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UMfazi. Emakume. Zene. Woman.

The over 100 ways to succinctly breathe and say the word; 'Woman'

By Novel AllenPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
BLACK WOMAN - Divine Effiong on Unsplash

Shall I start with my ancestry. Zulu: Owesifazane, Xhosa: Umfazi. Hawaiian: Wahini, Latin: Femina, Esperanto: Virino, Maori: Wahini. So many ways to say this powerful and controversial word. WOMAN.

Lovely, beautiful and sensitive women of every race, creed, origin and nationality. I may be repeating myself, it is purely for emphasis.

There are more than one hundred ways to enunciate, articulate, speak and give voice to this word which tells a miniscule part of a woman's story.

Yet, 'Womanspeak' remains the same. It matters not the century, the time or the place, we must forever fight to uphold our womanhood. For although it should become easier to be a woman as time passes, the inverse is the reality. We have to remain vigilant and strong to maintain our dignity and self respect.

Samoan: Fafine, Sudanese: Awewe, Malay: Wanita, Malagasy: Vehivavy, Afrikaans: Vrou.

We are born perfect, despite any flaws as defined by our culture. Perfection is akin to being immortal. We are all expected to be flawless and beautiful, always appear to be the social butterfly in order to attract the prized man child, or whatever our preference is in creation.

Yes, we all crave the enigma of finding our soul mates. Although a small percentage of us do find that elusive dream mate, most of us are doomed to heartbreaks and heartaches of immeasurable pain and sorrow.

This truth has never deterred us from aiming high and achieving levels of success and happiness in our individual lives. We find the strength in each other and nurture and succor our sisters to heights of enlightenment and inner power.

Women have evolved to be independent, strong, kind, tough when the need is desired, and to fully function in their own capacity as the equal of any other entity or being, large or small.

But, make no mistake, she, they, us, we, have always been more than equal to all. We were (and some of us still are) once downtrodden and made to feel small and unimportant. No longer is the the yolk impeding our progress. We overcome and triumph despite the hardships and pain.

STILL WE RISE. Indeed Ms. Angelou, still we rise.

We arrive in this world in many shades of color; black, white, brown, yellow, and with many other beautifully hued rainbow mixtures of loveliness.

Isaac Quesada on Unsplash

A small bundle of innocence to be shaped and molded. Mold her carefully, for in her is the hope of the future and beyond.

Lovely freckles - Matt Reiter on Unsplash

Some of us experience our first introduction to life outside the womb under controlled and sterile care, with all the modern technology at our convenience. Others of us are in a hurry, we arrive in a car, or a taxi cab on the way to a hospital. Maybe some of us are born at home, or in a war zone, or in circumstances so horrible, it is a wonder we even survived.

No matter what the situation, we are here. Now. So we strive to make the best of whatever life has thrown at us, and we survive and thrive.

Woman. You are divine. We are divine.

Belarusian: жанчына, Albanian: Grate , Bosnian: Zena, Basque: Emakumeen, Spanish: Mujer, Cherokee: Femme. So many ways, yet so little space to mention us all.

Chandrakant Sontakke on Unsplash

Whether we choose to be career oriented and focused on a life enjoying what we love best, by ourselves, or being a mother and wife while juggling a career, is completely a path we are free to explore. Whether we choose to bear children or adopt from a world where so many little ones need a home and love. is a choice we are free to make.

Some women are unable to bear children. This can be devastating for a woman. To have to envision how easy it is for other women to have as many children as they wish, while she is unable to conceive, is one of the most hurtful thing for a woman to endure.

We commiserate and hope with heartfelt and deep emotions for a peaceful and enjoyable outcome for her, whether she chooses to adopt or live with whatever her life choice will be.

There are those of us who are free spirited and untamed, artists, musicians, singers, wanderers, restless souls who cannot, or will not stand still. Do not dare to judge us, for in continuous movement and motion is our joy and delight in life.

Brianna Fairhurst on Unsplash

We can and will be militants, and demand what is due to us. This too, is our right.

We are women. Watch us, hear us roar.

Native American women - Dulcey Lima on Unslpash

Together we will fight the uphill battles. Together we will triumph over adversities. Together we will grow in strength and numbers.

Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Together we will strive to be healthy and win, even when our steps are not as firm as they once were, and we tend to falter once in a while. We will hold on tight, she, we, will not fall.

SK on unspalsh

Together, we still smile, and forge ahead. Forever women.

English: Woman.

N.A. 12/12/21

Footnote: Thank you to all the wonderful photographers on UNSPLASH for allowing me the privilege of using your snapshots. May you be forever blessed.


About the Creator

Novel Allen

Every new day is a blank slate. Write something new.

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