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Natural Ways to Relieve and Manage Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are a common problem that can cause discomfort. Discover natural remedies like warm compresses, eyelid scrubs, and supplements to relieve dry eye symptoms and improve eye health.

By Nature's GloryPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

Dry, irritated eyes are an incredibly common problem affecting millions of people. Dry eyes occur when the eyes do not produce enough quality tears, or tears evaporate too quickly from the surface of the eyes. This causes discomfort, grittiness, stinging and burning. There are many natural remedies and lifestyle changes that can provide relief for dry eyes and support overall eye health. Diagnosing the root causes of dryness is the first step in finding the right solutions.

Lifestyle Factors in Managing Dry Eyes

Many daily habits can cause dry eyes, like lack of sleep, staring at screens for too long without breaks, wearing contact lenses continuously, and poor diet. Getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep allows the eyes to fully rest and replenish tear production. Taking frequent breaks when using screens or phones gives eyes a rest from intense focus. Consider wearing glasses some of the time if you wear contacts daily. Eating a diet rich in omega-3s, vegetables, nuts and seeds provides key nutrients for healthy tears. Scheduling regular eye exams can help identify any underlying conditions causing dryness.

Natural Remedies for Dry Eyes

Warm Compresses and Eyelid Hygiene

Applying warm, wet compresses to the eyes for 5-10 minutes allows oils from the meibomian glands in the eyelids to flow freely. This prevents tear evaporation. Gently scrubbing the eyelids with a clean cloth or specialised eyelid cleanser every day removes debris, unclogs glands, and promotes oil flow. Doing these simple treatments daily keeps eyes clean and well-lubricated. These techniques can be done easily at home for maintenance.

Blinking Exercises and Eye Rest

Make an effort to blink fully and slowly several times throughout the day. This spreads tears across the surface of the eyes. Taking occasional eye rests by closing the eyes for 2-5 minutes also gives them a break from intense visual tasks. These blinking exercises activate the oil glands and prevent tear film drying. Brief eye yoga techniques also help strengthen eye muscles.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Eye Health

Taking a daily supplement containing omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil can help improve tear film quality and production. Eye supplements in Singapore that combine omega-3s with antioxidants like lutein and moisturising hyaluronic acid are great for relieving dryness and supporting overall eye health. Consult an eye doctor for the best eyes supplement recommendations for your eye needs.

Hydration and Water Intake

Drinking at least eight (8) glasses of water daily produces more natural tears to keep eyes lubricated. Avoid excessive intake of dehydrating fluids like coffee, alcohol and soda. Reducing salt intake can also minimise fluid loss. Proper hydration is key for healthy tear production. Drink more water before and after going outside.

Protective Eyewear and Environmental Factors

Wear wraparound sunglasses or protective eyewear when outside to shield the eyes from dust, wind, and sun exposure which cause tears to evaporate quickly. Consider using a humidifier at home and office to add moisture to dry indoor air. Keep humidity around 40-50% to prevent tear film drying. Avoid sitting directly under ceiling fans and vents blowing air on the face.

Do’s and Don’ts for Eye Drops

When using artificial tear eye drops, select preservative-free formulas. Follow the recommended dosage instructions. Allow at least 15-30 minutes between using different eye drops. Overuse of drops can cause dependence and irritation. Lifestyle changes and supplements greatly reduce the need for frequent use of eye drops. Stop use if drops cause redness or stinging.


Making simple modifications to daily habits along with targeted natural remedies like warm compresses, omega-3 supplements, blinking exercises, and proper hydration can provide relief from irritating dry eye symptoms. A holistic approach helps manage dry eyes for clear, comfortable vision. Combining lifestyle changes, home remedies and professional treatment maximises results.


About the Creator

Nature's Glory

Nature’s Glory is an online organic food store Singapore, offering various organic food products, including Manuka Honey.

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