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How to get a job?

Finding a job after getting fired or laid off.

By OphionzeroPublished 21 days ago 5 min read
How to get a job?
Photo by Igor Omilaev on Unsplash

So you have just been let go. Fired, laid off, given the pink slip, whatever euphemism or term you would like to use to make it easier is totally fine. We have all been there, grabbing our belongings, saying goodbye to work friends, feeling down and worried for the future, the long ride home, the prepared speech for our loved ones and friends, etc, and so forth.

Well, enough reminiscing and feeling down on yourself, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get to it. The following are the 5 steps to getting a new job fast!

Step 1: Tell Every One You Know You Are Looking.

Reach out to all your friends, acquaintances, ex-lovers, frenemies, priests, the local butcher, and everyone in between, and let them know that you are back on the job market. Remember that this is a numbers game and the more people that know you are looking the more opportunities and options may come your way. Some of your contacts may have special or insider knowledge of openings that have yet to be posted. Don't forget that people are a resource, so use it!

Step 2: Creating Your Resume.

You should already have a resume ready to go before your "sEpAraTioN" from the company if you don't then shame on you. Start drafting or revising your resume IMMEDIATELY! Once you have finished or reached a stopping point create a second short-form version of your resume.

What is a short-form resume?

A short-form resume is a one-page resume that documents no more than 10 years of work experience, think of it as an elevator pitch resume. A one-stop snapshot that describes who you are in under 3 minutes. This resume is for ADHD-riddled Hiring Managers with TikTok attention spans who do not have the time to "get to know you". So make whatever seconds they happen to glance at your curriculum vitae count!

Your initial resume or longer form resume is a detailed resume that documents your work or educational experience past 10 years and lists your work-related skills, knowledge, hobbies, and key projects. Think of it as a "get to know me document" for the Hiring Managers born before 1992 who know what a book looks like and have the attention span and discipline to read something past 5 minutes.

These are the professionals who take the sourcing of human capital seriously. You want to have some exposure for such individuals, this is where the longer form resume comes into play. Also, a longer form resume helps to get past AI screeners. Artificial Intelligence screeners that gatekeep applicants from progressing to the next phase of the hiring process by scanning for specific keywords. The utilization of a longer form resume allows the opportunity for more keywords for "Skynet" to scan and select you for the next round.

Step 3: Learn New Skills.

Make an assessment of what skills you are lacking that you need to learn. These skills if learned would give you a leg up if not at minimum make you a more competitive applicant. If it is a certification or license, do what you can to acquire them, some skills you do not even need a certification or license of any kind, just simply being proficient would suffice. There are several platforms where you can acquire licenses, certifications, and skills that would make you more marketable for hiring managers.

Some of these platforms like Coursera or Skillshare offer their services at affordable price points and flexibility where you can work at your own pace. Once you have learned your new skill or skills be sure to include them in your resumes.

By Wes Hicks on Unsplash

Step 4: Apply, Apply, Apply!

With both versions of your resume (long and short) apply to every job application that you qualify for, yes every. Focus more time and attention on the applications that check off most of your wish list items. Remember this is a numbers game. Sometimes you may need to make some revisions to your resume to help it match closer to the description of the job you are applying for. For example, if the job description calls for a self-starter and you are a self-starter but this is not in your resume, include it. Remember the AI scanners are scanning for keywords.

Aim to send 10 to 15 resumes every day, yes, every day. If you fall short, that is ok. Again this is a numbers game, attempt to have an average of 10 applications per day.

By Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Step 5: Interviews.

So you got past the AI scanners and you now have an interview scheduled, congrats! You are a few steps away from getting the job, now it's time to prepare. The first thing you need to do is to research the company, understand what they are about, and understand what is important to the company. Second, you need to review the job description and focus on the job requirements.

Be sure to save these requirements in your mind and be prepared to provide information on how you meet or exceed them. Thirdly, practice common interview questions, like "Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are your strengths and weaknesses." However trite or corny you feel about those overused questions, take them seriously. Remember the interviewer is not only accessing the content of your answers but also how you answer them. Be sure to dress appropriately and always, always arrive 20 minutes early to any interview. This will help mitigate any unfortunate delays or surprises while you are en route to the interview.

During the interview answer all questions honestly, maintain a good posture, and speak calmly and confidently. After the interview, take notes, and note down what went well and what didn't. Send a thank you email to the HR manager. Finally, it is important to have a positive outlook even if the interview didn't go well. Learn from the experience and consider any interview (good or bad) as practice and preparation for the dream job interview that is right around the corner!

Step 6: Getting Hired.

So, you received an email from company 'x' with an official offer, congrats! Hopefully, you negotiated a salary that truly represents your value. Before formally accepting, check the details of the offer. Be sure the terms and the benefits are correct as discussed. Take a day to review and reflect, if all terms are acceptable, send your formal acceptance of the offer.

Now that you are hired you can breathe a sigh of relief, right? Well not really; often many people realize the job they just said yes to is absolutely AWFUL. Some human resource professionals are good at hiding important details of the job that if you knew you would not have accepted the job in the first place. Or your supervisor has poor communication skills and simply doesn't like you (because you are a threat to their position), or you are simply not a good fit.

To mitigate this, always, always be looking for the next gig. Finish all your scheduled interviews even after you have accepted the offer, and always be open to entertaining new opportunities. All the while, remember to keep your head down during your probationary period, don't get involved in office politics, and simply do your job, good luck!

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I am an autodidactic individual who has many interests. My interests span music, cars, anime, cinema, and people, especially people. Follow me on Vocal for thought provoking and sometimes entertaining articles.

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