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"The Shift"

The Great Awakening of 2022

By 21° in LibraPublished 2 years ago 9 min read


In the quiet of space and time , a noise is rising like the ringing of an alarm clock carrying Its sound waves bouncing throughout the vastness of space , hoping to one day be intercepted by a nearby listener…
It is becoming more increasingly evident to participation in spiritual qualities for people. New vibrations of thoroughness accuracy and patience and concentrated devotion to principle of energy and action. People are starting to wake up, certain people now we’ve now come reasons to be to “ Light Work”
The notion of us being a human on a spiritual journey has switched to a spirit on this human journey where we run into our soul groups or soul tribes to help guide us through the Ascension this process is called The Awakening. Its a
Journey just like the fool on his journey on the tarot card deck he'll learn that in life we learn through challenges in and from experiences it is why it’s called life lessons running the human race. Its about Earth and her children that destroyed her. Its written from HIS story . This collection of verses motif a universe from the chapter called human in the book series reality that’s titled, The Game of Life.
Either you ascend and vibrate uo to the next level or you die and the game is over. Doomed to continue to live the same exact life over and over again until you listen to the truths and lessons you are supposed to learn in this lifetime.
To help everyone we must help each other during this waking stage. Some will awaken ahead of others. Some never will.
Most people even though they don’t know it are asleep. That’s because they were born asleep, that’s because they live asleep, grow up, asleep breed children asleep, get married asleep, they die asleep, in their sleep, and without having ever woken up.
The future isn’t predetermined nor promised the present and the now is all there is for the past is a placeholder for the future with intent of reference because history repeats itself quite literally. Many did great difficulties in adjusting to the rapid expansion of thought, knowledge and understanding. Not being widely knowledge and encouraged but for some people seem to have an internal resistance to that which is not understood yet. For something to be true to you as an adult means your life prior to that revelation was mostly alive or misunderstanding or ignorance and people take offense to information that assumes that four makes him feel lesser than therefore some will not ever wake up. It's an indication of much residual fear inflexibility of mind prejudice or ego and some people just can't forgive life for taking things away from them and making them so uncertain persons by spiritual and philosophical influence are often called upon to help those people to enlightenment To regeneration of consciousness is made possible through reinforcement re formation rebuilding reconstruction and internal energies.
It’s all just two mechanically perfect our reality our machine like bodies. This is not the world in which our souls are from.
Everything in our universe moves constantly at its own rate , the mathematics of our universe of the world reality of using are too perfect. Everything in this world is made of energy. We as human beings emit energy.
Sunlight energy is coded in our DNA. The human body is capable of building specialized proteins that transform light energy into chemical energy. One of these proteins, known as melanosis, uses light energy to set our biological clock and may be involved in embryonic development.
Light carries energy with it. Most life forms have evolved to capture and use this energy for various purposes. Plants, for example, have developed the ability to use energy from light to build complex sugars. Though humans can’t do this, we have evolved other impressive skills that involve light. We’re able to produce proteins known as opsin and retinal which work together to detect light and send a chemical chain reaction through a cell and cause neurons to signal back to the brain. This is the basic concept behind vision. We’re able to detect different colors in light thanks to small differences in the DNA coding for the various opsin proteins When the bond between retinal and opsin is strong, it requires more energetic light—like blue light—to stimulate the chain reaction. When there’s a weak bond, less energetic light—like red light—is sufficient
As energetic light beings we were once and energetic light beings ee will return to being soon.
Human life-assignments are revealed and perceived in an infinite variety of relative significance, in terms of immediate need, immediate objective, relationship-factors, ideals, etc. However, there is a two-fold equation which applies to all: degree of difficulty in fulfillment is directly proportionate to degree of needed regeneracy; degree of ease in fulfillment is directly proportionate to degree of consciously- attained equilibrium. To the degree that a human is removed from equilibrium is he removed from the consciousness of capacity to fulfill his assignments with efficiency, inspiration, and enjoyment; to the degree that he is aware of equilibrium within himself is he able to enforce or recharge his endeavors with the powers of his Spirit. The re-charging by Spirit-power brings about the revised entry of equilibrium in body, mind, emotion, relationship, and endeavors. Since a human is a composite of many faculties, bodies, inclinations, abilities, and objectives it is necessary, through a given incarnation, that he or she specialize on that phase, or on those phases, of unfoldment that are most directly consistent . karmic Reincarnation is made by vibratory law in terms of time, place, parentage, and environment that are appropriate to the inception of self-imposed, self-assumed assignments. Environment is as inevitable and as important a factor of equipment as is consciousness. All environmental and relationship factors correspond to individual human experience as the Earth itself corresponds to the evolution of Humanity.
the New Age of enlightenment.
The great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, the two largest planets in our solar system, this meeting happens every 20 years, but only once every 800 years in Aquarius. This signals the Age of Aquarius or as I prefer, the Age of Enlightenment. Jupiter will remain in Aquarius for around a year, while Saturn will stay for two-and-a-half years. Over the past 200 years, each time the planets have converged, they’ve met in an Earth sign (with one exception). This time, though, they’re going to meet in Aquarius, which is an air sign.
The exact starting date of this new age is up for debate. Some astrologers suggest it starts on the vernal equinox on March 20, 2021 in the northern hemisphere, while others, focus on the conjunction that occurred in December 2020 this is an age that’s associated with hope and innovation. When it last occurred, in the 19th century, it proved to be a time of revolutions in technology, industry and government. These are all Aquarian traits.
More of us turning to spirituality and astrology in times of uncertainty?
For as long as humans have walked on Earth, we’ve looked to the heavens for guidance and clarity on real-life events. It seems to be built into our nature to look upwards in times of need—the planets and stars have always served us well. One of the things that make us human is our curiosity and our desire to understand.
Air is about communication and technology—it’s about working with wind and not what we can take from Earth. It gives us an opportunity to look at our situation from a different peoples situation. There will be more space travel, more wind and solar innovation and less dependency on the Earth. We will be required to use our intellect and the cerebral qualities associated with Air to create new ideas and openly discuss them to move the human consciousness and overalll morality to higher elevation and in understanding exactly what it means to be a human being. This requires a shift in perspective.
A time of rebirth regeneration, restoration and renewal.
The Age of Aquarius foretells a shift beyond technological and medical innovations and calls for a better way of working with each other and a greater sense of community spirit. When we find ourselves in a period of uncertainty, volatility, fear and death you get all those things that come along with being aafraid( it is said that we do all things based on either reaction to or interaction of love, or out of fear.
We have to acknowledge and treat that impulse.
Aquarius is thought to be characterised by intelligence and coming together and be thoughtful and conscientious about how we are showing up for our fellow soul.
Aquarius is all about collective responsibility. We will hopefully be learning how to be part of a larger system, as opposed to just caring about oneself we can hopefully unify ourselves .
The current age of the earth and its significant occurrences are changing before us to enter a new era one of two things must happen technological advancement or human civic most things Our pragmatically either from the industrial revolution to creation of first atom bomb to closing moon landing either doing so up for the day by the scientific community it is a good read that humans have left there older age the Holocene Epoch of the quaternary period. And as soon as who the whole thing age being it’s most impactful advancement in the evolution of plants as we leave behind the Holocene with it’s 12,000 to 11,500 years of earth life including all of mans written history.
We entered the Anthroposcene.
The Anthropscene is our current geological age where human intellectual and advancing activity will be the dominant impact of the earth. This is the union of man spiritual life is age of the new human. The promise being that humans would deviate from the current level of physical and mental biology and move human evolution and ultimate shift in consciousness is slight genetic and physical evolution to promote intellectual and spiritual revolutions
Earth is covered with geometrically constructed morphogenetic grids these grids extend from about 60 feet earth surface to around 60 miles above the earth sea level range of geometrically intricate patterns . Each species has their own geometric grid that form their evolutionary rates, which support life and connects with consciousness of the particular species when species becomes extinct for example that particular species grid thereafter dissolves Before any species can come into existence or make an evolutionary step s new grid must be completed and or an old grid must be completed. Ours was just completed and it has began the shift is taking place. This new grid will allow mankind to consciously mentally evolve into the new version of itself. This is a metamorphic switch in biology and will take place in time we will deviate two additional, chromosomes would then resonate for a total of 46 and two. The mind will bridge the gap into a unitary consciousness and promote advanced supercharged neuron usage increasing the overall memory, performances as well as health and intelligence of the human species.
What you see in me is a reflection of yourself good or bad.
We aee an omnipresence. To vibrate higher make yourself unavailable for anything that isnt in direct alignment of your desired level of vibration.
The higher the vibration the manifestation.
Its when we awaken to this we fan become more aware of these elements and we can begin to live in a more meaningful, intentional, and purposeful way.
(Nah-mah-stay) noun
-My soul honors your soul, I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides I honor the life, love, and beauty within you, because it is also within me. In sharing these things we are united. We are the same. We are one.


About the Creator

21° in Libra

"No man is an island for this i know, cant you see? Or maybe you were the ocean when i was just a stone .

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