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"Wandering Through Shadows"

By Maheen imranPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

Amidst the echoes of a world unknown,

I wander, a soul untethered, feeling alone.

A labyrinth of thoughts, a maze of fears,

Lost in the wilderness of unshed tears.

A compass shattered, stars concealed,

The path ahead, a mystery revealed.

Drifting like a leaf upon the breeze,

Searching for solace, longing for ease.

In the shadowed corners of my mind,

A puzzle of uncertainties intertwined.

Footsteps falter, direction unclear,

Lost in a realm where doubts appear.

The compass of purpose once true and bright,

Now spins aimlessly in the endless night.

A ship without sails, adrift at sea,

I yearn to find where I'm meant to be.

The stars that once guided, now seem to fade,

Leaving me stranded, in twilight's shade.

The compass of my heart, now out of sync,

I grapple with questions that make me think.

Is being lost a curse or a hidden gift?

A chance to discover, to mend and uplift?

To unearth strengths that have long been concealed,

To embrace the uncertainties that are revealed.

The tapestry of life, woven with threads,

Of twists and turns where confusion spreads.

Yet in the midst of this labyrinthine plight,

There lies a glimmer, a shard of light.

For in the realm of being lost, I find,

A canvas unmarked, an open mind.

A space to explore, to question, to grow,

To shed old layers and let new wisdom flow.

Lost in the dance of moments and dreams,

I gather the fragments, or so it seems.

Each piece, a puzzle in this grand design,

A story of learning, of growth intertwine.

In the midst of chaos, a journey unfolds,

A mosaic of stories, of treasures untold.

Embracing the void, I slowly see,

That being lost can set my spirit free.

For when I'm lost, I'm truly found,

In the vastness of silence, I am unbound.

No longer chained by the maps of old,

I pave my path with stories yet untold.

A metamorphosis of the soul takes place,

As I navigate uncertainty with grace.

The compass within, rekindled anew,

Guiding me forward, revealing what's true.

Lost, but not forsaken, I stand my ground,

Gathering courage from all around.

Discovering strength in the depths of despair,

Becoming a phoenix, rising from where

I once thought I was broken and weak,

Now find the power within to speak.

To navigate storms and uncharted seas,

Embracing the lost as a part of me.

So I'll wander these pathways, uncharted and wild,

Embracing the unknown like a curious child.

For being lost is a chapter, not the whole,

A chance to redefine, to uncover the soul.

And as I embrace the uncertainty's art,

I'll find my way home, in my very heart.

For being lost is a journey, a sacred quest,

A testament to humanity's eternal zest.

In the midst of this labyrinthine quest,

I realize that feeling lost is not a test.

It's an invitation to explore and unfold,

To discover the treasures that lie untold.

The whispers of doubt, the tangles of fear,

They all hold lessons when I draw near.

The echoes of uncertainty, the questions that burn,

Guide me to wisdom, to lessons I yearn.

In the tapestry woven from shadows and light,

I gather the fragments, embrace the night.

For being lost is a canvas, a chance to create,

To design my own destiny, to shape my own fate.

The compass may falter, the stars may retreat,

But within me, a fire of hope and heartbeat.

In the heart of confusion, I'll find my own way,

Writing my story with each step I display.

So let me wander, let me explore,

In the midst of feeling lost, I'll find what's in store.

For deep in the labyrinth, where paths intertwine,

I'll uncover the treasures that make life divine.

In being lost, I'll find my voice and my song,

Navigating the darkness, emerging strong.

With courage as my guide and faith as my light,

I'll conquer the unknown, take flight in the night.

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