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UnCommon Knowledge

Man in the mirror

By JahSmoovPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
UnCommon Knowledge
Photo by Chela B. on Unsplash

I took a break from writing. A brief break to breathe. Also to take care of my responsibilities, ya know? Like a human being should. It is important to take care of yourself as well as the people you love. That’s not what’s uncommon though. What’s uncommon knowledge is the fact that we have to put ourselves first sometimes in order to continue our duties. But even more than that, I have to be myself everyday so the people whom I love will continue to give me reasons to love them. As a man. As a human. It is uncommon to be ourselves.

Why though? Like what happened? Being selfish is wrong to a certain extent. Society hides selfishness because they are what? Afraid to be judged. Afraid to be wrong. I am able to speak like so because all of my selffish actions are in my past but each time I was being selfish, I was being myself. You win some and you lose some. Tough luck. As long as you can sleep at night and wake up to continue your mission and love the people who love you, then continue.

It’s more than that. Something is missing. Some people are filthy. As in they are being theirselves but they are doing wrong on purpose. Ill be more specific. They are sick. They take advantage. They do not like challenges, they like ease. Okay I think we are getting somewhere. The society we live in now is based off of technology. Technology are tools used to make life easier for humans. Man-made machines designed to create lazy humans. Hm. True or false? - As we have gotten lazier, our average human life span has decreased. Maybe it is the food we eat. The food is genetically made.. made with technology.

Humans forget sometimes. Why is being ourselves uncommon? Because we get lost in this new world. Or we never had the oppurtunity to be educated on focusing on ourselves. That can either be because our parents are a product of this new generation. Or even worst, they never evolved from the old. It is important to level up, to avoid stagnance, to be aware of your surroundings. All of them. Those you cannot see and those that have not arrived yet. It is important to use your brain on all cylinders. Excercise your brain for your own sake. Be selfish. Take care of you so you can take care of others. Makes sense? Im sure it does. This is in laymen terms. I do not speak to confuse people. I speak to you direct so you can “catch my drift”. I think I can confidently say I have been practicing my preach for as long as I can remember. No again, I am not perfect and of course I messed up, a lot. What I mean is my first instinct was to be myself. It was when I seen a lot of other people pretend to be someone else, or even pretend to be me, wait, or even become upset with the fact that I can be myself with ease. They’ll throw jealous subtle statements. They feel comfortable enough to hate but never comfortable enough to be the man in the mirror. That is why I am who I am and will be who I am meant to be. JahSmoov. It is what it is man. You should have listened to yourself because worrying about me is just wasting your own time. I live my life. I take care of mine. I am selfish. And I can tell my best friend, my brother, my grandmother, my cousin, whoever.. I can tell them anything I want because I have been myself forever. Anything I do or say will not surprise them. My speech is actually the least important thing about this concept. My actions over the years has brought me peace with the people who I deem matter.

End of discussion because this knowledge should not be uncommon. It should be endured.



About the Creator


You have two ears and one mouth, which means u should listen twice as much as u speak

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