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16 Good Habits for a Healthy and Happy Life

Ayurvedic Tips for Healthy Life

By Shivay TalksPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Ayurvedic Tips for Healthy Life

Ayurveda promotes preventive practices to keep your health under control. Follow these easy tips to incorporate them into your daily life.

Always the little things matter. It applies to everyone physically, mentally, socially, or spiritually. Ayurveda, the science of life, advocates developing small but good habits with important implications for improving quality of life and inculcating discipline for overall health.

The routine and routine you practice in daily life has a profound effect on you. That routine includes some basic things like waking up, bathing, eating, and brushing teeth! If you break a healthy routine, half your job of feeling good and looking good will be done.

You must understand that imbalance in the scale of your work-life and unhealthy eating and drinking habits have brought you closer to many lifestyle-related disorders. According to Ayurveda, making lifestyle changes should be your go-to method for a better and healthier life.

According to Ayurveda, make these necessary changes in your daily routine

1. Waking up Before Sunrise

One should get up before sunrise because the environment at that time remains pollution-free. At this time the amount of oxygen is highest. Due to the influence of morning sun rays and pollution-free environment, useful chemicals are secreted from the body, due to which the body remains energetic.

2. Drinking Water in the Morning

Drinking water in the morning flushes out the toxins from the body. The digestive system remains healthy. It prevents premature graying of hair and wrinkles.

Ayurvedic Tips for Healthy Life

3. Isha Remembrance or Meditation

For a healthy and focused mind, which removes mental and physical stress. There are no physical and mental diseases due to stress. For meditation, one should meditate on Ish smaran, Ishta, or deity.

4. Cleansing the Bowel

The toxic substances produced as a result of metabolism in the body are removed by the process of excretion. Being present in the morning call of nature keeps lightness in the body throughout the day. After this action, hands and feet should be thoroughly cleaned so that there is no fear of infection.

5. Brushing and Cleansing the Tongue

This makes the teeth clean and strong. Bad odor and anorexia from the mouth are destroyed. The tongue remains clean and free from dirt, due to which the taste perception becomes healthy.

6. Face Wash

Wash mouth and eyes with water. This removes excessive oil from the face. Acne, freckles are cleared, the face becomes fair. Vision improves.

7. Anjan or Eye Wash

The vision becomes clear. Eyes become beautiful and attractive. Improves eyesight and gets rid of diseases.

8. Nasya or Nose Massage

Putting 2-3 drops of hot and cold mustard or sesame oil in the nostril every morning prevents diseases of the head, eyes, and nose. Your eyesight improves, hair becomes longer, thicker, and blacker. It prevents premature hair fall and graying.

9. Abhyang or Oil Massage

Ayurveda recommends that oil should be massaged on the body before bathing. It makes the skin glowing, disease-free. It increases blood circulation in the skin. Toxins are removed from the body in the form of sweat and the skin becomes wrinkled.

Ayurvedic Tips for Healthy Life

10. Exercise

Surya Namaskar, aerobics, yoga, or other daily exercise increases physical strength and immunity. All the rivers of the body are cleansed, blood circulation increases and waste materials are removed from the body. Excess fat is reduced.

11. Hair Cutting And Nail Cutting

Shaving or trimming the beard and mustache, getting a haircut at regular intervals, and trimming the nails are all advised to maintain cleanliness and happiness. It reduces the infection caused due to nails.

12. Uttan (Ubtan) or Body Scrub

According to Ayurveda, body odor can be removed by applying a paste or cream of aromatic herbs. There is joy and energy in the mind. Ubtan removes excess fat from the body. The body parts become stable and firm. The skin becomes soft. It prevents skin conditions like acne and freckles.

13. Bath

Bathing is essential for daily health. Taking bath removes all kinds of impurities from the body. It leads to deep sleep, removes excess heat, odor, sweating, itching, and thirst from the body. Bathing also activates all the senses of the body. Blood is purified and appetite increases.

14. Wearing Clean Clothes

Wearing clean and comfortable clothes enhances beauty, happiness and boosts self-confidence.

15. Avoid direct sunlight and Dust

Direct sunlight should be avoided. Excessive exposure of the skin to direct sunlight can lead to various disorders like burns and sunburns. Hence, you are advised to use an umbrella or scarf for protection.

16. Sleep

Sleeping for 6-8 hours at night is essential in all seasons except summer. In summer, one should take rest for 1-2 hours during the night as well as during the day, as excessive heat leads to loss of water and energy in the body. This is replenished by a nap during the day. By taking proper sleep, physical and mental fatigue is removed and digestion is better, due to which new energy is transmitted in the body.

So ladies, try to incorporate these healthy habits into your and your loved ones' lives for a better and happier life.


About the Creator

Shivay Talks

I have tons of opinions that change constantly. I watch a lot of Political and motivational movies and play cricket and chess. There are some articles on Health, some on traveling and some on politics with languages and dance as well.

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