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15 Healthy Foods To Eat To Lose Weight

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By Shirley MoorePublished 11 months ago 5 min read

Weight loss requires taking an interdisciplinary approach, with food playing a central role. According to one popular saying: "being fit is 80% diet & 20% exercise; you can't outrun your fork". What we choose to eat has an immense effect on both our weight and overall wellbeing. When trying to effectively shed unwanted weight, eating nutritiously dense, whole foods is key. Focusing on natural weight loss foods such as lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains provides essential vitamins and minerals while creating a feeling of fullness that makes following a healthy eating plan much simpler opposed to processed and unhealthy foods that contain added sugars, unhealthy fats, and calories which contribute to weight gain.

Leafy Greens

As part of an effective weight loss diet, leafy greens like spinach, kale and microgreens are great choices to include as they have low caloric and fiber intake levels. Incorporating more leafy greens such as these into meals may help with their low caloric and fiber contents; and are rich in essential vitamins like K, A, C and calcium content - for instance one cup of raw spinach has only 7 calories with 1 gram of fiber, while 1 cup of cooked collard greens contains 49 calories but 4 grams of fiber!

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, bok choy and cauliflower contain low calories while providing significant amounts of fiber - two key components to weight loss. By increasing nutrient density without adding more calories, these veggies can add vitality and flavor without overeating!

Lean Proteins

Eating lean proteins like chicken and fish can help you shed extra weight by harnessing their thermogenic effect, where our bodies burn extra calories digesting them compared with other food groups. Furthermore, lean proteins are low in calories and fat while providing essential B vitamins, iron and zinc nutrients for good health.

Beans and Legumes

Black beans, kidney beans and chickpeas are great diet food options, especially for vegetarians. Packed full of fiber and protein - helping promote satiety while increasing metabolism to facilitate weight loss - beans and legumes make excellent weight-loss companions.

Boiled Potatoes

Contrary to popular belief, boiled potatoes can actually be an advantageous addition to a weight-loss diet. Rich in potassium - essential for maintaining fluid balance and healthy blood pressure levels - as well as complex carbs which provide energy and promote feeling fullness; just remember portion control and avoid high calorie toppings!

Soups (Broth-based)

Broth-based soups can be an ideal way to help weight loss as they typically contain lower calorie and fat contents than cream-based options. Plus, these broth-based varieties usually feature vegetables with high fiber levels to provide fullness after eating and satisfy hunger more effectively than their cream-based counterparts.


Apples, berries and citrus fruits are top choices for healthy weight loss, thanks to their fiber-rich composition that promotes satiety while being low-caloric intake allowing larger portions with fewer calories consumed. Furthermore, fruits contain essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants essential to overall wellbeing.

Non-Starchy Vegetables

Non-starchy vegetables such as bell peppers, eggplant and zucchini are excellent choices for weight loss, with low calories per nutrient intake and rich mineral and antioxidant content to support weight management and sustain energy throughout the day. Furthermore, these non-carb diet-friendly options make an ideal part of their meal plans.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds such as almonds, chia seeds and flaxseeds can be nutritious snacks that promote weight loss by providing protein, fiber, vitamins and healthy fats - but portion control must still be observed due to their calorie and fat content.


Avocado is an excellent source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which help lower cholesterol and decrease heart disease risk. Incorporating this tasty fruit into meals will leave you feeling full and satisfied without breaking the calorie and fat intake thresholds. But remember, eating too much at one sitting could lead to serious consequences!

Greek Yogurt

A popular weight-loss food choice is Greek yogurt. Packed with proteins, calcium and probiotics - including those beneficial to muscle repair, bone health and digestion - Greek yogurt should be chosen from varieties with lower sugar and calorie contents for optimum weight loss results.


Eggs can be an integral component of any successful weight loss plan. Not only are they low in calories and fat content, they're packed full of protein to reduce hunger while building muscle mass. When cooking them choose healthier methods such as boiling, poaching or nonstick pan with minimal oil use for maximum benefit.


Tofu can be an incredibly nutritious weight-loss aid. With low calorie and fat counts, high protein counts and essential amino acid profiles. Incorporate tofu into various recipes while being mindful of preparation methods so as to limit extra calories consumed during preparation.

Cacao Nibs

Cacao nibs, made from crushed cocoa beans, provide an excellent source of both fiber and antioxidants that may aid weight loss by curbing cravings and increasing satiety. Consume in moderation while being mindful of their caloric and fat intake.


Certain spices such as cumin, cinnamon and chili powder have proven their worth when it comes to supporting weight loss efforts. Cumin supports digestion and metabolism while chili peppers contain capsaicin that boosts it further; cinnamon has even been linked to lower body weight and improved blood sugar levels! Incorporating these flavors into meals to both add flavor while supporting weight loss efforts.

Though these diet foods may aid weight loss, it is important to remember that no single food will produce instantaneous results. A successful weight loss plan should consist of foods from all food groups combined with physical activity - consult a healthcare provider or registered nutritionist for tailored advice tailored specifically to you and your goals.

At its core, sustainable weight loss requires an approach that encompasses healthy food options and regular physical activity. By including diet foods into your daily meals and practicing portion control, you can help achieve sustainable weight loss while simultaneously improving overall health and well-being. Remember, making small changes over time can have big results!

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About the Creator

Shirley Moore

Shirley Moore is a certified nutritionist and weight loss coach with over 18 years of experience helping individuals achieve their weight loss goals.

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