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Pray for me

A humorous take on kids, television and ethics

By Daniel LigairiPublished about a year ago 3 min read


Once upon a time, in the serene town of Willowbrook, nestled amidst rolling green hills and babbling brooks, there resided two mischievous young boys named Tommy and Joey. Their house stood at the end of a picturesque lane, where colorful flowers bloomed and the air carried the sweet scent of freshly baked goods from the nearby bakery.

Tommy and Joey grew up in a home that radiated warmth and embraced Christian values. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, devout believers, taught their sons the importance of faith, compassion, and leading a righteous life. The Thompson household echoed with prayers, hymns, and Bible stories that ignited the boys' imaginations and fueled their curiosity.

Every evening, as the sun painted the sky with hues of gold and amber, the family would gather around the dinner table. Grace was said, gratitude expressed, and laughter filled the air as they shared tales of their day's adventures. Mr. Thompson, a wise man with a twinkle in his eye, often shared anecdotes about his own childhood antics, leaving Tommy and Joey in stitches.

Guided by their parents' teachings, the brothers ventured into the world, curious and full of life. Their enthusiasm spilled over into their favorite pastime—watching television. From animated adventures to thrilling mysteries, the boys found solace in the captivating stories that unfolded on the screen.

But in this sanctuary of entertainment, a unique rule governed their viewing habits. It was their mother who, one fateful evening, unveiled this peculiar mandate. "Boys," she began, her voice gentle but firm, "as you delve into the realm of television, I implore you to guard your hearts against any impurity. If you stumble upon a scene that feels inappropriate or makes you uneasy, I want you to pause, reflect, and seek solace in prayer."

Tommy and Joey listened intently, nodding in understanding. Their young minds embraced the idea of shielding themselves from harmful influences and walking the righteous path. From that day forth, the boys approached their TV time with a mix of excitement and vigilance, ready to embark on this spiritual journey at the slightest hint of impropriety.

One sunny afternoon, with their parents attending a community gathering, Tommy and Joey found themselves in charge of their own entertainment. They ventured into the living room, their eyes gleaming with the anticipation of endless possibilities. The television stood like a portal to a world waiting to be explored.

As they flipped through the channels, their curiosity led them to a show they had never encountered before. The screen showcased vivid imagery and promised an intriguing storyline. Ignoring the maturity rating, their youthful exuberance urged them to proceed. Little did they know that this choice would put their spiritual resolve to the test.

Meanwhile, in the bustling kitchen, a young woman named Sarah took on the role of their nanny. She was a kind-hearted soul, but her attention often wavered as she busied herself scrolling through social media posts on her phone. Oblivious to the boys' television time, she found solace in the digital world, her mind immersed in the realm of virtual connections.

The minutes ticked by, and the brothers became entranced by the tale unfolding before them. The plot thickened, tension mounted, and then, in a sudden twist, the screen lit up with a scene that veered into adult territory. Tommy, jolted from his reverie, knew what needed to be done. He sprang to his feet, his conscience stirring him to act.

With a sense of urgency, Tommy ascended the stairs, each step carrying him closer to spiritual sanctuary. As he reached the landing, he glanced down and saw his mischievous younger brother, Joey, eyes fixated on the screen. Without skipping a beat, Joey retorted, his voice filled with playful rebellion, "Sure, Tommy, go ahead and pray. And while you're at it, don't forget to pray for me too!"


About the Creator

Daniel Ligairi

A videographer/ graphic artitst/computer technician and occassional writer rolled into one -seen as weird/creative in a family made up mainly of soldiers, catchists and schoolteachers. I love to write stuff that my readers can take home

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Comments (1)

  • Novel Allenabout a year ago

    I worry for the young who we are filling their tiny minds way too early with images that may haunt their dreams and muddle their perspectives on life. I vote to let them enjoy an innocent youth before bombarding them with maturity beyond their years.

Daniel LigairiWritten by Daniel Ligairi

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