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There is no true love

Love gives problems

By Richard MwanzaPublished 8 months ago 5 min read
There is no true love
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled at the foot of a majestic mountain, lived a young girl named Elara. She had grown up listening to enchanting tales of true love, whispered by the village elders. Elara believed in these stories and dreamed of finding her one true love someday.

As she grew older, Elara became acquainted with a dashing young man named Tristan, who had recently moved to the village. With his rugged charm and thoughtful demeanour, Tristan seemed to embody everything Elara had imagined her true love would be like.

Over time, Elara and Tristan’s friendship flourished, and everyone in the village could see the special connection they shared. They spent countless hours together, exploring the mountainside, sharing laughter, and uncovering their dreams. Their bond seemed unbreakable, and the villagers were convinced they were witnessing the birth of a great love story.

However, deep within her heart, Elara carried a haunting sadness. She couldn’t help but notice the absence of the overwhelming passion and intense emotions that the tales of true love described. While Tristan was a kind-hearted companion, Elara wondered if this was the epitome of true love or if there was something more.

One evening, as they sat beneath the starry sky, Elara decided to share her thoughts with Tristan. She confessed her doubts about the existence of true love, questioning if what they had was merely a deep friendship and not the passionate love that everyone spoke of in tales.

Tristan, looking into Elara’s eyes with sincerity, reached out and took her hands gently in his. “Elara, true love is not a fairy-tale,” he said softly. “It isn’t always grand gestures and fireworks. It’s a deep connection, a sense of comfort and understanding. It's the feeling of being truly seen and accepted for who you are, flaws and all.”

His words resonated deeply within Elara’s soul, and for the first time, she truly considered the possibility that true love might not be as dramatic as the stories portrayed it to be. Perhaps, she thought, it was the quiet moments of understanding and companionship that truly defined love.

As the years went by, Elara and Tristan continued to grow together, supporting each other through both joyous and challenging times. They built a life filled with shared experiences, laughter, and a deep sense of companionship. Though their love didn’t possess the astonishing passion described in the stories, it was rooted in unwavering loyalty and a sense of comfort that surpassed any fleeting infatuation.

One day, an alluring stranger arrived in the village. His name was Aurelius, and he possessed an enchanting charm that captivated the hearts of many. Whispers of his extraordinary looks and magnetic presence quickly spread throughout the village, causing a buzz of excitement. Instantly, Elara found herself drawn to his charismatic energy, and her heart fluttered in a way she had never experienced before Elara was torn. The connection she felt with Aurelius was undeniably intense, stirring emotions she had never imagined. It was as if a tempestuous storm had erupted within her, challenging everything she thought she knew about love. The villagers, too, fuelled her conflicted feelings, whispering tales of destiny and fated encounters.

In the midst of this turmoil, Elara sought solace in the wisdom of the village elder, a wise old woman named Elysia. She poured her heart out to Elysia, expressing her confusion and the overwhelming attraction she felt for Aurelius.

Elysia listened attentively, a gentle smile spreading across her weathered face. “My dear, love is a tapestry woven with various threads,” she said softly. “Do not be swayed by the allure of passion alone. True love is not found in fleeting moments of infatuation, but rather in the constancy of companionship, trust, and shared values.”

Elara pondered Elysia’s words, her heart heavy with indecision. She knew that her connection with Tristan was built on a solid foundation of trust and understanding, while her attraction to Aurelius was rooted in the allure of the unknown. She wondered if pursuing a passionate romance with Aurelius would be a betrayal of the deep bond she shared with Tristan.

In the end, Elara realized that true love wasn’t about finding the perfect person or experiencing a whirlwind romance. It was about making choices based on integrity, respect, and the commitment she had built with Tristan over the years. It was about honoring the connection they had nurtured and understanding that love was a journey of growth and transformation.

Elara mustered the courage to have an honest conversation with both Tristan and Aurelius. She explained her conflicting emotions and shared her realization that true love wasn’t about fleeting moments of passion, but rather about the constancy of devotion and understanding.

Tristan, with his characteristic kindness, looked deep into

Elara’s eyes and nodded in understanding. “I have always cherished our connection, Elara,” he said, his voice filled with sincerity. “And if what we have is not the passionate love of tales, then so be it. Our love is rooted in something deeper, something real and enduring.”

Aurelius, too, showed a surprising understanding. “Love takes many forms,” he said, his eyes filled with admiration. “And while I am drawn to your vibrant spirit, I understand the value of the love you have built with Tristan. It is a rare and precious kind of love.”

With clarity in her heart, Elara made the decision to embrace the love she had nurtured with Tristan. Together, they continued to walk their path, hand in hand, nurturing their bond and finding joy in the simple moments of life.

As the years passed, tales of their love spread throughout the village. The villagers saw the warmth and stability they radiated, and they came to realize that the notion of true love was not confined to the constraints of grandiose tales and passionate whirlwinds. Elara and Tristan’s love became a testament to the power of companionship, understanding, and steadfast devotion.

They became the embodiment of a different kind of love, one that eschewed the fantastical and extravagant for the comfort and security that only true companionship could offer. Their love story taught the village that true love did not always come in the form of grand gestures or intense emotions, but rather in the everyday moments of laughter, support, and unwavering loyalty.

In time, the village embraced this realization, understanding that true love was not merely confined to the realms of enchanting tales, but could be found in the connections they had forged with their own loved ones.

And so, the village thrived with a newfound understanding of love—a love that transcended the boundaries of fairy tales and reminded everyone that true love was not a fairy tale ending, but a journey of friendship


About the Creator

Richard Mwanza

lets do this

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  • Alex H Mittelman 8 months ago

    Fantastic work! Great job!

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