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The Secret Garden

If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden

By VocalVibesPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Secret Garden
Photo by Miguel Sousa on Unsplash

Mary had always been a lonely child. Her parents were both busy with their work, and she was often left alone in the sprawling mansion they lived in. Mary would spend hours staring out of the window, wishing for someone to play with or something to do.

One day, while exploring the house, Mary stumbled upon a key to a hidden door. She was curious and decided to investigate. She followed the key to a door hidden behind a tapestry and entered a dark and mysterious room.

As she explored the room, she discovered a keyhole hidden in the wall. Using the key she had found, she unlocked the door and found herself in a secret garden. The garden had been locked and abandoned for years, and no one had entered it for as long as anyone could remember.

The garden was overgrown, and the plants were dying. Mary knew that she had to do something to bring the garden back to life. She found some gardening tools and began to work.

As she worked, she began to feel a sense of joy that she had never felt before. She found that gardening was not only relaxing but also rewarding. She spent hours tending to the garden, and with each passing day, the garden came back to life.

One day, while working in the garden, Mary heard a faint cry. She followed the sound and discovered a boy who had been hidden away in a nearby cottage. The boy, named Dickon, was a nature lover and helped Mary tend to the garden.

As they worked, they discovered more and more secrets about the garden. They found a hidden pool, a maze, and even a tree with a swing. The two children became fast friends and spent their days exploring the garden and enjoying each other's company.

One day, Mary discovered a sickly boy named Colin who was locked away in a room in the mansion. Colin was the son of Mary's uncle, and he had been kept hidden away because he was believed to be sickly and unable to walk. Mary and Dickon brought Colin to the secret garden and introduced him to the wonders of nature.

As Colin spent more time in the garden, he grew stronger and healthier. He learned to walk and even run, and he discovered a love for gardening. The three children spent their days in the garden, exploring, learning, and growing.

However, their happiness was short-lived. Mary's uncle discovered the secret garden and was furious that the children had been allowed to enter. He ordered the garden to be locked up again and forbade anyone from entering it.

The children were heartbroken, but they refused to give up on their garden. They worked together to find a way to bring the garden back to life and to convince Mary's uncle to let them keep it. They wrote letters, made plans, and even arranged for a secret meeting with Mary's uncle.

In the end, their hard work and determination paid off. Mary's uncle saw the beauty of the garden and the joy that it had brought to his niece and nephews. He gave them permission to keep the garden and to continue working on it.

The secret garden became a place of joy, laughter, and growth. The children learned important lessons about friendship, determination, and the power of nature. The garden had not only been a secret place but had also been a place of transformation for the children who had found it.

Years later, Mary returned to the secret garden, and she found that it had been passed down through generations of her family. The garden remained a place of wonder, beauty, and joy, and Mary knew that it would continue to inspire and transform those who found it.

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