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The Hateful Memes

While I Strive For Positivity It Makes Me Sad To See People Posting How They Will Attack Others As A First Contact Regardless

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
A Positive Meme From Pinterest -


Memes are an easy way of letting someone else enunciate the way you feel. Ususally they are funny or positive but I see a lot that are anything but, and when I see these posted it dose make me worry for or be wary of the one who has posted that meme.

These are two definitions of what a meme is that I found on our encyclopedic internet:

  1. an element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.
  2. an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations.

Sometimes it is not a meme but just a statement, with no humour but veering towards aggresiveness and hatefulness (I hope those are valid words).

All the images on here are taken from Google. I have not bothered crediting them because some have their source included and the nature of a meme is to make itself shared, which is what I am doing with this story.

I am diabetic, old , white and overweight. This is a nasty meme that will be hurtful to anyone trying hard to lose weight. I have had these thrown at me throughout my life. Remember a hateful meme says a lot about its creator and sharers.

I know sometimes we want to be alone, and I know some people have difficulty dealing with others, but not because they hate them, it is because they have personal issues and need help and I see many people psoting memes similar to this and think "you would soon be complaining if people all had the same attitude as you".

I don't hate people, not even Putin, Trump, Sean Hannity and the British Tory Party. I do wish they were in jail and not causing others harm but I do not hate them.

I also do not take joy in others misfortune or destruction, and get slightly worried when I see others delighting the misfortune of people they despise or dislike. People have made fun of me for many reasons but again it just shows they are too lazy to take off their blinkers.

Then we get memes like this, people expressing intolerance for gender, race , sexuality amd anything that is slightly outside their box. When I see people posting meems like this, to me, it screams homophobe, racist and intolerant person.

People will then start to argue that they didn't mean to offend this person or that person, but it's a bit like saying their punch in your face wasn't meant to hurt you, but if it did, then you must be too soft and sensitive.

And the web is full of patriarchal sexist memes like this. All the women and most men I know now are intelligent enough to respect the whole spectrum of gender, but even ten years ago I was with people who would find the above, a similar memes hilarious and practise homophobia, misogyny and racism and just part of normal life. I am so grateful that is not the case now.

For this I would agree don't forward hateful memes, but this also says to me "Don't Do That". So many times in my life I have been told not to do something, then I have gone ahead and done it anyway because I thought it was the right thing to do, then got a positive result.

Some people just want to stop others from progressing and bettering themselves. I love seeing people progress.

Conclusion on the Hateful Memes

I have found this a bit difficult to put togelther so I am going to leave you with an absoluetely positive meme. I do love positivity and happiniess even though sometimes we are thrown off the good path although with a little effort we can always get back onto that path.

advicehumanitysocial mediaheroes and villains

About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales & Poems

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Comments (1)

  • Cathy holmes2 years ago

    good article,and yeah hateful memes are not funny.

Mike Singleton - MikeydredWritten by Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

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