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To Sophomore Me

A letter to a broken-hearted teen

By CaryPublished about a year ago Updated 12 months ago 2 min read
To Sophomore Me
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Dear Sophomore Me,

I know that you think that you're in love, but the fact of the matter is, you're not. I wish I could say that you will always be perfectly happy, but you won't be.

That boy with the gorgeous eyes is going to break your heart. After two and a half years together, you will suddenly realize that despite the fact that you are always there for him, he won't always be there for you. He'll ask dad for blessing to date you, and dad will say no. You'll be angry, but dad can see right through this boy, and dad loves you way too much to trust him with your heart. He'll tell you that he can wait for you, but he really won't want to wait long.

You'll come to see that the relationship is toxic, and that this boy monopolizes all of your time. He'll be jealous of your other friends that are guys, despite the fact that they have girlfriends, and you are never having one-on-one conversations with them. One day, you'll wake up and realize that you have no friends that weren't "our friends." All of your true friends have moved on while he has taken over your life.

When you finally find the strength to break things off with him, he'll tell your friends that you led him on for two and a half years. After you break up, he'll try to make you jealous with one of your friends that you know likes him. He'll lead her on, because despite the fact that she likes him, he doesn't really like her. You'll confront him for using her, and he'll sweet talk his way out of it. The first day after you break up, he'll sit with your friends, but on the opposite side, next to her. You'll have a hard time keeping yourself together and you'll be crying. His friends will realize what an idiot he's being and will come to comfort you and take your side. You'll gain three older brothers from the experience.

That boy will get married to one of your childhood friends that grew apart from you, and you'll smile for them and pray that they have a wonderful life. Because despite how he treated you, and despite all the lies he told, you won't wish him ill. You want him to be happy, and you want her to be happy. You'll likely never talk to him again, and you'll be content with your life. After college, you'll find an amazing job that's twenty hours from home. And eventually you'll be happy.

And even though that boy is the biggest regret that you'll have, you'll realize that you learned so much from that heartbreak. You'll realize who is truly your friend and who doesn't care about you at all. You'll find brothers that will tell you the hard truths, but will be there to help you when you don't listen to their advice. You'll find that everything that you went through changed you by making you stronger.

It will hurt, but one day everything will be so much better. So just stick it out and don't give up. You have purpose and meaning outside of that boy, so keep going.

With Love,

Future You


About the Creator


Just a girl who dreams about writing a book, but only has time for a short story. :)

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