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One Thing We Do Not Do Enough Of That Our Brain Desires

Something We Should Do EVERY Day

By Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.Published 5 months ago 3 min read

Today, I am up much earlier than I am used to, as my Family prepares for my Sister-in-Law's Graduation.

She is receiving her Master's degree and we are all extremely proud of her!

It's going to be a fun-filled day with Celebration throughout!

As I thought last night what I would write about today, this is what I thought would be important to discuss:


Throughout life we find these HUGE moments to Celebrate.


A Birthday here.

A Holiday there.

We put these gigantic festivities together, requiring a lot of time and energy.

All of this I think is a good thing, large Celebrations should occur and be something we are excited for!

But what about the rest of the year?

For most people, they begin to Focus on other aspects of Life.

However, the Focus tends to be EXCLUSIVELY on what is wrong.

If only this had gone better...

I'm not good enough for...

If an opportunity was given to me then...

For most people, there is an intense Focus on the Negative and what we Lack.

It's not completely our faults, many companies around the world try to convince us that everything is Negative and that we Lack so much.

However, when that is all we Focus on, it becomes a Problem.

Our Brains have this amazing and powerful ability to find whatever we Focus on.

Similar to how a Google Search works, your brain will pull up as much evidence, proof, and examples as it can for whatever you ask for.

The key though is what you "ask" for.

If you ask what didn't go well, then your brain will pull up results for EVERYTHING that didn't go well!

If you ask about what problems exist, then your brain will pull up results for ALL of the problems that exist!

Whatever you Focus your Brain toward, it will find it!

However, it isn't healthy to only Focus on the Negative!

When we do, things like Anxiety and Depression become rampant.

Levels of Dis-Stress increase, causing Stress Damage (Oxidative Stress) which has been linked to most (if not all) Disease.

It also makes Recovery significantly more difficult because that Negativity tends to impact the Nervous System, creating Fight-or-Flight states throughout our body.

Our Brains and Bodies were not designed to put all this emphasis on what is Wrong.

So, what are we to do?

Change the Focus!

What are the GREAT things in your life?!

What is AWESOME?!

What INSPIRES you?!

But also, what can you CELEBRATE?!

The thing about Celebration is that we tend to reserve it for "Big" accomplishments.

However, we don't have to reserve it.

I Celebrate every single day!

Now, I don't throw huge extravagant parties every single day, don't misunderstand me.

What we CAN do is Celebrate all the little Victories that happen throughout our Lives.

In fact, according the BJ Fogg, this is one of the best ways to develop Positive Habits!

He calls it ABC - Anchor, Behavior, Celebrate.

If you want to build a new Habit, start with something that you consistently do (perhaps every day).

For him, it was going to the bathroom (insert laughter here).

Then, every time you do that consistent thing, also do a "tiny" version of the Habit you want to build.

Fogg wanted to add Pushups into his life, so every time he went to the bathroom, he did a single pushup.

Yes, only one "tiny" pushup.

The final piece - Celebrate!

After Fogg did a pushup, he whispered, "Yes!".

It might seem silly, and it isn't extravagant or huge.

However, Psychologically it is EXTREMELY powerful!

Fogg began to do pushups more and more consistently and they began to add up!

On top of that, the Consistent Celebrations continued to push him.

Going back into the state of the world - so much Focuses on what is Negative, BUT our Brains WANT Positivity!

When you give your Brain that small Celebration, it is like giving water to someone who has been stranded in the Desert.

Your Brain will get that little taste and ask, "Where's more?"

So, this is my challenge to you - Go find things to Celebrate!

It doesn't matter how big or small, how impactful or ridiculous.

If it even means the "tiniest" of importance to you, Celebrate it!

Before you know it, your Brain will begin to constantly ask a new question.

"What can we Celebrate today?"

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About the Creator

Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

Creator of the Multi-Award-Winning Category "Legendary Leadership" | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | The Legendary Leadership Coach, Digital Writer (450+ Articles), & Speaker


[email protected]

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran5 months ago

    Wooohooooo congratulations to yout sister in law! You're right about where we would only see what we focus on. It's like a tunnel vision. I'm not big on celebrating but I do give myself a pat on the back for the smallest of tasks that I do because sometimes due to my depression, I just cannot get anything done.

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