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12 Food That Benefit Your Brain

12 Foods That Boost Your Brain

By Simon NgPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

12 Brain-Benefiting Foods

Diet has a big influence on your health. This is true for the entire body, but the effects on the brain may be the most severe, particularly as you get older. There are a variety of foods that promote brain function and health. Including these foods in your diet slows the rate of mental decline and lowers your risk of developing a variety of chronic diseases.

Include the following nutrients in your diet to improve brain function and health:

1. Blueberries are number one. This popular supplement has been shown to improve memory and increase the rate of brain cell proliferation. Antioxidant properties aid in the prevention of cell damage. Blueberries are thought to be one of the foods that can help to increase longevity.

2. Fish from cold water - Fish, such as salmon and herring, contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have a number of health benefits. They help to develop brain membranes and reduce inflammation in the brain.

3. Dark chocolate - We're not talking about the chocolate in the grocery store here, but real chocolate with a high cacao content. This is one of the most potent antioxidants available. It has also been shown to improve blood flow in the brain. You'll also benefit from faster reaction times and better memory.

4. Coffee - Drinking coffee on a regular basis has health benefits. Coffee consumption has been shown in studies to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

5. Olive oil - Olive oil is thought to be one of the few healthy oils available at your local grocery store. One of the advantages is due to the polyphenols found in olive oil. Olive oil has been shown to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease as well as improve memory and learning.

6. Nuts - Many different types of nuts are high in beneficial lipids for brain function.

7. Cranberries Several studies have shown that cranberries are beneficial after a stroke. Recovery occurs more quickly and completely. Cranberries can also help to reduce the effects of a stroke.

8. Eggs - Egg yolks, in particular, can be beneficial to the brain. The high choline content reduces the occurrence of senility in the elderly. With your doctor's approval, consider including one egg per day in your diet.

9. Green vegetables, Vegetables such as collard greens, kale, and spinach can help prevent cognitive decline. Two servings per day can cut your brain's age by an average of 11 years!

10. Avocado, like olive oil, contains monounsaturated fat. Avocados lower blood pressure and improve blood flow to the brain. Because of the high calorie content of avocados, many health professionals recommend limiting consumption to half an avocado per day.

11. Pomegranates or pomegranate juice Pomegranate, a powerful antioxidant, reduces free radical damage in the brain.

12. Green tea - Green tea's antioxidant action benefits the entire body while containing little caffeine. The tea must be made fresh. Catechines, which are beneficial to health, are absent in bottled and powdered teas.

It's difficult to enjoy life when you're sick. Increasing the number and quality of years you live is partially dependent on your diet. It's simple to incorporate a few of these brain-healthy meals into your daily routine. Make it a point to include one with each meal. Many of these dishes also make excellent snacks! If you have any concerns or questions, please contact your doctor.

Don't put off starting to care about your diet until you're in your fifties. Today, give it your undivided attention. Diet is more effective at preventing health problems than curing them. Begin incorporating these nutritious foods into your diet right away.


About the Creator

Simon Ng

My passion and experience are people development, training, and consultation. So I would like to share my people development skills and experience on how to enhance, improve and inspire you to become a better version of yourself.

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