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Bedbugs: From Bloodsuckers to Billionaires

The Top 10 Viral Reasons These Tiny Terrors Will Take Over the World

By Richard WeberPublished about a month ago 4 min read

Elon Musk, get over it. The bedbug is the new leader of the interstellar community. Once reduced to the rank of mattress monsters, these flat, brown fiends are planning a global takeover so bold and so absurd that it will undoubtedly become viral. The following explains why these nighttime foes are the underdogs in the race for global dominance.

The Rise of the Clickbait Clan: Viral content is crucial in the internet age we live in. And what could be more visually appealing than a gory boogeyman hiding in your sheets? Just picture the social media goldmine that would emerge from "#BedbugSelfie" trends, influencers peddling "Bedbug-Proof Pajamas," and an endless stream of conspiracy theories centered around a "Bedbug Illuminati." Their spawning ground will be the internet, where they will sow fear and advance their agenda.

The Benefit of an All-Nighter: People? We rest. Bed bugs? They don't. These little vampires practice their bloodsucking techniques around the clock, blissfully oblivious to us. Imagine a global leader sleeping for forty winks and waking up with the appearance of a deflated whoopie cushion. What a headache for PR! Humans that are sleep deprived will not survive.

The Hostel Horror Hosts: Bedbugs are the best hosts on Airbnb; forget about Airbnb. Their area of expertise is short-term rentals, and they have a rapacious infiltration of hotels and hostels. Travelers will unintentionally act as global ambassadors for these parasite hitchhikers. All holiday spots will soon have the potential to become bedbug breeding grounds.

The Fashion Faux Pas Fighters: "Bedbug-Repellent Bodysuits" will be the newest big thing in fashion, so forget skinny pants. Imagine a world in which a sleeping bag onesie that repels bedbugs is the newest and hippest item. The small terrors will find a rich new market as the fashion industry is compelled to react.

The Unboxing Frenzy: Do you recall the mania for fidget spinners? The bedbugs have even greater plans. They will enter the world of internet shopping by disguising themselves as innocent deliveries. Picture the viral videos when gullible YouTubers reveal their newest acquisition, only to let a plague of bedbugs run amok on the internet. They'll become viral celebrities just from the shock factor alone.

The experts in psychological warfare: Their covert weapon is the itchy welts and paranoia they cause. With one strategic bite, you can drive anyone nuts, so why needs death rays? Envision a global leader delivering a speech, interrupted only by an insatiable itch to scratch their arm. Without a doubt, bedbugs will prevail in the battle of nerves (or rather, arms down... because scratching).

Inadvertently turning everything into Uber: bedbugs are the ultimate hitchhikers. They'll hitchhike on old furniture, thrown-away clothing, and even your gullible houseplant. Imagine them as the Uber of the insect world, establishing a worldwide network of safe havens for bedbugs. In no time, every college dormitory and apartment building will be equipped with sleeper agents.

The Survivalist Squad: Do you recall the jokes about cockroaches that talked about surviving a nuclear war? The purpose of bedbugs is to steal their thunder. These hardy creatures are immune to nearly anything, including harsh chemicals, radioactive radiation, and even your grandmother's fury. They'll adjust and change, emerging as the most resilient people in a post-apocalyptic society.

The Power of Passive Income: They can live without farms or factories thanks to the power of passive income. All they need is us. These ruthless companions will always have access to food as long as humans do. Imagine a world in which bedbugs become financial titans thanks to their "bite-size" business model and listing on the stock market.

So, resist the urge to use calamine lotion the next time you notice a suspicious welt. Just get a nice nightlight and some wallpaper that is resistant to bedbugs. Since, let's face it, we have been acting as hosts to our future masters the entire time. The rule  of the bedbugs is nigh? Not quite.

A small crease in their grand scheme to rule the globe represents hope. This is the point at which humanity can recover:

The Great Itch-Off: Humans are capable of inventiveness, even though bedbugs may have the upper hand throughout the night. Envision a worldwide "National Scratch Day" wherein all individuals scratch simultaneously and in harmony. This coordinated itch-a-thon could cause such seismic waves that it could destroy the bedbugs' fragile network of communication.

The Bedbug's greatest ally, social media, can also be its doom. This is the Power of Public Shaming. Imagine a vicious Yelp review for an apartment building plagued with bedbugs going viral. Landlords and hotels will be encouraged to implement more stringent bedbug prevention procedures due to their fear of becoming viral online. A negative reputation regarding bedbugs may be the ultimate deterrent for potentially global parasites.

Laughter is the Ultimate Weapon. Humor is possibly the most effective weapon against the bedbug threat. Late-night talk show presenters will joke about itching welts, stand-up comedians will riff on the ridiculousness of bedbug dominance, and cartoonists will portray bedbugs as foolish fools. The best treatment is, after all, laughter (well, besides genuine bedbug medicine).

In conclusion, there is reason for alarm over the bedbugs' pursuit of global dominance. Nonetheless, there is still hope for humanity. By combining creativity, citizen science, and humor, we can take back our beds and make sure that humanity, not ruthless hitchhikers, owns the future. Thus, don't give up the next time you spot a bedbug. Recall that laughing is, after all, the finest insecticide.


About the Creator

Richard Weber

So many strange things pop into my head. This is where I share a lot of this information. Call it a curse or a blessing. I call it an escape from reality. Come and take a peek into my brain.

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a month ago

    I literally laughed out loud at it turning everything into an Uber! Hahahahahahahahahhahahaha

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