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What is Love?

Love is simple but we add the baggage.

By Josh McCarthyPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read

What is love? Is it a physical feeling or something more pure? The love you have for your mother is it the same as your kids? The love for your kids is it the same for your spouse? What is love, is it just something that we have told ourselves feels nice and so we like it. Do we associate too many things to that word though? We attach too many things to the word love and therefore it can also hurt. If we go back to our roots I would assume the same love you have for your mother is the way love was intended for it to be. If it's as simple as that then why do we over complicate it? Giving that word so much power over your life can be beautiful and horrible, it all depends on the outlook of the person. Do we also associate love with happiness? They both can lead to each other and who doesn't want to be happy and loved? I guess the choice is yours, you have to be true to yourself. But ultimately isn't it a choice to be happy? If you look at it this way as a choice then why would anyone CHOOSE to be anything other than happy? Since happiness and love lead to each other then wouldn't one want to learn to love ones self and CHOOSE to be happy about life. No matter who you are at any stage in life the choice is always yours to be happy or not. If you practice your mind to focus on the positive in life you will see happiness comes easy. You'll see the good in everything, the positive outlook to all situations. Again since it leads to one another then with a positive outlook you will attract others with the same mindset. In time you'll find that person who is right for you, that perfect person. But you have to be true to yourself first and that begins with looking inside ourselves. So again what is love exactly?

Is love physical? We have made it physical and again we have attached so much baggage to the word. As children, love was so simple with no baggage. But we know best, we think if we try it this way or that way it will work out. But it never does, why, why does it never work? Because we added all that baggage and forgot where to look for that love. We need to remember the simplicity of love the natural feeling we were born with before we added all the baggage. As a child you were happy on most days I'm sure and why was that? You felt loved by someone around you and that felt secure and naturally you were at peace with yourself. At peace with yourself because you haven't added on all the extra baggage yet. Not scarred by life yet, find out how to get back to your roots without the baggage and there happiness will reside. If it's a choice to be happy then why do we choose otherwise? But it all starts from within. Until we learn to love ourselves, how will we ever truly be happy? How will we ever know how to love another unless we first love ourselves? Choices in life are hard but you have to tell yourself I made the decision I did at the time I did with the knowledge I had at the time. Everyone must come to peace with the past. No matter how terrible, it's behind you and there is nothing you can do to change that. Everyone must tell themselves I cannot change the past and the future is always moving so why not live it the NOW? Forget about the nonsense going on in your head and focus on the task at hand. Be in the NOW and be aware of everything around you. Learn to slow down and appreciate life and appreciating the little things and it will start to come naturally. Choose to be a new you, what stops you but a choice? Fear maybe of what others will think? People will always come and go out of your life we cannot stop that. Many are distant memories and possibly long forgotten. Choose to be you and in doing so, slowly the people who are your true friends will remain and you'll attract new ones. Since happiness leads to love then in doing this you'll ultimately get what you want.

So what is love? Love is simple and complicated but only because we make it so. Do a deep dive and into yourself and as painful as this might be it starts here. Love you, love the you that your mother sees. She sees the good in you no matter your faults and that is true love. No baggage, and although you may stress her out she can see through all that and love YOU. Why make it hard? Stop attaching baggage to the word and go back the the root when love was pure and simple. When you were a young child and five minutes felt like forever and fun was just a matter of imagination. Bring simplicity back into your life and love will come naturally. Why over complicate anything at all? With a positive outlook and knowing hurt people, hurt people. Then stopped being the one doing the hurting and understanding the others person pain will help you help them for only you can explain it in your words to them. For you have lived that pain so why spread it, help heal it. With this love will come and with it will more joy than you ever imagined. Slow down, be in the now. All he simply asks is that you show him some love. Wouldn't it be natural once you love yourself to start truly loving the ones around you? In doing so then wouldn't it be easy to love thy neighbor?


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