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Welcome back to the Universe

Coming out of Lock Down

By Monique M. C. PrincePublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Monique Prince

Welcome back to the Universe

I was introduced to the ocean as a young child by my mom and we would spend many summer days there. Early in the morning of beach day, my mom would announce "today's the day!", and my sisters and I would bound out of bed willingly to pack our beach bags and make sandwiches. I would go to our garden and pick fresh cucumbers and tomatoes to bring for our picnic at the edge of our seaside paradise. The ride to Hampton was much longer than it is now because the highway had not been built yet and the anticipation was grueling on the long ride through all the little towns.

Once we arrived and found our place on the sand, we would set everything up for the day and then I would run to the water and jump in. The water was always so icy cold and the only way I could manage the cold was to keep lunging forward until I was in the crashing waves. After swimming for awhile I would take a walk down the beach to savor the Universe. I would breathe in deeply, smelling the salty air. I would listen attentively to the seagulls and the waves crashing. I would feel the different patterns the wind had made in sand on my feet. I would marvel at the differences in the beautiful designs on the shells I picked up and I would choose some to put into my pail I carried with me on my walk. At the far end of the beach there were beautiful boulders with tidal pools between them filled with little creatures to explore. Before I knew it, my day would be ended by mom who would decide for me when I would leave! Oh how I rebelled against leaving! Then who knows when I might be returning to my perfect piece of paradise in this vast Universe?

When I obtained my driver's license in 1982, I was finally able to drive myself to Hampton Beach. Oh to have the opportunity anytime I wanted to experience the awesome power of nature at this beach, communing with the Universe; feeling it’s power and it’s peace. In 1986, the new highway was completed and the ride to Hampton was greatly reduced. I could spend less time driving and more time there!

For decades, year round, even in the winter months I would walk the beach to the most southern end and sit on one particular boulder. I would face the ocean, and just listen to the sounds of the waves crashing or the gulls crying and behold the beauty surrounding me. At times I would go when the moon was full to watch it rise over the ocean or to watch the sun rise. Sometimes when life was not going so well, I would go there to think things over. This place has been my piece of paradise which brings me tranquility and oneness with the Universe.

In March 2020, my little part of the Universe was removed from me by my state’s Order. Oh the pang in my heart and soul! I was incredulous as to how one can simply be cut off from Mother Nature with one command. My very core pined for my place where I had gone for decades to sit and contemplate the glory of creation, and yet to do so, carried some penal consequence that I dared not challenge. This was all snatched away in the blink of an eye, without any input from me or anyone else who loved this beach so dearly. I felt like a little girl again who could not choose when she could go to the beach.

In May, I learned that I would be allowed to return and I was elated: My heart and soul leapt with joy! I needed to commune with the Universe at my beautiful boulder by the ocean. On June 1st, 2020, I arose at 3am in order to arrive here for sunrise. I had tears of relief and joy as I stepped my bare feet onto the sand. I sprinted as hard as I could in sheer exuberance as I had often watched the dogs on the beach do! I ran right into the water and danced a little jig for myself. I reached my hands down into the foamy surf and splashed in the water. I took a sip of the salty sea water to taste it once again. Then I walked briskly and freely to the very end of the beach where the jetty begins. Behold! My beautiful, beloved, boulder had faithfully waited for my return! I gave it a kiss and I lay my cheek against it and gave it a hug. Then I sat down to behold the magnificent view of the ocean. I breathed the air deeply into my lungs, smelling the salty air. I listened attentively for the secrets of the Universe to whisper in my ear. Just after 4:30am, the sun began to rise over the horizon, beyond the cloud cover. This is the photo I took. It has such incredible meaning for me and it’s one of the most beautiful pictures I have taken while here. I did not change it at all, as I would not know how to do that. The beauty of my oasis speaks for itself and I share that with you.


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    MMCPWritten by Monique M. C. Prince

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