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Title: Achieve Radiant Skin in 7 Days: The Magical Rice Flour Mask

This magical mask is made using rice flour, which I've discovered is fantastic for the skin

By Rosemary SackeyPublished 10 months ago 4 min read


Hello, lovely viewers! Welcome back to my channel. For those who are new here, I'm Amarka, your go-to esthetician, and today I have an incredible skincare recipe to share with you. Get ready to discover how this simple mask, made with rice flour, helped me achieve a bright and glowing complexion in just seven days. I'll walk you through my daily experiences with this mask, showcasing the remarkable transformation it brought to my skin. So, stay tuned till the end, as I'll be revealing the recipe for this magical mask!

Day 1: The Beginning of the Transformation

After applying the mask for the first time, I noticed an immediate, healthy glow on my skin. It was the start of a fantastic journey towards radiant skin. The rice flour mask felt refreshing and lightweight on my face, and I couldn't wait to see how my complexion would evolve over the next seven days.

Day 2: Continuation of the Glow

The brightness continued to improve on the second day, leaving my skin feeling smooth and rejuvenated. I was thrilled with the initial results and the soothing sensation the mask provided. My skin felt nourished and looked more even-toned, and I was excited to see what the upcoming days had in store for my complexion.

Day 3: Observing Subtle Changes

On the third day, I noticed subtle skin texture changes. The mask's exfoliating properties gently sloughed dead skin cells away, leaving a fresh and radiant appearance behind. My complexion seemed more balanced, and I felt confident about the continued use of the rice flour mask.

Day 4: A Minor Bump in the Journey

On day four, I experienced a few breakouts, which was quite unusual for my skin. While the rice flour mask had been working wonders so far, I couldn't help but wonder if the slight change in my skincare routine was causing this. Determined to continue with the seven-day challenge, I decided to switch up the mask's liquid component to see how it would affect my skin.

Day 5: Brilliance in Simplicity

I tried a new mixture with slight changes, substituting the Greek yogurt with full-cream milk powder. To my delight, the new blend brilliantly tackled the breakouts, making them disappear within a day. My skin looked more even and toned, and I couldn't help but marvel at the radiant glow that was becoming more apparent with each passing day.

Day 6: The Brightening Effect

As I approached day six, I couldn't help but notice how my skin looked significantly brighter and firmer. The mask's gentle exfoliating effect left my skin feeling softer with every application. There was a noticeable reduction in dullness, and my complexion seemed revitalized and renewed. The rice flour mask had become an integral part of my skincare routine, and I was excited to witness the final results on day seven.

Day 7: The Final Glow

The day seven results were astonishing: my skin was visibly brighter, and the overall texture had remarkably improved. The rice flour mask had delivered on its promise of a radiant and healthy complexion. This simple yet effective skincare recipe had proven to be a game-changer in just seven days. I couldn't believe how a few basic ingredients had dramatically transformed my skin.

The Magical Rice Flour Mask: A Recipe for Radiant Skin

Now that you've seen the amazing results, let me share the recipe for this magical rice flour mask. To achieve the glowing complexion I experienced, you'll need the following ingredients:

Rice Flour: Known for its skin-brightening properties, rice flour is a fantastic addition to this mask. It helps to gently exfoliate the skin and promote a more even tone.

Full Cream Milk Powder: Providing nourishment and hydration, full cream milk powder complements the benefits of rice flour. It contains essential vitamins and nutrients that promote skin health and radiance.

Greek Yogurt: Alternatively, you can use Greek yogurt instead of milk powder, as it offers similar advantages. Greek yogurt is rich in probiotics and lactic acid, which help soothe and brighten the skin.

Here's how to prepare the mask:

1. In a bowl, mix approximately a teaspoon of rice flour with 2 teaspoons of either full-cream milk powder or Greek yogurt.

2. Adjust the consistency according to your preference, ensuring it's easy to apply and dries on your face. The mask should feel lightweight and comfortable on your skin.

3. Apply the mask to your face, ensuring an even and generous layer. Allow it to dry completely before gently washing it off with lukewarm water.


I can't stress enough how amazing this rice flour mask is! It made my skin glow and gave me a gentle exfoliating effect during each application. I highly recommend this seven-day challenge if you have an upcoming special occasion and want to enhance your skin's radiance. Try it out, and don't forget to share your results with me!

If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more skincare tips and tricks. Remember to follow me on Instagram at @eyelashesskinandhair for exciting giveaways and updates.

Thank you for joining me on this transformative skincare journey, and I'll see you in my next video. Remember, healthy and radiant skin is just just a few ingredients away! Bye!

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About the Creator

Rosemary Sackey

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