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Daydreams Of A Dreamer

When Superheroes Soar, Hearts Soar Too

By SultanPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

In the quiet suburbs of Greenburg, there lived a kid named Timmy. He was your typical 12-year-old, a bit of a daydreamer, and a huge fan of the local superhero known as "Captain Comet." Timmy had a penchant for dressing up in a homemade Captain Comet costume and imagining he possessed the superhero's extraordinary abilities.

One sunny afternoon, while Timmy was daydreaming on his porch, something extraordinary happened. It felt like he had been hit by a bolt of lightning, and suddenly, he found himself soaring above the rooftops. Timmy could fly! His heart raced as he zoomed through the sky with the speed of light. He felt like he was living in a dream.

But there was more. Timmy discovered he could shoot lasers from his eyes, and even better, he was completely bulletproof. It was as if he had become his favorite superhero. He couldn't wait to show off his newfound powers and start saving the day.

For days, Timmy embraced his alter ego, zipping around the neighborhood, rescuing cats from trees and stopping imaginary bank robberies. But there was one person he wanted to impress more than anyone else—Samantha, the girl in his school who had captured his heart.

Samantha was the most popular girl in class, and Timmy's crush on her was as colossal as his superhero dreams. With his newfound powers, he believed he had a shot at winning her affection.

One sunny Friday afternoon, as Timmy was daydreaming about how he would sweep Samantha off her feet, he heard a commotion coming from the alley behind the school. He quickly donned his Captain Comet costume and sped over.

There, he found a group of bullies tormenting Samantha, who was trapped against a wall. With a flash of his laser eyes and a burst of super-speed, Timmy swooped in, saving her just in the nick of time. The bullies scattered like startled pigeons.

Samantha, wide-eyed with amazement, gazed at her rescuer. " saved me," she stammered.

Timmy, with his heart pounding in his chest, decided it was the perfect moment to confess his feelings. "Yes, Samantha," he began, his voice trembling with emotion. "I've admired you for so long, and I want you to know that I—"

Samantha interrupted him with a warm smile. "I like you too, Captain Comet."

Timmy's heart soared. She liked him! He was over the moon, ready to reveal his true identity. With a dramatic flourish, he reached for his mask, ready to unmask himself and reveal the boy beneath the superhero façade.

But just as he was about to take off his mask, an alarm clock rang loudly in the background. Timmy jolted awake from his dream, realizing he had been daydreaming all along. His heart sank as he looked around his room, his Captain Comet costume hanging lifelessly on the chair.

"Oh no," he muttered, disappointed.

It had all been a dream—a spectacular, fantastic dream. Timmy's heartache was immeasurable as he realized he had not saved Samantha or confessed his feelings to her.

Later that day, as Timmy trudged to school, he noticed Samantha standing by her locker. Gathering all his courage, he approached her. "Hi, Samantha," he said with a sheepish smile.

Samantha looked at him quizzically. "Oh, hi! You're the kid from my dream, right?"

Timmy blinked in surprise. "Your dream?"

Samantha chuckled. "Yeah! In my dream, you were this awesome superhero who saved me from bullies. It was so cool!"

Timmy couldn't believe his ears. Samantha had dreamt about him too! He decided to go along with it, not wanting to spoil the moment. "Yeah, that was me," he said with a grin.

Samantha's eyes twinkled with excitement. "You're my hero!"

As they walked to class together, Timmy couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He may not be a real superhero, but he had made an impression on Samantha, even if it was just in her dreams.

And who knows, maybe one day, he'd find the courage to confess his feelings for real. Until then, he was content with being her dreamy, daydreaming superhero.

As for Captain Comet, he continued to protect Greenburg in Timmy's daydreams, one fantastical adventure at a time.


About the Creator


A novelist whose words weave magic on every page. With a pen as my wand and the imagination as my canvas, I craft stories that beckon readers into enchanting worlds and unveil the beauty of the human experience.

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  • Alex H Mittelman 8 months ago

    Great work! Fantastic job!

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