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Ukrainians Are Seeking Refuge in Mexico

And many of them struggle to find help.

By Katya KovalPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Ukrainians Are Seeking Refuge in Mexico
Photo by Yurii Khomitskyi on Unsplash

As a Ukrainian, it pains me to see the current state of affairs in my home country. The ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine has forced many of my countrymen to flee their homes in search of safety and a better life.

In recent months following the start of the war, some have found refuge in a country that may come as a surprise to many — Mexico.

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), there were nearly 6,000 Ukrainian asylum seekers in Mexico as of 2022. This number is expected to rise as the conflict in Eastern Ukraine continues. Many of these refugees have fled the violence and instability in their home country, leaving behind their homes, families, and livelihoods.

The journey to Mexico is not an easy one. Many refugees must first travel to a neighboring country, such as Poland or Germany, before making the journey to Mexico. This can take months or even years, and many face dangerous conditions along the way. Some have even lost their lives in the process.

Once in Mexico, Ukrainian refugees face a new set of challenges. Many struggle to find work and affordable housing, and the language barrier can make it difficult to navigate daily life. Despite these obstacles, many Ukrainians have found a new home in Mexico and are grateful for the safety and security it provides.

But the road ahead is still long for Ukrainian refugees in Mexico. The UNHCR reports that many are in need of legal assistance to help them navigate the asylum process and access basic services. They also require access to education and training programs to help them build new lives in their adopted country.

So, how can people help in this situation? One way is to support organizations that provide assistance to Ukrainian refugees in Mexico. The UNHCR and other organizations offer services such as legal aid, education, and healthcare to refugees in need. Donations to these organizations can make a significant impact on the lives of Ukrainian refugees in Mexico.

Another way to help is to raise awareness about the issue. Many people are unaware of the plight of Ukrainian refugees in Mexico and the challenges they face. By sharing information and raising awareness, we can help to create a more supportive and welcoming environment for refugees.

Finally, we can all show our support for Ukrainian refugees in Mexico by advocating for policies that protect their rights and ensure their safety. This includes supporting international efforts to end the conflict in Eastern Ukraine and providing greater support for refugees around the world.

The situation for Ukrainian refugees in Mexico is a complex one, but there are ways we can all help. By supporting organizations that provide assistance to refugees, raising awareness about the issue, and advocating for policies that protect their rights, we can make a positive difference in the lives of those who have been forced to flee their homes in search of safety and security.

As a Ukrainian, it warms my heart to see the kindness and generosity of the Mexican people. I am grateful for the aid and support that has been given to my fellow Ukrainians during this difficult time.

Let us continue to unite and help each other, spreading love and hope in a world that can sometimes seem bleak. Together, we can overcome any challenge that comes our way.

I pray for all my Ukrainian brothers and sisters. May you be safe and find a place where you feel at home.


Originally published on Medium:


Katya Koval is a Ukrainian Matchmaker and Dating Coach for


About the Creator

Katya Koval

I talk about men's issues and international dating.

Staff Writer & General Consultant for

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