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5 Reasons to Learn to Crochet as Part of Self Care

Or how to pick it up again if you've been ignoring it

By idrialPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Crochet is great for selfcare

1. It's January

You're revved up. It's the New year.

Your mind is already in the groove of picking up new habits, new attitudes, and maybe a new hobby. Why not pick try crochet and see how that goes? Even if you only make a simple washcloth, you can be confident you gave it a solid attempt as part of your New Years Resolution ritual.

Improvement is self care, right? And trying something new is half the battle.

Or maybe it's not New Year's right now. Perhaps you found this article in the middle of August on a muggy day that feels like it's 114 degrees outside. The heat has been making you feel restless for days, but perhaps a trip to the beach will give you that summertime tranquility. As soon as you're ready to go, a thunderstorm rolls in. Why not pick up the ball of yarn and hook instead?

My point is if you're craving something different to do, crochet is a great activity to try out. It may seem daunting, but it actually lends itself to spontaneity quite well.

2. Unplug

Screen time woes are at an all time high. Or at least, that is what social media seems determined to tell me.

I personally don't have many concerns about screen time, but I understand the desire to find a balanced mixed of activities as part of self care. Any task, regardless of how enjoyable, can become tiresome without relief.

Every time I pick up my crochet, without fail, I think to myself how nice it is to be doing something "different" - something other than scrolling through my phone, commuting, studying, working, cooking, dishes, etc. Even just 15 minutes a day can trigger a "mind reset" to occur so that when I have to go back to the daily grind, I can do it with a renewed sense of energy and focus.

3. Mindless Meditation

The thing I like the most about crochet is how there is always that one kind of project you can make mindlessly to the point it becomes meditative.

Why not just meditate? Well I am one of those people who's brain is wired in a way that it simply can't shut itself off on command. I always have to be *doing something.*

In order to actually unwind from the day, I need to pad in activities that forces me to transition into a relaxed frame of mind. Crochet is perfect for this; the act of creating each stitch is like passing a prayer bead through my fingers.

It's important to find a particular item that gets you in the "zone." For me, it's hats and amigurumi. For whatever reason, my hands have just memorized what it takes to churn these out at a pace I find satisfying.

It's clearly not a rare phenomenon. Join any crochet group on social media and it will be flooded with members that seem to be one-person factories. I am confident I am acquainted with enough people that could produce enough baby blankets to crochet bomb the entire surface of Mars. I suspect they would have them ready within one week.

4. Tangible Progress and Outcomes

As my last point alluded to, handicrafts can have a huge benefit over other recreational choices. This makes their mental health benefits a bit different compared to say, listening to music or watching TV.

5. You can always come back

Life happens. It's great having an activity that you can set aside and come back to.

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mental health

About the Creator


I'm already a cyborg

30 something DevOps software engineer recovering from four spine surgeries

code, knit, crochet, hook, cook, bullet journal, geek

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