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You should always, always, under any circumstance, follow your heart.

Heart vs Head: Part II

By Brooke GallagherPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Follow your heart. Follow your bliss.

Four years ago, I wrote a post: ‘Should You Follow Your Head or Your Heart?’ I was never really content with my write-up, nor my findings. This new post, is my (more evolved) current conclusion to that (much faultier) conclusion years ago.


This time, I think I got it! However, I am readily humbled by Heraclitus’ philosophy that ‘change is the only constant.’

Anyhow, let’s cut to the chase. After 35 years of trial and error, I have come to believe that you should always, always, most definitely, under any circumstance, follow your heart.

To make an impact, to make a difference, to answer questions that seem impossible to answer, you need to shut out the opinions of the world. You cannot change the world’s trajectory, or create new possibilities, or figure out authentic truths, by listening to the limits that are already in place.

Don’t allow the limits of others, define your life.

Fight for your vision. And keep fighting- even after you once gave up. Fight once more.. again and again. Get back up and fight for the gentle tug of your heart, and listen to the quiet pull of your soul. That is why you are here. That is how you change the world. That is the talent you’ve been looking for.

Go the way of your heart and respect yourself enough to follow the way you FEEL good about. If not for passion, love and creation.. what else would conscious living be for?

So go forth, be fierce.. and be okay being alone. Take the road less travelled. Endure the bumps, the mountains, the falls.. and all the obstacles that come with unpaved terrains.

It won’t be easy, it might not even be worth it, but I promise you this, you will never be bored again.. and you will never look back and ask: ‘what if?’

So stop agreeing to things that insult your soul. Today, begin to choose the power in ‘you’ over the power in them. Use the power of love that comes from within; the power that everyone has, but many have forgot even exists.

Go forth, and use that power of love. That is your mark. And after all the falls, and all the lessons.. they will see you standing in the end, with broken hands but a beating heart. You will be living proof that love endures all.. and it prevails in the end.

So go forth and follow your heart; I know no other worthwhile way.


Okay, great! Now that we have that covered, HOW exactly does one follow their heart? It’s a lovely idea, but is it practical? How can one be sure what their heart is even saying?

1❣️ Determine that your feelings are your friends.

Your heart is a pumping ground for life, and biologically, this makes sense. But in esoteric terms, your heart can be related to your ‘feelings.’ Begin to notice what feels good and right to you, and honor that.

2❣️ Listen to your body.

Believe yourself, even when you don’t logically understand yourself. If you suddenly feel a knot in your stomach when asked to do something, don’t do it! This is why they say “listen to your gut.” The mind-body connection is real. Just because our bodies don’t speak English, does not mean that they aren’t valid. Our physical bodies are often a direct manifestion of our ignored feelings. Listen to your body. Your body knows best and has the amazing ability to know things before you’ve even had a chance to make up your mind about them.

3❣️ Start living moment-by-moment.

Practice translating the hopes of your heart into the real world by checking in with yourself, moment-by-moment. Ask yourself at every step of the way, “does this feel right for me?” You can start small and ask yourself about the ‘little things.’

This not only replaces a ‘life on autopilot’ with authentic living, but it can be a great start to pinpoint toxic patterns and habits that you may not have even realize were unhealthy for you. The little thing add up! So start small with your morning coffee routine: “Does this feel good for me?” Observe, and then genuinely take mental notes about how your body reacts to that question, not your thoughts.

4❣️ It’s okay to ‘change your mind.’

If you followed what you thought was right and now it no longer ‘feels good,’ then it’s no longer right! Fight for your happiness and do only what feels good. This means that you are allowed to change directions in life. You are allowed to be misunderstood and you are allowed to confuse people. No one knows your unique path and that’s totally okay, even if you don’t either. Follow what feels right, moment by moment, under all circumstances, and you can’t go wrong. (That’s a bold statement, I know!)

5❣️ Don’t feel guilty about standing up for your feelings.

Often, we are put in situations that seem to feel good to others but not to us. Don’t feel guilty for choosing your feelings over others’ feelings. If you know that you are a mostly good person, there’s no need to feel bad for listening to your own feelings because your feelings are also ‘good.’ Others might not always agree, but when you ignore yourself for others, you have nothing authentic or great to add to the group, anyway. In this way, your feelings become your power.

6❣️ Determine that the universe is friendly and always has your back.

The experiences that make up our past, help shape who we are and how we react to things. Eckart Tolle said it best: “The universe will give us whatever experience is best for the evolution of our consciousness.” Just like our planet, our inner selves effortlessly strive toward progress and evolution. It’s important to remember that the universe is your friend, and although sometimes it appears otherwise, know that the universe thinks ‘long term.’ So have trust in all your experiences and know that things will eventually work out for you.

7❣️ It will all be okay.

Sometimes our minds and survival brain say we are not okay. And that’s quite alright.. that big brain is protecting you and helping you physically survive. But it’s not helping you thrive. Switch from the ‘lack mindset’ to the abundance mentality. Think future, not past. Use the brain to survive, follow the heart to thrive, and work with the universe to co-create the life you’ve always imagined!

It all starts when you follow your heart by honoring your feelings.


About the Creator

Brooke Gallagher

Business by day, philosophy by night.

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