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You're human too. SELF CARE!

Alex Cook

By Alexander CookPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
It's okay to have a breakdown. It's okay if you don't have everything figured out. Just remember that you are a human being too!

When I was in high school I thought I was going to be one of the cool kids who would go to parties and spoil myself from time to time. Like go to a few parties, have tons of friends and have good grades. I thought life would be easy. Oh boy, how wrong I was. Eventually, It turned to I have a family to take care of at the same time and now my family is all I think about. I'm worried that I won't be around anymore once I get a job and go to college because I will be busy.

When it comes to responsibilities we make it a priority or we worry that we are going to mess up and we are ruined forever and we tend to overthink. Like if we get ourselves a small gift we have to get a friend or family something too. Once I got myself a small can of Pepsi I got my best friend a bottle.

In my group of friends, I am told that I was the Mom in the group. I was always willing to sacrifice anything for my friends and family to be happy or healthy. I am just one text or call away for everybody. I will even ignore my health and safety just to see a smile on their face. I am willing to give up my own money for the people I trust. Unfortunately I learned a few hard lessons about giving away my kindness because I did not see that I was being taken advantage of

You're probably wondering why I am writing all of this or explaining this to you. Or maybe you're not and you think it is interesting. I am here to tell you that it is okay to be sure to take care of yourself too. I mean it!

Yes, it's probably weird hearing from a random kid to tell you that it is okay to take care of yourself and to tell you to have a self-care day or hour or spoil yourself.. I heard it a bunch of times. Here is why that having a self-care schedule is important to have in your life and what 3 things I like to use to help.

Number 1. Taking walks

Fresh air is not only good for your body but your brain too. It's good to take a breather especially if you are stressed out from whatever you are dealing with. It doesn't have to be long walks it can be short walks too. It helps clear your mind and when you come back home or back to work you are starting with a fresh clean mind. The fresh air will help you get more energy and a sharper mind. I like to bring my headphones with me so I can blast my favourite songs. I find that it always puts me in a better mood.

Number 2. Small to-do lists.

As you probably know we all have a bunch of stuff that we need to do. Like chores, meals, work and other essential work. What I like to do is make a small list of stuff that I need to do. Like do 1 chore, 1 self-care, 2 or 3 meals, drink water, 1 work stuff. I like to write up to 6 or 7 on my list. When I do finish something on my list I cross it off. It gives you take pride of accomplishment knowing that you did something today. Like oh look I drank 6 cups of water and I vacuumed the entire first floor. That is a good feeling. It's always good to start small. Don't forget to add self-care to the list. Like talking a walk or watching your favourite show/movie/game.

Number 3. Journal.

I recently just started this but I find that this helps keep being in a positive mood before I head to bed to sleep. I keep a journal on me to write down my accomplishments. Like what did I do that I am proud of? Did I do something that makes me feel good. Do I have a goal in mind of what I would like to get done today? For example; I cleaned my bedroom floor and now I am happy to lay across my floor like I used to do. I took a nice hot bath because my body was aching. Thanks to the bath I don't feel as sore as I used to be. I drank 3 cups of water. My goal is to organize my closet today. For my self-care, I decided I am going to dye my hair blue. Writing down your accomplishments and your goals can put you in a better mood. Being in a good mood can impact others and yourself. Believe it or not but it can also help you sleep as well.

It's not easy growing up. We all have to climb up and fall down just to get to our goal. But just remember that you are human too. We all have feelings. Don't let responsibility get to you too much.

I hope that these things can help.

Remember this though


Do you have a self-care routine you like to do? If so let me know! Or not it's up to you!


About the Creator

Alexander Cook

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