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The AI Takeover Is Happening And What It Means For Entrepreneurs

Hint, I'm Still Not Worried

By Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.Published 10 months ago 3 min read

I just finished reading an article about how AI has been doing a takeover on the internet recently.

Not in an Apocalyptic way of course like some people predicted.

It's more like a "spam" and "junk" overload on the internet.

People are using it for some... interesting things.

On the low end of things, some people are sending ridiculous amounts of AI-generated articles to publishers attempting to get their "work" into different publications.

It's gotten to the point where many of these publications are simply not excepting anything from third-parties.

On the more creative end of things, some websites are cranking out AI content to rank higher on SEO.

This even includes what's been called a "cottage industry" of hot-to videos of things that probably don't need videos on how to do.

In a few cases, people are using it to create fake phishing websites for scams as well.

Some people seem to be making some money with these methods, but the truth is that it won't last long.

This is what you need to understand as an Entrepreneur.

AI content is going to continue to grow for a while, and you "could" make money hopping aboard that band-wagon.

But this type of content will eventually go the way of fidget-spinners.

It is a speeding wagon that is headed straight for the edge o f a cliff.

Eventually, Google will change their formulas to stop rewarding bad behavior.

Social Media will add algorithms to block clicks to this content.

People will start to flag which sites they no longer want to get AI-generated content from.

Businesses will start putting up blockades against the junk that will continue to get poured out.

Everyone who's businesses rely on AI-generated content will simply stop being profitable.

Assuming that different organizations don't punish those businesses first - I wouldn't be surprised if a lawsuit eventually comes down the line over this kind of behavior.

So, what do entrepreneurs need to start doing?

Well, I'm not saying that you can't use AI at all - there are great use cases for it.

Some people have found some really interesting ways to assist their work with AI, and I am all for that.

What I am getting at is that your business needs to do what they have always needed to do in order to survive - be unique.

If you create content, your content needs to be truly unique - it can't just be rehashed material (AI has that more than covered)

If you have a business, it needs to solve a real problem in order to maintain profitability.

At the end of the day, nothing has really changed.

AI will make the landscape of business look different, and where profitability can be found, sure.

If Google and the Social Media sites continue to allow AI mills to make money, the people that pay for marketing will leave.

How marketing looks will begin to change due to this, as it will be the only way to keep people happy.

People will start to seek out more real people and real content however they are able.

It's also not hard to distinguish reality from AI junk, people are getting really good at it now.

What will make a business "truly" last is exactly the same as it has been since long before I started a business.

Amazing service, solving real problems, done with Leadership that is truly exceptional.

The business equation is simple - don't be a pest, don't fill people's inboxes and feeds with junk no one wants.

If you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, don't fall into the bandwagon that is going to run off a cliff shortly.

One thing you can be certain of, I plan to always write my own material

workflowwall streetsocial mediaindustryhumanityhow tohistorycareerbusiness warsbusinessadvice

About the Creator

Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

Creator of the Multi-Award-Winning Category "Legendary Leadership" | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | The Legendary Leadership Coach, Digital Writer (450+ Articles), & Speaker


[email protected]

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