018; she majored in Communications with a minor in mass media. Currently, she is an Author, a Freelance Internet Writer, and a Blogger.

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