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21 Proven Ways to Burn Fat, Lose Weight and Stay Lean

Proven Ways to Burn Fat...

By tharusha wijesinhaPublished 2 years ago 19 min read

01_ Calorie Consumption Should Be Reduced

Weight loss is a straightforward input-output problem.

This means that if you consume less calories than you expend, your body will supplement the deficit by drawing from your fat reserves.

To lose weight, you simply need to burn more calories than you ingest.

If you do this for a long time, you will naturally drop a lot of weight.

So, how much food do you eat on a daily basis?

Adult males require 2,500 calories per day, while adult females require 2,000 calories per day.

Of course, depending on characteristics like physical activity, metabolism, and age, your requirements may differ from those of the average individual.

So, using calorie calculators (which are easily accessed on Google), you may see for yourself.

You'll need to enter information like your current weight, height, BMI, and a few other facts — all of which may be done anonymously.

Once you get that number, eat less than the minimum calorie quantity to ensure that fat is burned.

02 _Increase your aerobics routine.

Aerobic exercises such as running, jogging, hiking, brisk walking, and swimming have all been proven to help people lose weight.

Aerobics is not only good for your heart, but it can also help you lose weight, improve your lung capacity, improve your cardiovascular health, and keep you in terrific physical and mental shape.

This is why aerobics are such an important component of every personal trainer's weight-loss program.

It works by assisting in the burning of more calories.

This is how you lose weight and keep it off with a calorie deficit.

Combine aerobic exercises with lower calorie consumption for a more potent result, and you'll have a fail-safe strategy that will burn fat and keep you thin.

03 _Get your iron pumping.

This suggests you should begin lifting weights.

Lifting weights isn't required to lose weight, but it does assist speed up the process and make you seem fitter as you lose weight.

Lifting weights helps you lose weight, tone your muscles, and improve your appearance.

When people who are very obese lose weight, they often have drooping or shrinking skin around the stomach, chest, underarms, and thighs.

You'll not only grow those muscles, but you'll also have less saggy skin if you do weight training.

Adults can benefit from weight training because it improves posture, boosts confidence, gives you a sense of internal and physical power, improves your appearance (weight lifting encourages your body to produce more collagen and growth hormones, which help to repair skin damage), and promotes longevity.

Weight lifting exercises that target all regions of your body are the finest.

Bench presses, squats, military presses, lunges, and deadlifts are all examples of compound exercises.

You'll lose a lot of weight if you do this just 2-3 times a week for 15-30 minutes each time.

When you combine this with a reduced calorie diet and aerobic exercise, the fat on your body will melt away like butter on a hot skillet.

04 _Start a Low Carb Diet

There are numerous low-carb diets available, all of which promise positive outcomes.

The keto diet, on the other hand, stands out due to its tried and true effectiveness.

The keto diet is based on science, and it has helped millions of individuals lose weight and remain in shape.

Low-carb diets, such as the Keto Diet, attempt to keep carb intake between 30 and 50 grams per day.

The problem is that this is a difficult task because carb tracking is a pain in the neck.

Keto smoothies, on the other hand, can help you keep track of your intake and stay within that range.

Low-carb diets, such as the keto diet, can be somewhat restrictive, which is why they're not particularly popular.

Thankfully, they work because they keep you below the carbohydrate threshold required to enter ketosis, a state in which your body uses fat reserves for energy.

05_ Boost Your Body's Metabolism

People with a rapid metabolism are less likely to gain weight. You've probably met people who eat a lot but stay skinny. This is because they have a metabolism that swiftly burns the food they eat and transforms it to energy. Then there are others who have a slow or medium metabolic rate. If they eat more food than is necessary, these people will gain weight.

The good news is that by increasing your metabolism, you can deceive your body into being in this state. Simply increase your fat-burning exercises. Start running or biking, and incorporate complex exercises such as burpees, squats, HIIT (high-intensity interval training), and weightlifting into your routine. These can help you burn fat faster by speeding up your metabolism.

06 _ Keep a record of everything you eat and drink.

There's a reason why weight-loss coaches and consultants advise clients to keep track of their food intake.

That's because it not only makes it easier to see what you're eating and drinking, but it also makes you more aware of what you're eating.

The majority of people are unconcerned with what they put in their mouths.

By keeping track of everything you eat, you'll be able to understand how the foods you consume directly contribute to your obesity.

Getting a binder and writing down what you eat, when you eat, and how many times you eat is the easiest way to keep track of this.

The same may be said about beverages.

If carrying a binder is impractical, download a food monitoring software to your phone and input the information as you go.

These apps are much more engaging in that they assist you in calculating your calorie consumption.

This manner, you will be able to

07 _Sugar should be avoided.

A 12-ounce can of Coke has 39 grams of sugar in it, which is equivalent to nine sugar cubes.

Adults, on the other hand, should consume 30 grams of sugar each day.

The average American adult consumes 34 teaspoons of sugar per day, or 100 pounds of sugar per year, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

That's a lot of sugar, and it's one of the reasons behind the obesity epidemic.

When people consume too much sugar, their bodies store the excess sugars as fat, which leads to weight gain.

So it stands to reason that cutting back on or eliminating sweets can help you lose weight.

Reduce your intake of sugary beverages such as soda, beer, Slurpees, ice cream, and other sweetened liquids.

The same can be said for foods that contain a lot of high fructose corn syrup.

So cut out the sugary snacks, desserts, and other foods from your diet.

08 _Make a Workout Schedule for Yourself

Although working out might be boring and frustrating, the sense of success, discipline, and results far surpass the discomfort.

Plus, you have to do it before the doctors tell you to — fat folks must exercise to keep alive.

As a result, you should begin exercising more frequently.

Begin with 15 to 25 minute sessions twice a week.

It may be as simple as going for a quick stroll every time.

Some people park their cars a few streets away from their workplaces and walk the rest of the way every day.

You'll receive roughly 40-60 minutes of exercise per day without even realizing it if you do this.

Start light with the weights you can handle if you're lifting weights.

Then go for it with the reps.

Instead of starting with heavier weights, start with smaller ones and do more reps.

This will increase your metabolism, help you burn fat faster, and improve the health of your heart.

Do this a couple of times a week to start, then see how you feel.

When the time comes to work out, no matter how you feel, just do it.

This is why it's critical to incorporate your workouts into your regular routine.

09 _ Take Care of Your Food Portions

This is known as portion management, and it is how you may control how much food you eat at any given time. To begin, divide your existing eating servings into three equal portions. Wait 3 hours before eating the second and third portions. Alternatively, you might simply eat in smaller bowls.

Portion restriction is effective and has assisted many people in losing a significant amount of weight. It works because it simply provides the body with the fuel it requires at the time. As a result, the body does not need to store any more food or carbohydrates as fat.

Also, replace carbs with vegetables and proteins. Ideally, your meal should have more vegetables and lean protein than carbohydrates. According to dietary guidelines, half of the plate should be vegetables, one-quarter should be protein, and the remaining one-quarter should be carbohydrates.

10 _Adapt Your Commuting Methods

Cars are the most common mode of transportation for the ordinary person.

Unfortunately, this wonderful invention –thank you, Henry Ford– has enhanced our sedentary lifestyle and is largely to blame for people's weight gain, which is why truckers are so overweight.

Even if you're driving for hours, it's all that sitting in one place.

What are your options?

Commute on bicycle, for example.

Bicycling is a very effective aerobic workout that helps you burn belly fat, develop muscles, improve heart health, improve cognitive function, improve mood, get better sleep, and reach your weight loss goals.

11_ Begin by jogging or running.

Despite the fact that I mentioned it briefly previously, running or jogging requires its own section.

This is a highly effective aerobic workout for torching body fat and burning calories.

If you have any doubts, consider this: how many overweight runners have you seen?

I'm guessing there aren't any?!

This is because jogging or running on a regular basis is beneficial.

It offers a minimal barrier to entry and can be done right now.

Stop reading this and go for a 5-10 minute run instead.

It doesn't need to be something extravagant.

You can either run in place or do a lap around your block right now.

Aside from weight loss, running has other health benefits, including appetite regulation, which helps you eat less - good for weight loss, improved cardiovascular health, better breathing, improved mood and sleep, enhanced cognition, and improved stamina.

12_ Get Rid of Junk Foods

Fast food is frequently less expensive and more convenient, which is why so many people eat it.

Unfortunately, many foods have negative long-term repercussions.

Fast foods, which are generally produced from processed foods, are not as well absorbed as vegetables, fruits, proteins, and unprocessed carbs, according to studies.

This is why food is stored as fat in the body, especially around the waistline.

If you enjoy eating ice cream, dairy products, fries, and burgers, you're likely to gain weight.

Spend some time at home preparing proper meals.

If you don't have time to cook, you may purchase home-cooked meals online from a variety of vendors and have them delivered to your door.

Simply eliminating fast food from your daily meals will help you lose weight, especially if you replace it with the items we'll discuss in the next point.

13 _ Increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, and protein.

Fruits and vegetables are high in multivitamins and important minerals, and they help to maintain and improve intestinal health.

Protein is also an excellent source of tissue-building nourishment.

If you want to reduce weight and gain muscle, you'll need to eat more protein.

Protein shakes and bars, as well as grilled steak or chicken, are a terrific way to lose weight, develop your muscles, and obtain the nourishment you need.

Proteins will also assist you keep your muscle tissues while you lose weight if you aren't lifting weights for some reason.

This is essential because when people cut or lose weight, they tend to decrease muscle mass.

Filling and low in empty calories are two of the finest advantages of mixing veggies, fruits, and proteins.

Their appetite-suppressing properties will help you feel fuller for longer and avoid overeating.

Increased energy, a faster metabolism, regulated blood pressure, and less hunger sensations are all benefits of eating these meals on a regular basis.

You'll notice the fat melt off your body if you include all three food groups in your regular diet plan.

Pay attention to the labels on your food, and eat only natural organic items in their natural conditions.

Excessive eating, water retention, and weight gain are all common side effects of foods high in salt.

14_ Increase your intake of fiber-rich foods.

In this weight-loss quest, fiber-rich foods are your biggest ally.

This is because they are excellent at increasing satiety and, as a result, keeping you fuller for longer.

As a result, include more whole grains in your meals.

They not only help you lose weight, but they also help you control your blood sugar, improve your bowel motions, and lower your bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.

This is a healthier alternative to both processed and junk foods.

Also, make sure you chew your meal properly.

It may seem insignificant, but studies have shown that those who chew quickly and rush their meals gain weight.

15 _Reduce your beer consumption and replace it with more water.

Have you ever heard of the phrase "beer gut"?

If you have, you've probably questioned why people gain weight by drinking beer.

The truth is that a can of beer has an average of 152 calories in it.

As a result, if you consume four cans each day, you will consume approximately 616 calories.

Keep in mind that the average male adult requires only 2,500 calories per day.

If you've already exceeded or are close to exceeding that by the time you drink these cans of beer, you'll have consumed many more calories than the recommended daily intake.

After a few years of this, it's easy to understand how this behavior will increase your waistline.

Health experts urge drinking more water instead of beer.

This has no calories, but it also prevents dehydration, keeps you nourished for longer, flushes out toxins, enhances your mood, and raises your pH.

Beer adds to weight growth and, in the long run, can be harmful to your health.

Remove the beer from your diet and replace it with water to see your waistline shrink.

Drink a glass of water or more before each meal.

It will assist you in eating fewer calories and increasing your satiety.

16 _Get More Sleep and Rest

Excess cortisol in the body can lead to weight gain.

Cortisol is the stress hormone, and if you don't get enough sleep, your cortisol levels will be high and your leptin levels will be low — leptins are appetite-regulating hormones.

As a result, getting less sleep raises the risk of obesity and other health problems.

Also, persons who are sleep deprived have a strong desire for calorie-dense foods and consume far more than they should.

Insomniacs eat in the middle of the night for this reason.

When you don't get enough sleep, your body craves more food.

This is why, in order to function efficiently, the normal adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep per day.

Sleep deprivation also weakens your willpower, which you'll need to stay disciplined and avoid the temptation of binge eating unhealthy foods. As a result, if you're not well-rested, you're more prone to succumb to temptations.

17 _Keep an eye on your weight

Every weight loss goal requires you to keep track of your progress. You must be aware of how much weight you are shedding. This is beneficial not just to your self-esteem but also to your motivation. However, after cutting back on your food intake and exercising every day, I recommend doing this every 2-4 weeks.

Some experts advise weighing in every three days or so. I don't since losing weight is a slow and steady process. Because your body will first oppose the new alteration, the first few days or weeks may not show any progress.

The progress will be less obvious because the body will try to compensate for any calorie shortages by drawing on your fat reserves. Many people will become discouraged as a result of this, and will fall off the wagon. So, after sticking to a healthy diet and exercise routine, weigh yourself every 2-4 weeks.

18_ Follow through with your weight-loss plans.

Distractions are a significant roadblock for anyone trying to reduce weight. Other exercise routines or diet programs are examples of diversions. If you want to be successful, you must choose one method and stick with it for at least one month.

Many would-be fitness buffs end up doing a slew of programs and then wonder why they didn't work. That's because seeing results takes time and the cumulative effects of your efforts. It's not enough to go from one fad diet to the next.

Remember how we talked about our expectations at the start? This is why having reasonable expectations is so important. Is it possible to drop 100 pounds in three months? To do that, you'll have to starve and train like a demon — two things that are incompatible because you require energy to exercise hard–

Is it, however, possible to drop the same 100 pounds in a year? Absolutely. Simply set a goal of losing 10 pounds per month – which is quite achievable – choose a tried-and-true weight-loss approach, and stick to it every day.

Expectations that are unrealistic lead to disappointment and a loss of motivation. And it's for this reason that people move from one diet plan to the next without giving them a chance to work.

It's important to remember that weight reduction and gain are both calorie deficit and excess games. Recognize this and create habits and routines that will keep you in a calorie deficit at all times.

19 _Comfort Foods Should Be Avoided

When people are concerned, worried, sorrowful, apprehensive, or fearful, they tend to overeat. This is referred to as "comfort food." They're meals that individuals eat to make themselves or their situation feel better. When you consume too much, you acquire weight. That's all there is to it.

That is why you must make every effort to reduce stress in your life. Every day, set aside time to have fun. Something as easy as watching a 10- to 20-minute comedy could suffice. Spend time with your loved ones. Listen to music that you enjoy, work out and exercise, and do whatever you can to avoid stressors.

If you can't escape the stress, you can always de-stress by working out. This offers the dual benefit of calming you down while also assisting you in losing weight.

20_ Increase your level of activity.

Because of the proliferation of personal computer devices and technology, most people now spend a significant amount of time sitting at their desks. The truth is that man was not designed to sit for long periods of time.

Excessive weight gain and obesity, metabolic syndrome, deep-vein thrombosis, and cardiovascular disease are all linked to prolonged inactive times. Long periods of sitting have been demonstrated in studies to reduce life expectancy by raising the probability of mortality.

According to studies, it has equivalent or even worse effects than smoking. When you're a couch potato or stay in one spot for too long, your body begins to imitate the death process.

According to WebMD, the brain of someone who sits for too long resembles that of someone with dementia. Sitting for long periods of time is bad for your health. This is why moving around after sitting for so long makes you feel better. Now is the time to get serious about increasing your activity levels. Begin with small steps, such as taking the stairs every day. Always take the stairs rather than the elevator.

If you need to go there quickly, take a brisk stroll. After every hour of sitting, get up and walk about for 10-15 minutes. Purchase a standing or walking desk to keep you active while you work. Simply get creative with the process, and you'll find that all that activity will result in you burning more fat.

21_ Surgery for Weight Loss

This is the very last resort. If you follow all of the advice we gave you previously, you may not need to have weight-loss surgery. However, there is a small number of obese persons who have a hormonal problem. Hormone supplementation can be used to treat or control this.

If all of the above suggestions seem like too much effort, weight reduction surgeries such as gastric bypass and gastric band surgery can help you lose weight. An intragastric balloon surgery, in which an inflated balloon is inserted in the stomach, leaving a tiny space for your meal, is also an option.

The top part of your stomach is divided from the lower half of your stomach during gastric bypass surgery. On the other hand, gastric sleeve surgery involves the removal of two-thirds of your stomach. The gastric sleeve treatment is permanent and irrevocable, unlike other weight loss procedures that can be reversed.

The final purpose of these methods is to assist you in eating significantly less food and losing weight.




**Best Weight Loss Supplements------


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tharusha wijesinha

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