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Your well being lies within the hands of Marie Van Brittan Brown

Marie may have just saved your life...

By Shadaé BrownPublished 3 years ago 4 min read


Marie Van Brittan Brown is the creator of the very first home security system which she invented during the year of 1966. Marie was born and raised in Queens, New York and due to the high crime rate in her area she often felt defenseless, unprotected and unsafe.

Prior to becoming an entrepreneur Marie worked as a nurse and Albert Brown- Marie’s husband worked as an electronics technician. Their professions required them to work inflexible hours which caused them to leave their house unattended for an excessive amount of hours on a daily basis. This also caused either Marie or Albert to be left home alone without one another. As a result of this Marie created a home security system to improve the level of personal security her and her husband had and to establish stability between the outside world and her home.

Marie’s Invention

Marie’s Home Security System

Marie Van Brittan Brown’s home security system consists of the following components: three peepholes, camera monitors, sliding cameras, a two way microphone, a remote and an alarm button. Three peepholes were placed on Marie’s front door at various height levels (one for children, one for average heighted individuals, one for adults adults). Opposing to this side on the door Marie had built in a sliding camera which allowed her to slide up and down to view people from the peephole at any level. The camera on this side of the door was able to take images which would reflect on a wireless monitor. This ensured that Marie could see who was in front of her door at any given time whether or not she was located in her house. The two way microphone installed in Marie’s home security system allowed her to converse with any individuals outside of her home. Additionally the remote control that Marie had attached to her home security system allowed her to let in any expected visitors at her request. If Marie suspected any signs of trouble or intruding she was able to alert the police by clicking an alarm button.

How this affected today’s technology + Where is this invention now

Home security systems in today’s world are much more advanced than Marie’s original creation. This goes without saying that Marie undoubtedly paved the way for these current advancements. Well known home security system brands including: “Frontpoint”, “Vivint”, “Simplisafe '' and many more would not be existent if it was not for Marie’s original creation. Even though this innovation is commonly used among homeowners, individuals and families living in apartments, condos and co-ops rely on home security systems for the safety and protection of their property, families and valuable items.

Importance of Maries invention

The home security system that Marie Van Brittan Brown created has improved the lives of many individuals by promoting safety and security within their areas of living. The components that are built into Marie’s home security system are designed to protect and keep individuals aware of potential risks and dangers that they may encounter or be exposed to. Investing in home security systems deters crime and allows individuals to stay cautious of any harm that may occur or that has occurred. Fires, home burglaries, home intrusions and other harms or interferences can be detected on home security systems. In an instance authoritative figures like police officers, firefighters, paramedics etc, can be contacted.

Why I am inspired by Marie Van Brittan Brown

Marie van Brittan Brown inspires me because she is an empowering black woman who has created the foundation for her success despite facing the dual challenge of being a black woman in America during 1922- 1999. I recognize that Marie’s goal was to create security between the outside world and her personal space and with doing so she has contributed to bettering the lives of individuals all over the world. Marie’s creativity, work ethic and skilful abilities has led her to make the very first home security system which has created safety and security within many households and living areas around the world. Not only has this influenced me to want to do more things to help out the people in my community but Marie has also motivated me to want more for myself. As a black woman who has often felt unsafe within my own personal area of residence I am very grateful for Maries innovation as it may have just saved my life.

Importance of supporting black women owned businesses

There is a societal gap that is set between black woman business owners and non minority women business owners. Black women who are entrepreneurs, innovators and creators lack opportunities compared to non minority women business owners. This is due to the internalized issue of racism that has been an ongoing worldwide issue. As a result many black women owned businesses have suffered and have not been given the recognition that they have deserved. Supporting black women owned businesses would help to reduce racial and gender inequality that black women are impacted by and this could encourage job growth among black women and generational wealth within the families of black individuals.


About the Creator

Shadaé Brown

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