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You And Your Child

By: Karly Krull

By Karly KrullPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Many people with a history of mental health issues in their family might be worried about their child's mental health. Even an adult who grew up in a domestically violent situation may worry about their child's mental health. They do not want what they went through to happen to their child and they want them to have a happy childhood. The answer to this is not by buying your child material items or "spoiling them", it is by treating them correctly and bonding with them.

Bonding with a child can make them not crave attention and make them feel needed, wanted and important. Even if you take thirty minutes out of your day to spend with your child it is better than the alternative of not bonding with your child. If you have a toddler, read to them at night or play a game with their toys with them. If you have an older child you can make every Friday night movie night and order pizza. Doing anything to bond with your child makes them feel happy. A happy childhood leads to a happy adulthood.

As mentioned buying material items or "spoiling" your child is not the answer. Buying your child a new toy is okay sometimes but, do not over do it. Buying your child a new toy can release dopamine in the brain. This is the same as you buying yourself a new shirt or getting your new favorite kind of perfume. Dopamine is what many people try to achieve but, it is not the long-term answer. Dopamine is only temporary and only makes you feel good for so long. The thing in our brain that should be strived to achieve is oxytocin. An easy way to remember this is by thinking of the word oxygen. As humans we need oxygen and we also need oxytocin. Oxytocin is the chemical in our brain that releases happiness but, with long-term affects. Increasing oxytocin is like eating healthier or exercise but, for your mind. Bonding with loved ones and spending time with your child can give you much more long-term happiness than buying a new car. The affects of oxytocin is not noticeable immediately but, it is long-term.

Cortisol is the one chemical in our brain that most decreases long-term well being. Naturally, children also have much more cortisol than adults. Experts say our children have to much cortisol. If your child's cortisol is increased this may be because they are anxious or nervous something emotionally upsetting may happen at any moment. Higher cortisol can be caused by arguing in front of a child, yelling at them or even teasing them. Words can turn into wounds and children need encouragement and support. Children do not need to be criticized or "teased". This only will damage their mental health and well-being in the future. Normal amounts of cortisol are caused in everyone from simple routines of going to school or work but, this is normal. Little amounts of cortisol can actually be good because, they can motivate a person to do something. Too much cortisol is a bad thing.

To best keep your child happy and to make them feel loved bond with them. Anything involving spending time with your child and listening to what they have to say is good. Ask them how their day was or how they are feeling. This will make your child feel loved and important. It will also increase oxytocin in the brain and cause long-term affects of happiness. Thank you for reading my article and I hope what I have said helps you to build a stable and loving relationship with your child.


About the Creator

Karly Krull

I am open-minded, a free spirit and mother of Viktor Karl 10/9/17‍ 👶💕 Oats Mr. Sprinkles🐈🐈Always good vibes ✌️☮️ Writing is my passion! ♥️#heartlikeahandgrenade

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