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6 Dark psychology trics to watch out for

From different reserches

By Henok AmdiyePublished 8 months ago 4 min read
6 Dark psychology trics to watch out for
Photo by Uday Mittal on Unsplash

Psychology studies how our mind and feelings work, while dark psychology studies how to trick and control people. You might not know it, but there are lots of tricks people use to manipulate you that you encounter every day.

In this writing , we Will talk about how dark psychology affects how we act and live. We will talk about how people manipulate others to control them, so you can spot it when it happens to you. Okay, let's start.

1 - Reverse Psychology; Reverse psychology is a strong way to make people do things they don't want to do, or things they know they shouldn't do. It can be hard to tell when someone is using reverse psychology. It's when someone says something that doesn't match what they really want. The person might sound very serious when they say it, as if they don't really want you to do what they're asking. This method is used in lots of different situations, but it's most often used by parents when they use reverse psychology to help discipline their kids. Teachers and managers use it to help their students or employees do better.

2 - Love Bombing; Love bombing is when someone gives a lot of attention and love to another person to make them do what they want. It's a way of manipulating the other person. When someone is love bombing, they use this tactic to make the other person rely on them emotionally. Therefore, the person who was tricked feels like they owe something to the manipulator and is not as likely to ask questions about the manipulator's reasons or actions afterwards. People often rely on others to make them happy or feel good about themselves, especially in romantic relationships and friendships, but this can happen in any situation. It’s easy to get caught up in this kind of attention; we all want people to notice us. But it can cause problems in the future.

3 - Persuasion and Authority Persuasion means using strong reasons or appeals to make someone change their mind or actions. Politicians try to use strong reasons to get people to vote for them. Famous people often promote big brands to try to convince people to buy their products. By teaming up with a famous person, a company can make people trust and believe in their product. The way the famous person is seen by the public makes people want to buy the product more because it seems special and desirable. Authority means using your power or influence to make someone do what you want. For instance, a boss may use their power to make an employee do something they don't want to do. They might even say they will fire the employee if they don't do what they're told.

4 - Emotional Manipulation; Emotional manipulation means tricking someone and using their feelings to get them to do things they wouldn't usually do. The plan is to make the person feel bad so they do what we want. Or, they might frighten and control others into doing what they want by making up or stretching the truth. They might try to make you feel guilty by using emotions. Another way to manipulate someone's emotions is to make them feel like they have to do something. It's not too difficult to be tricked by this kind of manipulation because it can be tricky. But once you know what to look for, it will be easier to avoid falling for it.

5 - Choice restriction is when someone limits another person's choices so that they can make them do what they want. The reason for using this tactic is that it is easier to persuade someone to choose something when they don't have many options. For instance, a car salesperson might just give you two choices for a car that fits your budget and needs. This way it's easier for them to help you make a decision, instead of giving you six options to choose from and making you feel stressed. In some cases, this way of controlling someone can be more harmful, like not giving them important information or things they need to limit their ability to make choices. Or making someone choose between two things that are both not very good. It’s important to know about this method because it can be used in many different situations and by people who don’t seem manipulative.

6 - Gaslighting Gaslighting is when someone tries to make you doubt your sanity or what is real. It is often used to make you question your own thoughts, feelings, or memories so that you are easier to control by the manipulator. It can happen in a lot of different situations. For instance, it could be used by a mean husband or wife who tries to make their partner believe that their thoughts and feelings are not true. It can also happen at work when a boss treats employees unfairly and makes them question if they are being treated right. Gaslighting can be obvious or not so obvious, depending on how the person doing it acts and if the person being targeted realizes what's going on.

Dark psychology is a strong tool that can make someone have power over you, if you're not careful. By understanding what strategies to watch out for, you can understand your feelings and behavior better and make decisions that are best for you. It's good to know about these tricks, but don't always think that someone is trying to control you.

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    HAWritten by Henok Amdiye

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