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The Struggle Of Having Neighbors

By Claudia Nicole Parker

By Claudia Nicole ParkerPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The Struggle Of Having Neighbors

By Claudia Nicole Parker

January 31, 2021

The struggle of having neighbors. Something everyone can relate to. Sometimes we get lucky and have really good neighbors. You know, the ones that keep to themselves, and stay out of your business. Then sometimes we get the really bad ones. The ones that have to be in your business, and if your business is not their business, they cause problems for you. Well, that is the type of neighbor I have.

When my husband and I first moved here, none of our neighbors had anything to do with us, Just the way we wanted it, Until, one of them did. At first, they would only talk to us if we were outside. Then it got to the point where they would ask favors of us. Now my husband and I are really nice people, so giving someone a ride when they need it, or helping them out here and there is fine. However; our neighbor has gotten what I feel is too comfortable with us.

They would blow my husband's phone up constantly, and over stupid things too. For example, one night my husband was at work, and our neighbor called my husband freaking out because our other neighbor was parked at the end of their driveway. It was dark out, so of course, they had their headlights on. Well, our neighbor called my husband and told him that someone was sitting in our driveway. Mocha, our dog, would have noticed if someone was in our area. She always does. My husband calls me freaking out, so I looked outside. I told him that it was our other neighbor sitting at the end of their driveway.

My husband and I had to put up no trespassing signs in our yard just because our neighbor would walk up in our yard, and one day he yelled through our open living room window saying something about me doing laundry. For some reason, he was really mad about it. That made me super uncomfortable. I don’t understand how or why someone would run all the way over to their neighbors, yell at them through their open window over them doing laundry.

Another thing that bothers me is their music. They have their music so loud you can hear their base all the way in my bedroom. There have been many times where I have lost sleep because of how loud their music is. From what I understand, other people have called and complained about it, but when our neighbor told my husband that people had called and complained about it, they said that the sheriff’s office told them that there was no noise ordinance law. When my husband told me that I immediately went to Google to see if there was one. Of course, I found one for my area, so the next time I can’t sleep because of their music I will do something about it. I usually don’t care what people do, but when it comes to my health I do care.

So, with all that being said my advice to you, is if you do have a neighbor like mine just keep your distance, and only interact with them if need be. I know that can be challenging sometimes, especially if you are as nice as I am then it feels almost impossible to not want to help someone out. The best way I personally think to handle it, is to just think about the overall outcome, Think about how it is going to affect you in the long run. That’s what I have to do. I hate putting myself first because it makes me feel selfish, but at the same time I also know that I am taking care of myself which is a big thing for me too, and that’s what is most important.


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    CNPWritten by Claudia Nicole Parker

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