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Understanding Fallopian Tube Cancer Treatment Cost in Turkey

Fallopian Tube Cancer

By Aman yadavPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Fallopian tube cancer is sporadic, accounting for just 1-2% of all gynecological cancers. Cancer generally does not originate in the tubes but spreads from other body parts, mainly from the endometrium or ovaries.

If you have been diagnosed with fallopian tube cancer, start your treatment immediately from the best oncologists in Turkey. Turkey offers visa-free access to more than 90 countries. The country has invested over 30 Billion Dollars in developing the healthcare sector. Turkey annually provides treatment and diagnostic services to more than 500,000 national and international patients.

Oncologists in Turkey are highly specialized in treating ovary and fallopian tube cancer. They are dedicated to providing the best medical care possible for patients. Various healthcare professionals like oncologists, gynecologists, nurses, and other paramedics work together in a multidisciplinary team and help patients get successfully treated for fallopian tube cancer.

Turkey is also known for providing low-cost treatment options. Fallopian tube cancer treatment cost in Turkey starts from $10900. This cost is much lower than in other countries like the USA, UK, Israel, Germany, Singapore, etc.

What is Fallopian Tube Cancer?

As the name suggests, fallopian tube cancer is cancer affecting the fallopian tubes. Fallopian tubes, also known as oviducts, are bilateral ducts that carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus.

There are about 1500 – 2000 fallopian tube cancer cases, out of which 300-400 are in America. The five-year survival rate of fallopian tube cancer, when treated before it spreads to other body parts, is 93%. This shows that fallopian tube cancer if detected early, has a high chance of successful treatment.

Symptoms of fallopian tube cancer include –

  • Abdominal pain
  • Abnormal menstruation
  • Pain and swelling in the pelvis
  • Frequent urination
  • Gastrointestinal problems like bloating, gas, and constipation

How is Fallopian Tube Cancer Treated?

Fallopian tube cancer can be treated by combining different therapies and surgery. Some common ways of treating fallopian tube cancer are –

  • Surgery: Salpingo-oophorectomy is a surgery in which fallopian tubes and ovaries are removed from the body. Suppose the female wishes to get pregnant, and the cancer is in the early stage. In that case, unilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy may be performed in which only one ovary and one fallopian tube are removed. In cases where the tumor is still in the fallopian tubes and has not metastasized to ovaries and other parts, only salpingectomy (removal of fallopian tubes) is performed.
  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy involves administering drugs that can potentially kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy can be done before surgery to shrink the tumor (neoadjuvant chemotherapy) or after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells (adjuvant chemotherapy).
  • Targeted therapy: Cancer cells differ from normal healthy cells in terms of mutations. Targeted therapy works by identifying the differences and destroys only cancer cells.
  • Radiation therapy: High beam energy rays like X-rays are used in radiotherapy to kill cancer cells. It is generally used to treat early-stage cancer (stages 1 to 2).
  • Immunotherapy: Drugs like Pembrolizumab and dostarlimab are used in immunotherapy which works by increasing the body’s immune response toward cancer cells.

What is the Cost of Fallopian Cancer Treatment in Turkey?

Fallopian tube cancer treatment cost in Turkey is on the lower side compared to other nations and is in the range of $10900 to $13900.

  • The cost of salpingectomy in Turkey is $3900 to $4700.
  • Salpingo-oophorectomy surgery cost in Turkey is $13000 - $16000.
  • Chemotherapy is also affordable in Turkey and ranges from $1300 to $1600.
  • Charges for radiation therapy in Turkey are $5700 - $6900.

What Factors Determine the Cost of Fallopian Tube Cancer Treatment in Turkey?

The overall cost of Fallopian tube cancer treatment depends upon factors like the patient’s general health and personal preferences. Some of the other factors affecting the treatment cost are –

  • Type of hospital: If you opt for privately owned hospitals than government-run hospitals, your overall cost of fallopian tube cancer treatment will increase.
  • Type of room: Single occupancy and VIP rooms are more expensive than general wards.
  • Stage of cancer: End-stage fallopian tube cancer requires an aggressive treatment regimen and is costlier to treat than early-stage cancer.
  • Type of surgery: Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy involves the removal of both fallopian tubes and is more expensive than unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Similarly, the overall cost increases if the surgery is combined with a total hysterectomy.
  • Additional tests and treatment: If any other tests and treatments are required, they are charged separately.
  • Complications: Risks are involved in every surgery. If any difficulty arises during treatment, they are managed simultaneously and impact the final cost of the fallopian tube cancer treatment.
  • Type of accommodation: You are required to stay outside the hospital for a few days, and you can opt for hotels or guest houses of your choice. The type of accommodation you choose will affect your cost of treatment.

Who are the Best Oncologists for Fallopian Tube Cancer Treatment in Turkey?

  • Dr. Nil Molinas Mandel: Dr. Nil Molinas Mandel is a renowned Medical Oncologist with over four decades of experience. She is known for providing excellent medical treatment for cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, fallopian tube cancer, prostate cancer, and bladder cancer.
  • Prof. Dr. Savaş Tuna: Prof. Dr. Savaş Tuna is a trained Oncologist with extensive experience in chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and radiation therapy. He has an experience of 30+ years.
  • Dr. Mustafa Yaylaci: Dr. Mustafa Yaylaci is a prominent Medical Oncologist who has 14+ years of experience. His expertise includes chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and hormonal therapy for most cancers, including fallopian tube cancer.
  • Dr. Mustafa Ozdogan: With 30 years of experience, Dr. Mustafa Ozdogan is an eminent Oncologist who has received various awards and recognitions for his work in the field of oncology. He specializes in colon cancer, bladder cancer, fallopian tube cancer, ovarian cancer, and gallbladder cancer.

Turkey has emerged as a popular medical tourism destination and receives patients from over 144 countries. The country is highly preferred by patients looking for fallopian tube cancer treatment as it offers excellent results. If you are planning to visit Turkey for your medical treatment, make sure to gather all the relevant information for a hassle-free trip.


About the Creator

Aman yadav

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