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This Writing Thing

Keep At It

By Linda GorsuchPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

How many times must I start over? I think I have a great idea, start jotting down notes, writing, re-writing, crying, cursing, smiling, writing some more! Next day, same thing all over again.

You know what I'm talking about - I don't know about you, but I even dream stories. I keep a notepad on the nightstand next to my bed so I don't miss out on any earth-shattering ideas or sentences that may come to me while I lay unconscious after an especially gruelling day.

Being innovative and trendy is not easy! What will pique one's interest will repel another; but I want them all . . . because I love to tell stories.

There are so many areas we can cover. Sci-Fi, Romance, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Fantasy (now that is one I would like to try), Fun Facts and Unbelievable Happenings, Drama, Business World, Stocks, Real Estate, DIY Projects, Biographies, Adventure, on and on and on. We can make up our own categories - we can write about anything we want to write about. JUST WRITE!

I like to "free-flow". There probably is another word for this technique but that is what I call it . . . I just start writing ANYTHING that comes to mind. Sometimes I can get a few thoughts that actually go together and I can make something out of it. Sometimes it is really good and then again . . . yeah, right . . . other times just junk and random thoughts.

Just because I feel inspired to write something doesn't make it necessarily an easy task! I have all these ideas and storylines in my head and just can't seem to put them together in any sort of "readable" fashion. I often get an idea for a really interesting scenario and then sit staring at my computer as if I'm in a daze.

I don't smoke, drink or do any kind of drugs, but I do drink coffee! So I pace and think and carry a notebook around with me to jot down whatever comes to mind, while sipping on endless cups of coffee. I can't be the only one with this problem. That would be scarey for me . . . the only person in the world who can't seem to put their thoughts into words. I'm sure you other authors have been there. Any advice for me? Sure could use some to help me get "unstuck."

But then again, there is always tomorrow to start again. I firmly believe that just because today was a crappy day, doesn't mean I'm a crappy writer. New day, new thoughts, new ideas, new, clean piece of paper, new blank document on my computer or laptop, a big, determined gulp of a new cup of coffee and I'm off to the races once again. I'm sure today will be the day that the words flow like a bubbling brook and my fingers will fly over the keyboard, creating incredible sentences that make perfect sense and will be my next best seller! Yes, today is the day! I will stay positive, energized, inspired, and even brilliant! Today I will tackle my writing with determination and guts and passion. Today will be my day to culminate my hours, days, weeks, and months of hair-pulling agony in searching for the right words, sentences, paragraphs. TODAY will be my day to shine! TODAY I will turn a corner and pleasantly surprise myself. TODAY I will be encouraged by my progress and be satisfied with my accompishments.

And, if not today, then tomorrow . . . another new chance to be the best I can be . . .

So I guess my suggestion to another struggling writer would be - DON'T GIVE UP! So yesterday may not have gone well, but today is a fresh day, fresh ideas, fresh starts, fresh energy. Be encouraged, we will get there, you and I, if we just keep at this "writing thing!"


About the Creator

Linda Gorsuch

I am a retired bookkeeper and business owner. My goal is to transport you to another time and space. I love to read and have multiple hobbies which I pursue depending upon the time allotted to me. My biggest hobby is making people smile!

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