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The science of happiness

Unveiling the secrets to a joyful life

By Halima MahmudPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

Happiness has fascinated philosophers, scientists, and people for millennia because it is an elusive but generally desired state of being. Can happiness be understood for what it really is? Recent developments in psychology and neuroscience have shed light on the science of happiness, showing that it is a measured and attainable state of well-being rather than just a whimsical emotion. The science of happiness and the elements that contribute to our happy times will be discussed in this essay.

What really Is Happiness?

A common definition of happiness is a state of emotional and mental well-being characterised by joyful feelings, contentment, and a sense of fulfilment in life. However, it has proven difficult for scholars to quantify something as ephemeral as happiness. The "subjective well-being" idea is one strategy; it combines life satisfaction, the presence of good emotions, and the absence of bad emotions.

Biological Genetics

While temporary changes in external circumstances might affect happiness, research indicates that our initial levels of happiness are mostly determined by our genetic makeup. According to research, almost 50% of our happiness may be influenced by our genetic make-up. Others tend to be more prone to negative emotions, while some folks are just naturally happier people.

hedonistic treadmill

The "hedonic treadmill" is among the most exciting discoveries in happiness research. According to this hypothesis, everyone starts out with a certain amount of happiness, and whether or not something good or bad happens to them, they usually go back to that level. This phenomena contributes to the understanding of why the initial thrill of a new career, relationship, or material possession frequently wears off over time.

The Beneficial Effect of Adaptation

Amazingly adaptable creatures, humans. While we might assume that important life events, like winning the jackpot or dealing with a disabling disability, would permanently influence our happiness, studies show that we often adjust to these changes remarkably rapidly. The "adaptation effect," a phenomena, shows that internal thinking, rather than external conditions, is more important for long-lasting enjoyment.

Meaning and Flow: What They Are

A sense of engagement and purpose are also related to happiness; it's not just about pleasure and good feelings. The idea of "flow," a state where people are so engrossed in a task that they lose track of time, was first proposed by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. A deep sensation of contentment and fulfilment is frequently brought on by experiencing flow.

Relations with Others

Humans are naturally social beings, and the relationships we have with other people have a significant impact on our happiness. Strong social networks have regularly been linked to happier lives and more resiliency in the face of hardship, according to research. The key to long-term happiness is creating and maintaining relationships.

The Power of Appreciation and kindness

A powerful method for boosting happiness is gratitude and kindness cultivation. According to studies, feeling thankfulness on a regular basis can increase good feelings, general wellbeing, and even physical health. One easy but powerful way to increase happiness is to take a moment each day to think about what we have to be thankful for.

In conclusion, the science of happiness has shed important light on how we might live happier lives, even if it is still a complex and nuanced notion. We can take control of our own happiness by realising that it is influenced by a variety of factors, including our internal outlook, social ties, and worthwhile pursuits.We may gradually raise our baseline happiness levels and enjoy the significant advantages of a happier and more full existence by cultivating positive habits, practising gratitude, and developing our relationships. In the end, pursuing happiness is not just an ideal but also a path to a happier and more promising future that has been supported by science.

So, let’s endeavor to always do good things that make us happy and always remember HAPPINESS IS FREE. Be happy always.


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Halima Mahmud

I'm your go-to source for articles and stories. From tech trends to life's quirks, I break down info into bite-sized pieces. Together, let's explore, one article at a time. Take a seat, get a coffee,come along on this adventure with me!

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  • Alex H Mittelman 8 months ago

    Great work!

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