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10 Important Rules for Maintaining and Improving Spiritual Health

Actionable advice.

By Ozzy MurrayPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
10 Important Rules for Maintaining and Improving Spiritual Health
Photo by Chelsea shapouri on Unsplash

Our body and spirit are interconnected, so if there is no harmony and peace in the soul, then you will always have the feeling that you are missing something. No matter how good your health is, your spiritual problems will sooner or later be compromised or even cause serious illness.

Spiritual health is also called energy, because it is directly related to a person's chakras, to his aura. Therefore, if you want to always be fit and well, you should focus not only on exercise but also on your mood.

Train and adopt a healthy lifestyle - it's important, no one argues, but more important is the state of your soul, the right attitude in life.

Let's begin:

Rule 1: Don't put unrealistic tasks in front of you

Set real tasks and do them gradually. Because if you aim to get everything right away - it means exposing yourself to severe stress.

The truth is that the lack of success at the moment will surely lead to disappointment and frustration, which can lead to problems in the future. As they say, perseverance and hard work will develop everything, but this does not mean that you should be reckless and blindly follow your dream through the impassive jungle.

Rule 2: If everything goes wrong in your life, don't rush to blame other people for it

They have nothing to do. To change something in life, you must first change yourself. It would be naive to believe that our world will adapt to you. So, bottom line is that we're looking forward to it.

If you want to be treated with respect, win it first. If you strive for glory, you become special and not like anyone else. Do something remarkable after all. If you dream of material well-being - work hard and don't be lazy.

Rule 3: Don't interfere in someone else's life

Everyone has the right to their way and their own mistakes. Even if you are extremely wise, you have an excellent life experience, and "you know how it is better", it does not impose your vision and point of view on anyone.

Not only will you destroy this person's mood and irritate them, but you will also damage your spiritual health.

Rule 4: Don't rush into your grievances and learn to forgive

This rule is the most fundamental. The truth is that the dissatisfaction that accumulates only eats one person inside. They deprive you of energy, confuse you to love and enjoy life, and what is most dangerous - it destroys your spiritual health.

Rule 5: Be honest

When you tell the truth, you save your nerves and time. You can reasonably see that in the modern world it is impossible to always tell the truth. In a sense, yes. But you must try to differentiate clearly when the "lie for salvation" is justified and necessary, and when you can do without it. In any case, the less you cheat, the easier it is to live.

Rule 6: Don't expect recognition from others

Think about the significance of recognition. It just doesn't exist, so there's no need to prove anything to this world. Everything you do, you do for yourself. This must be accepted, allowing you to be a little selfish. There is nothing wrong with that: you are alone.

But don't confuse the concept of "living for yourself" with "being selfish."

Rule 7: Not envy

This is truly a terrible and destructive feeling. It steals your happiness. Remember, there are no two people in this world. We are all very different and each has his path and cross.

Someone is born rich, and someone - in poverty, for someone everything is easy, and for someone - you have to sweat enough to be successful. After all, you don't know anything about each other if you think about it.

Money and success are far from happiness. If someone drives a luxury car and lives in a big mansion, that doesn't mean he's happy. You can find and know joy in your soul. Only then does this joy fill your life, inspire you to dream, to act, and to share the light with other people.

Rule 8: Learn to relax

Not only computers and phones but also people need a regular reboot. Take a break from time to time. You can't do all the work and you won't make all the money in the world. This rule applies not only to annual vacations or weekends. Don't forget to interrupt your work to relax during the day. Just sit still and keep your eyes closed, without thinking or worrying about anything.

We are all constantly busy and in a hurry somewhere, so finding even a few minutes is not easy. But give it a try - it's worth it. Even after such a short break, you will immediately feel much better. You can even meditate for 10 minutes. Focus on breathing and stop all thoughts completely. Your brain will say "thank you" and you will feel an extraordinary wave of energy yourself.

Rule 9: Use your time wisely

This rule is very important in our dynamic and changing world. The fact is that life is not just about work and career. You need to set aside time for family, friends, hobbies, and travel. Otherwise, life will be boring and monotonous. So allocate your time so that the work lasts 60% of the time, rest 10, entertainment 10, and the rest 20.

Rule 10: Remember that everything in your life comes back: good and bad

This is the law of the boomerang: the more you give to people and this world - the more you will receive in return. It's also called karma. In any case, the main thing is to understand the essence. If you want people to treat you well and luck not to get distracted, live honestly and openly. Help other people, support them, sincerely enjoy their successes.

Each of the above rules requires some changes in your life and you. But don't be scared - there's nothing complicated here. These are time-tested principles that anyone can follow. The main thing is the desire to become better and to live better. Try it: you will succeed!


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    OMWritten by Ozzy Murray

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