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The Labourer Is Worthy of his wages. By Kathleen J Merry

This story is about Living your dream and being paid .

By Kathleen MerryPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The Labourer Is Worthy of his wages. By Kathleen J Merry
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The Labourer Is worthy of His wages

They say the Labourer is worthy of His wages which I agree with.

When people work hard even in things that are hobbies, hopefully to make

them a career, it is sometimes hard to ask people to pay a fee, or make a

payment.I love to create and I try new things. Last year it was jewellery,

mostly earrings, and as much as they are lovely. I have actually given them

away.Because I love to create, I enjoy it, but it is a different thing entirely

when it comes to selling them.I am just not a seller the fun for me is in the

making. I have been writing for years now, but as a poet, and I have written

several songs which I would like to record, but I would need help with

that.Now I have turned my attention to writing short stories,I have entered

my first competition challenge. In all the stories they all have to tell stories

about a little black book and twenty thousand dollars. I have published

four so far, but I have eight completed, the other four have still to be

approved. As I am new to this I am finding out that the more people who

read my stories , means it will at some Point allow me to earn from this. It

will take awhile because we are talking a thousand people allows you to

earn 3.8 dollars, which in pounds Sterling is 2.70. There is another

System that if the reader has enjoyed the story, the can leave a tip, the

amount is up to the Reader. As I retired last year due to ill health, I am

hoping that I will live my dream as an Author, and not just see it as a

hobby. You are never to old to live your dreams. I have so many stories in

me. In fact I am nearly finished two books I have been working on.

This pandemic that the world has been seeing,I think has changed things

for people.For some it has been terrifying. Worrying, many have lost their

jobs, relationships and their Lives. I myself had the virus a year ago,and I

tell you I have never felt so bad in all my life.

But it makes you waken up ,and realise that life is too short. I found that

out twenty

five years ago, when I was forty five. One minute I had my husband and the

next he was

gone. I literally got told that day he had cancer, and he died in my arms

that night.It was such a Shock.That experience left me a different person.I

was always a little afraid to go out

of my comfort zone. But I found myself doing things I would never have

done in the past. One Of them driving to Iraq in my little Ford Fiesta. I

went to work with refugees.I went to Africa and believe me that was

unbelievable, amazing really, because I grew up with a phobia. I find it

even hard to write the word here. I will give you a has eight legs. A

lot of people are frightened of them.But the point I am making is this, You

are alive, and while you are alive. You still have time to do things, you will

never know unless you try. I have failed at many things, but at least I

tried. Now I have some health problems, but that is In my body.not my

mind or my will, and things that are temporal are subject to change. I am

trying to get better, I never give up. I am a glass half full person, and

tenacious. Never say to me you can’t. I am saying to you, You can!. Redeem

the time, it is your life no one else can live it for you. And do not let anyone

control you, because they will consume you.We all have free will, and no

man has the right to take that away from You. I am amazed at the talent

that is out there.what amazes me even more is the talent that young

children have these days. The confidence they exude is extraordinary, but

they believe in themselves and they are going for it.when I was younger I

had the voice,but not the confidence.I can still sing, but it is not as it was. I

wish I had done something about it, but now I don’t want too have any

more regrets.I urge you to do the same.Make a difference, even if it is just

To your own life.


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