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Thing's Most Teenagers Worry About


By Scarlett Rose Published 3 years ago 3 min read

Things most teenagers worry about

In conclusion, well this list could probably go on and on.

But I am going to talk about things, that I as a teenager most often worry about, and I'm sure a lot of others can agree with. Picture yourself in your room, at 13 years old. Just doing “teen” things. Your mom keeps calling your name, and to you it’s the most annoying thing ever! You finally go and see what she wants, and then continue doing your “teen” things. She keeps coming in your room and you finally just burst because she's being so “annoying’ right? Your now 22, and your now on your 3rd time trying to call her to tell her you just hit a curb, LOL. Now, it's annoying when she won't answer you, or acknowledge you. It's funny how the tables turn, right? Every day I worry about losing my mom, and I regret being so mean to her when I was little. Because I thought talking to my “friends” was more important. When in reality, she's my best friend. Don’t be hard on yourself though, because if you're reading this right now, I guarantee you just related to what I wrote. It, is, normal.

Now, this one, you can't even try to lie that as teen you haven't worried about this. You are fresh out of high school. Now, you may be attending college, if you are in my shoes, I'm not sure what I want in life yet, so I'm testing the waters. If I'm being honest, I can't afford to attend college like most. I chose to attend online school, that was affordable for me. For the time being. College, and school in general, puts a lot of stress on teens. You are constantly trying to picture your future. You are constantly wondering if you are going to make it. It's actually something a lot of people don’t warn you about. Again, if your anything like me, in my shoes, I don’t live in a dorm, nor do I live with my parents. Therefore, I have to support myself. You know what that means, job! Yay! Not. It's very stressful doing school, and trying to support yourself at the same time. Probably one of the hardest times you will encounter in life. It, is, normal. To worry about your future. To worry about if you're going to pass that test. To worry about if you can pay all your bills this month. Its, all, normal. And I promise, you will get through it.

This one, I think most will relate to, too. That is, body image. Especially if you are a girl. Us girls see all of these “perfect” bodies on social media. Let me let you in on a secret, there is no such thing as “perfect” trust me, keep telling yourself that. This topic is actually really sensitive for most girls, like myself. I think it is actually getting better, though. “Normalize normal bodies” ever heard of it? My heart is so full, when I see women post parts of their bodies that they are most insecure about, again, because of society. And I am seeing more and more women do so. I can't wait until we can all reach that point. I honestly bet it’s a big weight lifted. It makes me really sad how our world is today. And that I see all of these beautiful women, that feel so so far from feeling beautiful themself. There is literally, so many different things us women are insecure about. Whether that’s your weight, your height, your nose, lips, feet, smile. The littlest things you would never guess. It will continue to break my heart until the day us women can love ourselves and put what society thinks is perfect to the side. I am here to tell you, it, is, normal. And it's in fact, okay. You will reach that day. But until then, tell yourself, you are beautiful, brave, strong, and all of the above. You are you, and that’s what makes you even more beautiful.

Like I said, the list of things teens worry about, goes on and, on. But whatever it is that you are worrying about, it, is, normal, and okay.


About the Creator

Scarlett Rose

everybody is blind when the view is amazing


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