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Why Men Should Know What They Require From Women

Men must know what they require from the women in their lives. Men must know what they require from a potential partner.

By Christopher J. Banks, SrPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
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Do you know what you require from women? If so, have you always known? Do the women in your life know what you require of them? If not, that can become a problem. In this article, I will be discussing with you the importance of knowing what you require from women. Knowing your value and what you value in women. Know what you will accept and what you will not. The importance of creating standards. To constantly increase your value and increase your standards. Fellas, we should know the type of women we go for. We should know what we are attracted to. Know what characteristics we desire. Know what we possess and what qualities we want our women to possess. Gentlemen, we must know what we bring to the table and what we require of women. There is not anything wrong with a man having and raising his standards. If women do not want to date down or settle, men do not have too either.

#1. Fellas, it is okay to require a childless woman.

If you are a childless man, it's okay to require a woman to be childless as well. That's nothing to be ashamed of. You don't have to be a step father if you do not desire to. Don't be shamed to accept anything less than what you desire. You do not have to settle for a single mother —if you consider that to be. Women do not and as men we should not either. There are more women than men, so we'll have a better chance to find a woman than they will in finding a man. It's okay to have standards. Know your value and what you can demand out of —and from— women. But do not set unrealistic standards. It doesn't work for most women and it will not for most men either.

If you have one child, it's okay to require a woman who only has one. Possibly, who doesn't have any at all. Just know, you'll be asking her to accept something you will not. If your value is high enough to women, they will accept it. If not, you'll have trouble finding the women you want to accept it.

#2. Fellas, it is okay to require a slim, toned, and fit woman.

If you are a fit man, it's okay to require women who are slim and toned as well. There's nothing wrong with that. If you are not fit and desire a woman to be, you might need to get fit before you desire a woman to value something you don't value enough to possess yourself. However, if you have the monetary value to demand that from women then do so.

Fellas, let's be traditional men. Providing men. Protecting men. Leaders. Let's start by getting in shape. Staying in shape. Maintaining a slim, toned physique —and let's require that of our women as well. It's not fat shaming. It's crazy that wanting someone to be healthy can be viewed as fat shaming. There is nothing wrong with men requiring a woman to be slim, toned, and fit. Just make sure you are doing so as well.

#3. It is okay to require a feminine woman.

If you are a masculine man, it's okay to desire feminine women. Do not be shamed into accepting masculine women. Don't be shamed into accepting something you would not accept otherwise. If you desire femininity, seek it out. But make sure you are masculine enough to lead a feminine woman. Feminine women require a level of masculinity. As men with a level of masculinity require a woman with a high level of femininity.

A feminine woman will not bash you for not being masculine enough for her, she'll just leave you alone. A masculine woman, however, will bash you for it. Just as a man with a bigger penis will shame you. These masculine women with a bigger penis than yours will shame you for it. It's okay to want a feminine woman, but know what they require. If you think you can fulfill their needs, attempt to do so.

Fellas be as masculine as you can be. A provider, good with money. A protector, able to defend your woman and family from verbal or physical attacks. Be a leader, lead your woman. Be motivational, be the type of man that motivates younger men to aspire to be like you.

#4. It is okay to require a loyal woman. It is important to make her prove that loyalty.

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It's also okay to require loyalty. If you are loyal, you should only seek and require loyalty as well. Loyalty, like love and trust, is earned overtime. Not given instantly. Make them earn your loyalty and prove theirs to you.

#5. It is okay to require commitment.

Do you require commitment? If so, know what comes along with it. Requiring a woman to commit takes commitment on your part as well. Commit, meaning acknowledging obligation to. Accepting that obligation. To commit is to accept being responsible for. When a man commits to a woman, he is obligating himself to her and her needs —and taking and accepting responsibility to provide those needs. He is committing to protect and provide for her.

Being in a committed relationship has its advantages. Just know if it is monogamous or not —as some can be committed to more than one person.

#6. It is okay to require exclusivity. A monogamous relationship.

It is okay to require a woman to be committed to you, exclusively. Some women date casually. Some women feel that they are single until they are married. Point is, you must know how she views relationships. Know how she defines being single. Know if she's seeing or entertaining other men. Know if what you have is exclusive, or if she is doing with you what she is doing with multiple men.

#7. It is okay to require privacy.

This is a big one for me —as women love to gossip. They love to tell their business and listen to others tell theirs as well. It's how they bond. Toxic female bonding. At least it can become toxic, some is harmless. Gossip can lead to messiness and pettiness. I am the type of man that says, “what happens between us stays between us.” Women sometimes feel the need to get advice from other women. From women they admire or aspire to be like. I understand it. But I require privacy.

That means keep your mama, sister, cousin, aunt, grandmother, and all your girlfriends out of our business. That's privacy. If I am not verbally, emotionally, or physically abusive to you, then you can keep what happens with us between us. That is how I feel. Watch out for women who compare their man’s penis sizes, bank accounts, and other things. Watch out for those women that need to compete for their friend’s approval. Women who require respect from their friends.

In conclusion, know what you require from women. Know what you value. Know your value. What you are worth? Know what you bring to the table and what you want her to bring as well. Fellas stay masculine. Seek feminine women.

Before you go, please tell me what you think. Did I miss anything? Is there anything you would like to add? Anything you would like to challenge me on? Please let me know.

Thanks for your time. Until next time, take care.

Much love,

Christopher J. Banks, Sr.


About the Creator

Christopher J. Banks, Sr

USM Alumni. Reader. Writer. Poet. Lover. Researcher.

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