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Why be a licking dog?

Don't be one

By AnselRancePublished 3 years ago 10 min read

What is the "Licking dog"?

It's very pop word in East-Asian world for now, especially in China. Its word to talking about people in lower ranks to chase their crush.

Want to chase girls, and not become licking dogs, the most important thing is the mentality of the construction. In romantics, there is a principle of balance in mind. If either partner kneels, the relationship will be out of balance and eventually collapse. In order to maintain a good and balanced mentality, we should start from the daily details. Many people are good at chasing girls, which means they are outstanding in details.

1. Don't step beyond your level, which can lead to kneeling and licking. Don't do anything that you should or shouldn't do at the stage of your relationship. For example, when chatting with a girl, the girl will sometimes say "I have a cold", and many boys will directly reply "drink more water and take some cold medicine". This sentence seems to be very warm, very intimate, but deep look has gone beyond the level. You should know that the girl across the street is just a "normal friend" to you, and your job at this stage is not to rush into caring and caring, but to build attraction. Your main job is to get her out of the cold and happy, so she feels interesting and wants to fall in love with you. So how do we do that? When a girl says she has a cold, she often asks her partner to pick up the phone and blow on it. Girls may feel a little confused, but they usually do it, and some of them can't help but ask why they did it. I'd say, "You gave me your cold on your phone, and you'll be fine." This is the best way to avoid falling into the concern trap with girls that only male and female friends can have. Let each other feel happy and increase the sense of interaction and connection with each other through similar small games.

2, "Hard will succeed, pay will be repaid" depends on how hard, how to pay. Yes, I did. Just kneel. Love is not a business. At the beginning of a conversation, don't always think that you are willing to do everything for the other side, and expect the other side to understand and cherish your efforts, so as to make a commitment. Love is attraction, not devotion. What you should do is to hold back your inner heat, give your "give" thoughts to the other person little by little, and then choose whether to give more or not based on their feedback. For example, when we meet for our daily appointments, it is agreed that we will meet at 5 PM, and you wait until 6 PM for each other to come. Girls will ask if it has been a long time, a lot of boys will politely say "no no, I just arrived". First of all, you should let the girl see your effort. You should say, "Yes, I have been waiting for an hour, but your time seems to pass quickly. I don't feel like I have been waiting for a long time". Let the girl know what you're doing and then see what she says. If the girl says, "Sorry about that, but I'm paying for this meal today," then the girl can continue to put in the effort and invest in your experience and relationships because she's worth it. If the girl says, "I'm sorry, this is really something," you should say, "It's ok, I understand." The next time you meet her, she is not late, you can continue to pay this girl. The next time we meet, she is late again. No matter what the reason is, you should stop your efforts, because the balance between you has been tilted, what you should do is not to continue to show understanding. Instead, look for opportunities to evacuate, such as "contingencies." Later also no longer take the initiative to contact her, with a little cold, not directly tear the face of the way "punishment" her, let the balance between you pull back a little, you can catch up with her.

3, Chase the girl depends on is not unprincipled good, but attractive. It's easy to understand that love between a man and a woman is built on attraction, not "being nice to her." There were so many people who were nice to her, dad, mom, grandpa, grandma, and the boys who were around her like flies all day, trying to be nice to her. You are still chasing this girl, that you have not become boyfriend and girlfriend, still in the stage of ordinary friends. And ordinary friends stage of good, often is not worth much, and even let the girls feel bored, pressure, nausea, think you are too ambitious. The girl needs the boy to be good to her, but has an attribute, "boyfriend" of good. So you chase the girl when good, appropriate some is enough, must not be like river water general, blunt the girl one face. What you should do most is to attract girls. Only by attracting girls' attention can you take root in girls' heart and let girls miss you day and night. Animals build attraction by defeating each other, but what does a boy do? Humor, wit, sincerity, kindness, self-motivated, handsome clean, mature, these are the tools to make a girl like you.

4, Be good to her, but your good also want to take conditions, for value exchange. Your goodness, on the other hand, if that's what women want, then that goodness is your value. If the value is not exchanged, then your value is wasted. Too bad. How do you fully exchange the value of "your good"? For example, if you often talk to a girl and she is willing to talk to you, then you need to find a way to exchange the value of your "chatting with her". If your conversation makes the girl happy, you need to ask for that value in return by offering to meet her for dinner, for example. Girls meet and have dinner with you, is the boy chat let girls happy value exchange and conditions. The boy must not be afraid to ask for the value of the conditions, only you continue to ask for the value of the girl, the girl will be more and more into you, will be more and more trapped in your world, unable to extricate themselves, will fall in love with you. A lot of boys are afraid to ask for a deal. As a result, they become the exclusive chatting with the girls. They become the so-called bosom friend or spare child.

5, Both ends of the seesaw, one end tilt, inevitably two people fell.

6, Social energy is conserved, mutual attraction, energy is equivalent, of course, mutual licking can also be, very few.

7, Warm hedgehog, too close, too far without temperature, to grasp the degree. Love is very interesting, can not chase too tight, can not chase too loose, must learn to grasp the "degree", to chase just right. Just like the word "lick the dog", why do so many boys become licks by chasing after them? It's not that they're programmed to lick dogs. It's that when you first start chasing girls, you have to lick them, and you can't lick them. For example, when chatting with a girl, you must take the initiative to chat with the girl at first. If you don't take the initiative, then the girl knows who you are. You're just a stranger in her eyes. You might as well lick a dog. But why do so many boys become the "dog" behind the word "lick" if they are not careful? Because you lick too much, licking no bottom line, saliva rub a girl's face, the girl naturally feel disgusting. For example, when you initiate a conversation with a girl, you need to see how the girl reacts the first time, so as to determine the interval of the second time, instead of talking to her every time you think of her. For example, if the conversation is good, you can contact again after a week, if the conversation is bad, then every two weeks, if the conversation is bad, then every one month. You can control how often you initiate conversations, but you can't say no. You don't take the initiative to chat, that is such a pie in the sky, fall Lin sister? Don't dream about it. Only when you take the initiative to talk to her, chat well, will want to return to you, take the initiative to talk to you (of course, when the anger of the bastard is gone, the girls on the kind of guy).

8. Every time you make a mistake, the balance tilts badly. I have always said that making mistakes is like stepping on thunder. It is a taboo to chase girls. When I'm chasing girls, I'd rather not shine than make a mistake. For example, many boys will wonder why some of the boys around them are so ordinary and unattractive. Why can they get a beautiful wife? That's because people rarely make mistakes when they're chasing girls. Sometimes chasing a girl is enough if you don't make any mistakes from beginning to end. Sometimes the "leftover" is king, and the word "leftover" is really awesome. In the pursuit of girls this slowly long road, a lot of seemingly very strong boys, are dead in some, or even a mistake. And those who look plain, is able to stick it out, all the competitors to die, and finally embrace the beauty.

9, Do not expose too much demand, demand is too much, also kneel lick, to make their needs hazy. The word 'need' can make a girl feel very, very, very stressed. The use of the three "very" here is to illustrate how much a sense of need can make girls stressed. As a man, it is actually a very low practice to expose the need. You need to know that a girl needs to be loved and protected by you, and a girl is the one who really has the "sense of need". Which girl is willing to meet a stranger's strong need and take care of a boy suddenly? It's the wrong way round, which can be stressful for a girl. She's looking for someone to solve her needs, not someone to ask for them. Therefore, boys must avoid exposing the "sense of need", you can make the need hazy, will be exposed to the "need" into the "good impression". "Liking" is also a very interesting word. Being liked by others is a kind of psychological satisfaction, especially for girls, which can fully satisfy their little vanity. Girls are vanity, the difference is just some more, some less. Especially a boy's "good opinion" can fully satisfy the vanity of "she is very beautiful". Do you think a girl would turn her back on something that proves the fact that she's pretty? Even a little, you express "like", will let a girl's heart create a ripple. Take the example of changing "need" to "liking". A lot of guys tell each other, "You'll be my girlfriend, okay?" ", which requires a clear response from the girl, is the sense of need, which can give the girl pressure and even a feeling of being forced. When you change it to "I am always happy with you, And I want to stay with you for the rest of my life", it is good impression, no need for a girl to give an answer, or give an answer voluntarily. At this time the girl can be completely silent, she can not answer you in words. If she wants to be with you, she only needs a certain look, a shy expression, you will know her answer, you will naturally hold her hand, all will fall into place.


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