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Their Story

A love that is theirs

By Langston ThomasPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

Their Story

For him, meeting her felt like the beginning of the rest of his life

For her, meeting him was just a part of her everyday life

Yet they were young and such things did not truly matter yet anyhow

Having just decided that the opposite sex is not so icky after all

Even young though he was crushing on her hard, feeling like peanut butter was in his mouth

She was happy to spin around and see him there while she danced everywhere

Making their first real memories both together and apart

He asks for a notebook for when he hits double digits, to write it all down

The tender age of 9

As years and grades passed on, they became close

His feeling ebbing off in a healthy friendship, the ghost of feelings fading

Her feelings building up into the possible want for something more

Neither really wanting to the first to speak on it, then nor now

As high school passed on, they survived it all together

Boyfriends, girlfriends, classes and parents

His creased small black notebook acting as a map to his life with every thought he has

With graduation only a year away, the good times were rolling

Her new first love making her forget flights of fancy with her best friend

Giving away herself to make first love, her first in a whole different way

Him still holding out for more than the young girls he knew

Them falling apart over their last summer

Him losing her to her newfound insatiable appetite that he could not understand

Moving away from it all, he left for a dream and a scholarship six hours away

Finding not his Ms. Right, but his Ms. Right-Now during his freshmen year

A senior at his school with a thing for breaking in and turning out virgins

Her skipping over college to start work and doing quite well

Her first love becoming just a chapter in her past

Thoughts of a former best friend lingering

The ignorant age of 17

Years and lives rolling forward all at once

Him deciding what to do with his life and where he belongs

Setting up shop in this city that has been his home for 4 years

College still a fresh memory for him, but something he wants to move past

Using his little notebook to take all the notes he needs to be successful

Starting up his career and finding the first real love of his life

An intelligent and pretty face that he works with

Her living a thousand miles away loving her career and her single life

The only man in her life being her son from her last failed relationship

A cute wild boy at the terrible age of 2

The independent age of 22

Him having had married and divorced pretty face within a span of three turbulent years

Citing, legally, irreconcilable differences to keep it simple

The truth behind that being pretty face’s infidelities with one of their co-workers

Leaving all the crap behind once again, tired of the bullshit

Finding comfort moving back to his hometown

Taking his career with him, making himself his own boss to make his own rules

Her continuing on unabated by the seductive trap of love

Virtually giving up on men completely

Finding nothing satisfying about a broken heart

Too old for the drama having none of her own

Her little man steadily growing and now

Learning vocabulary and basic math in 2nd grade

A 10-year high school reunion bringing old friends back together again

She catches him in a corner, recognizing his little black notebook even if the man surprised her

Noticing how much of man he looks like now

Him being surprisingly excited to see her

Her being pleasantly pleased to see him

A night of talking and catching up lasting long after the reunion ends followed

Closing a 9-year gap that neither really notices at all

Him filling her in on married and divorced life

Her clueing him in on parenthood

More nights follow that one

Feeling each other out building on the past

Finding more to work with than either would have thought

Finally having their first real date

First date leading to their first kiss

First kiss leading to more than kissing

Making it their first night together

Blissfully wearing each other out

The happy age of 27

One of the countless sessions to follow making someone new

A pretty little princess in need of a castle

So they give their daughter her due

Moving in together into someplace new

Someplace they can share

Little man now being his own tender age of 9

Happy to have a man that stays around to teach him how to be one

Catching himself calling him Daddy

Being offered a notebook for when he hit double digits, being just like him

Being young, but wise enough to know that this feels right

Her finding the love that she deserves and the place she belongs

Happy to have someone who loves her and her son

Him never feeling better to be alive and in love

Having his family that he has so fervently wanted

The loving age of 29

Staying true over the years

Falling out only once

One extremely bad, once

Him ready to call it quits

Her thinking of packing her bags

Neither ready to be the first to say goodbye

Coming back together to work things out

Saying it was for the kids, but knowing it was for their own hearts

Loving like never before

Like breathing as if the air was going to run out

Taking long deep breaths of happiness and peace

Him stepping up with a proposal and a ring

Her having the wedding of her dreams

Their princess playing the part of the cutest flower girl

Her little man becoming theirs with the duty of ring bearer

Becoming a true family

The grown age of 33

Careers change and the kid shoot up like rockets

Big brother watching out for baby sister

School separating the kids

Not so little man into high school now

Still pretty princess enjoying 1st grade

Him loving her more and more everyday

Her thankful they finally got it together

Fights and make-ups from everything from finances to child rearing

Few things truly marring the passage of time

Their story something worth writing about

Their love something worth envying

A love so bright and warm it feels like the sun is still up hours into twilight

A love like a hot cup of chocolate on a cold winter night

Or making it to the eye of the storm after being ravaged by the hurricane for so long

It’s a mature and patient love

Not a flawless love because us humans are not flawless beings

But it is perfectly flawed

Giving them character like a beauty mark on the corner of a lip

Taking their love out of fairy tales into reality

The honeymooner age of 36

Years pass still

Not quite little, but not yet grown man is in college and dating a very nice young woman

The type young woman you can bring home to meet the folks with pride

Pretty princess has reached that 9th tender year

Enjoying weekly dates with her Daddy

So even young she may know how a man should treat her

Mom and Dad almost ready to be over the proverbial hill together

Him looking forward to turning old and wrinkly with her

Her mostly happy, only a twinge of something unnamed lingering

The settling age of 39

A violent car crash on the way home from one of their dates changes everything

Stealing his ability to walk

And taking his date, their pretty little princess’, life

Grief descends upon their home wreaking havoc

Him unable to stop crying and blaming himself

Her torn between healing him and healing herself

Their now grown man broken on the rocks

Moving back home to be with his parents in their time of need

A coffin holds the never ending joy of their life locked away

There seems to be no light at the end of this tunnel

Their princess leaving this world at the near sweet age of 15

Moving from an is to a was

Faith and hope being low all around

Praying together finding a small measure of peace

The broken age of 45

Time heals all wounds is that not how the saying goes

But some wounds never heal completely no matter how much time passes

For him as if to emphasize the point he only regains complete use of one leg

The other a painful reminder of his loss

Tied to a cane for the rest of his life

Their grown man doing pretty well on his own

Marrying the nice young woman helps along just a little bit more

Adding on to a family suffering a loss

Coping with a void in their life

Their grown man also having brought his own bundle of joy into the world

Naming her after his fallen baby sister

For our couple it further ravished their home

For him a grandchild broke his heart, a reminder of his princess

For her it helped to see new life

They just make it by day to day

And the days are getting harder

The course of true love never did run smooth

But peace must be had in order to keep going

The troubled age of 47

Being older in years helps sometimes dealing with stuff

Now being too old to waste time helps more than silver or gold

Getting life back together is a hard thing

Forgiving yourself even harder

A week getaway compliments of their son uniting them again

A cool balm on a ragged heart

A spark of passion found

That spark igniting into a flame that saved them

Guiding them through the dark back to the love they once shared

Him thanking God they made it through

Her never having been so happy to be with her man

A prize from the lottery making what they found more fun

Twenty-thousand dollars to make their life even more suddenly

Planning trips just for fun

The healing age of 54

Many years pass over them in peace

A well-earned oasis to a road weary traveler

Retirement is in their grasp

Their well off son helping out where needed

The sting of the past loses it pull

Becoming something to remember instead of grieve over

Their grandchild passing over the age of their princess’s final days

Him being happy to see life continued

Her elated to see where their daughter’s life could have led

The blessed age of 62

Growing old with someone is a funny thing

Both of you lovingly sick of the other

Praying death steals you away together

Moving from grand to great-grand parents in a single bound

Happy to be alive

Happier still to have each other

The peaceful age of 71

Years down the line leading to love unspoiled

Lying awake after a slow session of love

Him ready to leave this world with her

Her having no regrets and ready to pass on with him

A single night breaking their mighty chain

A night where she doesn’t wake up the next morning

He writes his last letter in his book, a love letter to her

The lost age of 80

Without his love and wife life loses meaning

Happy to be survived by his child no matter what blood may say

Their water is as thick as syrup

But heartbroken all the same

His heart giving out just 6 short months after her

Unable to keep beating without her love pumping through him

The report will say heart failure

And it is exactly a heart failure

A failed heart missing its other half

Their love surviving them both

Too grand a thing to pass into the earth with their bodies

Following her into heaven to be together again for all of eternity before God

Living on in the hearts and minds of those who knew and loved them

Their story something worth telling

Their love something worth admiring


About the Creator

Langston Thomas

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