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10 Therapeutic Ways to Make You Feel Alive Again

The magic in life comes from appreciating life itself.

By Jessey AnthonyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

We often take life for granted. Sometimes, it seems like there is so much in our lives that we forget to truly appreciate what we already have.

No matter how stressful and hectic they may be, our lives should never be taken for granted in this ever-increasing pace of life. It is more important to take a moment and realize that we have true joy and happiness in our lives.

Even when we are not with other people, most of us remain busy texting, emails, tweets, calls, or communicate in other ways.

However, we still don’t realize that taking some time alone is good for our mental health and emotional well-being. To enjoy life to the fullest, we must learn to be away from others and spend time with ourselves.

There are some obvious real benefits to this idea, and if you really focus your attention on finding your own magical powers of life, I can promise you that you will immediately feel good about life and maybe even smile.

Most people think that magic is strange, unreal, and a fairy tale. It’s not. Magic is at your fingertips. It is very real and common.

For me, magic is realizing that there is so much that is possible, that has not been proven, that has not been seen, or something that is not believed possible.

I have done the following exercises many times with many types of people, and it is not impossible to do it without feeling happiness and a sense of joy. If you practice it regularly, you will really start to see a positive change in yourself.

I have been practicing this for many years and still find it magically rewarding and satisfying. Over time, some of the wonders on my list have been updated and changed, which I find fascinating.

# 1. Look at the stars

An open, star-filled sky works well for putting things in perspective. Grab a blanket and go to a place where you have the best view. Instead of going through your to-do list for the next day or worrying about the fight you had with your partner, try to relax by focusing on the beauty that is upon you.

# 2. Watch the sunrise

Everyone deserves to start the day with something beautiful. Whether you’re hiking to a local sight with a great view of the horizon or just lounging in your backyard with a fresh cup of coffee, taking time to be alone with your thoughts can be the perfect way to prepare for a long day.

# 3. Take pleasure in admiring nature

The beauty of our planet still amazes me every day, from the majesty of the mountains to the crashing stormy seas, the magical sunsets and sunrises, the romantic rivers and streams, every drop of the air we breathe and every sight we see, is so wonderful. The beauty of nature and the landscape falls very well when I walk in the morning.

# 4. Enjoy your freedom

Nothing beats the freedom to do what you want whenever you want. You are constantly dedicating yourself to everyone but yourself, so it is important to take a break from others and focus on yourself. Being alone gives me time to meditate more and deeply and to pamper myself. I consider myself incredibly lucky right now to have this freedom, and I want to cherish it for as long as possible.

# 5. Lay on the beach

Spend a glorious morning with your toes in the sand and your nose buried in a book, without your children. Although you may enjoy frolicking in the waves with them, you will benefit more from taking time away to soak up the sun and recharge without stressing and worrying just to make sure they are safe.

# 6. Practice different cooking cuisines

Some of us are born chefs, while others struggle to prepare tasty meals in the kitchen. I love cooking for friends. I get a lot of satisfaction in all aspects, from preparing vegetables, making a mess in the kitchen, exploring spices and flavors, watching my friends’ faces to see if they are salivating or disappointed. The crazy conversations and games we play, lots of fun, and true happiness.

# 7. Go for a walk

I think walking is one of the most relaxing and peaceful ways to spend a few hours. The art of walking is incredibly meditative, and I find it very suitable for my way of thinking. Very quickly, I can calm my mind and relax. Of course, spending time outdoors is great exercise. I do an average of 10–15 km a day per day. I am fortunate to have the time and freedom to do this.

# 8. Take time to meditate

Meditation is beneficial for physical and mental health. The therapeutic power can improve concentration, reduce stress, prevent cognitive decline, and keep your brain healthy and alert as you age. Spending quiet time focusing on breathing or completing guided meditations is one way to train your reactive mindset.

# 9. Practice gratitude

Gratitude is one of the best ways to live a happier life. To do this, keep a gratitude journal, take a few minutes each day to think of three things you are grateful for or congratulate other people to show your appreciation. If you want to be happier, forget the myth that achievements or acquisitions bring happiness. Instead, focus on activities that encourage gratitude for the blessings you have already received.

# 10. Be creative

I’m generally not very creative. I mean, I’m not that artistic, who skillfully handles paints and brushes to create a medium that appeals to the imagination. But I prefer to play my favorite note on the piano, sing in harmony, or write. It may not be Shakespeare, but I like to read and write. I enjoy the challenge of the task and love to paint generic arts, a journey of discovery that gradually comes together after a few days.


About author

Jessey Anthony is a motivational speaker, fitness coach and relationship expert who helps people become confident in themselves in any challenges they face in life. Sign up to my newsletter & more cool stuff.

Connect with me on Linkedin, Twitter, and Quora.

This article was published here.


About the Creator

Jessey Anthony

Jessey is a travel addict, freelance content writer and fitness coach. Check out more from me at: https://bit.ly/3j0Lm9Z

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