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What are the needs of middle-aged women who remarry? The 51-year-old woman's three-point request is representative

Marriage is a very important thing for both men and women, no matter how old they are.

By jasherPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

When young people get married, they have the concerns and worries of young people; when old people get married, they also have their own considerations and worries.

A man or woman who has just been emotionally hurt may be very resistant to marriage and the opposite sex, but after a transition period, most people will have the desire to remarry and want to find a suitable person.

The first consideration in marriage is spiritual needs and life needs. Usually, the elderly who choose to remarry are rushing to live a comfortable life, so they will ask many practical questions.

It is very difficult to satisfy these more practical problems, so these problems can easily become a stumbling block for remarriage.

Originally, when two people formed a family, there was a problem of "eye relationship". After considering these various requirements on the basis of looking at each other, a large number of people will be screened, and maybe even the person who meets your requirements, you did not have a chance to meet.

Sister Wu wants to remarry after five years of divorce. She has met no less than ten blind dates before and after, but she has never met anyone she likes.

There is no story of bitterness and hatred between Sister Wu and her ex-husband. After thinking about it, the reason for the divorce is only the relationship between them, and the two can't talk about it.

For example, even a trivial matter like doing laundry is worth a big fight between two people. The days got more and more tiring, so I gave up, and finally broke up peacefully.

Sister Wu has two good girlfriends. Once, when Sister Wu wanted to go on a trip, she asked two people who was free to accompany her, but the process was tortuous.

Sister Wu, who was planning to spend the rest of her life alone, was touched by this incident. I began to activate my mind and wanted to find a better half who could accompany me for the rest of my life.

What touched Sister Wu was that one of the two best friends wanted to take care of their grandchildren, and the other was moved by seeing Sister Wu's travel plan, but who would have chosen to go with her husband in the end, leaving Sister Wu aside. .

It is not an easy thing to find a satisfying partner. After several blind dates, Sister Wu even had the thought of giving up.

Sister Wu's own conditions are okay. Although she doesn't earn much, her job is fairly stable, her temperament is also cheerful and optimistic, and her appearance looks younger than her actual age. But why did Sister Wu's blind date not go well? This starts with the three remarriage conditions she proposed.

Sister Wu said that when she chooses a remarriage partner, she does not need a bride price or a room, but she needs to meet these three points:

The first point is to be healthy, have an economic foundation, and live without pressure.

As the saying goes, a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king. Physical health is the foundation of everything, and no one wants to be an escort and nanny just after getting married.

Sister Wu said that her physical condition is very good, and she hopes that the remarriage partner will also have a good body. The two can go out to the park, travel, climb a mountain, ride a bicycle and so on.

Instead of wanting to go out alone after marriage, there is still a patient at home who worries him.

Of course, if two people have any discomfort in the other's body after they are determined to get married, they can work hard to take care of them and adapt to it. But the premise is that the other party cannot deceive himself in terms of health.

One of my sisters was tricked by a man who remarried. The man said that he was in good health, but two years after the marriage, the old disease relapsed. It turned out that the man had a history of hereditary diseases in his family, but these men did not disclose it at all before marriage.

In addition to a healthy body, an important part of marriage is basic material security. Sister Wu said that she can be financially self-sufficient, and the man must be stronger than her own financial situation.

In this way, the survival and life of the two people will not be under too much pressure. After all, there are too many cases of emotional breakdown between the two people due to economic disputes.

Sister Wu also calmly remarried, not to endure hardships, at least after remarriage, the living conditions should not be lower than when she was single.

The second point is to manage life together, be able to do housework together, and treat yourself wholeheartedly

Sister Wu said that she suffered a lot in her last marriage. What often happens at home is that I am too busy to work, while my ex-husband is drinking tea with his legs crossed.

Therefore, after remarriage, two people must work together to manage their lives and be able to jointly think about the family, rather than unilaterally paying.

Now that I have reached a certain age, I have no unrealistic needs. I just hope that the man can treat himself equally, and that the two of them can share the housework and shoulder things together.

Many people think that doing housework, looking after children, these things in the Lord are the work that women should do. If there is a man who thinks like this, Sister Wu said that she will never consider it.

A family must be cohesive. Only by paying more for this family can we have more care and responsibility for this family.

At the same time, the key factor to form a family is self-discipline, not only in life, but also in emotions. Sister Wu requires the man to be single-minded and wholeheartedly towards himself.

For those men who have too many confidantes and friends of the opposite sex, no matter how good they are, they will not consider them.

Now that I have broken the original confinement, figured it out, and decided to remarry, that is to be accompanied by someone for the rest of my life, so I cannot accept the turbulent marriage and give up halfway.

The third point is that I hope that the remarriage partner will be more generous and provide financial assistance for the marriage of his only child.

Sister Wu admitted frankly that her request may be unfair to the man, but this is her actual difficulty, and she cannot avoid it.

Sister Wu has a boy from a previous marriage. She is 25 years old this year and will graduate from college soon. The child was awarded to her ex-husband. Originally, Sister Wu's ex-husband was in decent financial condition and ran a small company of his own.

Sister Wu said that she didn't pay too much materially for her son except emotionally. Economic problems have never been too much to worry about.

But things are unpredictable. The previous year, Sister Wu's ex-husband fell ill. Although he was rescued in time, he basically didn't have the energy to run the company.

And in the two or three months of hospitalization and recuperation, a big business was delayed, and a penalty was payable. Gradually, the company did not manage well, not only the capital chain was broken, but also a large amount of money was owed.

The ex-husband sold the marriage house he prepared for his son, and the company also disposed of it. Together with his own savings, he barely survived the crisis.

Sister Wu predicts that her son will get married in 3-4 years. Therefore, I hope that the husband who is remarried can do his best to help him appropriately.

This is Sister Wu's heart knot, and I hope someone with a predestined relationship can help untie it. Of course, it is not necessary for the other party to bear all of it. Sister Wu also has savings, and is also ready to sell her existing house.

Sister Wu said that if she needs a little help from the other party, she will also remember the kindness of others to her and do her best to repay.

I don't know what everyone thinks about Sister Wu's three requests for remarriage.

Perhaps, at every age, there will be different ideas and opinions about marriage.


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